BUN-080: Mika

Owned by mmj

MIKA VAN ADEL (she/her)

Mika is a brat through and through. She is aware of this, though. Not that she would do anything to change her behavior. She is the perfect picture of a traditional mean girl - conceited, smug, and cunning. To add to this image, she keeps a clique of girls around her - not caring for who it is as long as they give her attention and can boost her social credit. True bonds with Mika are few and far between and can really only be observed between her and Oster. Her favorite type of bun to keep around are the ones that will let her do whatever she wants and Oster does just that. She's quite catty with her other friends and isn't above talking behind their backs if it benefits her. She's acutely aware of others and how to manipulate situations into her favor; in that regard she is rather smart. She doesn't care if others talk bad about her; her ego has gotten to the point where she thinks she's above others and any negative opinion that comes from critics is just jealousy. Mika doesn't seem to have an empathetic bone in her body, unless its about Oster. It's true that the only bun, other than herself, that she care about is her. Oster's opinion to Mika is worth 10-fold of an average bun's.

Her career is that of a professional ballet dancer. Her personality doesn't allow her to work well with others, so more often then not she is booked for solo acts. Though, even she is not above group work, but she will only apply for jobs that will let her be the main attraction. Her manager definitely agrees, though. She is treated as the golden goose at her agency to the chagrin of all other dancers.

70720901_SoTSURtXOyM56uI.gif Oster is her closest friend. The two of them have been together since who knows when and are as close as you can get to childhood friends in burrowgatory. This leaves Mika with a soft spot for her. She becomes jealous over other close relationships that Oster holds and wishes to monopolize her time. Being how Mika is, sometimes she will create scheduling conflicts for Oster on purpose to make her choose between her and another bun. It's unknown if Mika's feelings are strictly platonic or something deeper for her.

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