BUN-076: Indrid

Owned by mallizard


Alcohol Tol. Average

Libido Teasing

Credit Score 560


Age75 (11/28)
Height:5'9" (175cm)


  • Artistically Inclined
  • Ice Skating
  • Staying Enthusiastic


  • Fusses Over Appearanceg
  • Faints Around Blood
  • Sings In The Car


Charmingly Naive • Elegant or Clumsy, No In-Between • Dramatic

Making his way in the big city was difficult for him at first, and still is on occasion. He often has the harsh revelation that no, the world will not be handed to him on a silver platter, and people won't do as you say just because you asked nicely. Luxurious things he was used to required carats, and a lot of them. So now he's forced to either work hard learning a valuable skill to provide Burrowgatory with, or.... he can use his past hobbies and talents to take the stage and earn carats by being his best and most fabulous self.


Ray is one of the only ones willing to host Indrid, despite his pickiness and theatrics. He owes him a lot, but isn't sure what someone like Ray would even want as payment. Snacks...?

Blackbird gave him a chance despite his lack of experience with their style of music. Truly, he could not be more grateful!

Blaze has been very helpful, allowing Indrid to work with him and teaching him the basics of retail.

Bramble seems to know a lot about finding good deals. Indrid didn't know things could be cheaper than what stores ask for, he could definitely use all the advice he can get!



  Profile Code by pinkyTabs Code by zinnia


Noise and Poise

Meet Succubuns Local Drama King, Indrid.

Indrid has a big personality that can be difficult to deal with, but he'll do his best to make sure others are having a good time.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive Indrid's gossip, along with a special trinket item for your Succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Newbie Bandmate

Indrid joined a band to aim for fame, but he has a lot to learn about music before he can take the stage. Depict how your Succubun would show Indrid their favorite songs or musical genres. Do they take him to a concert, play their favorite CD, or perform the songs themselves to give him a personalized experience? If it's classical, he'd love to play along!

Rewards: Indrid's Favorite Parfait


Option 2: Skating Scene

Indrid frequents the local ice rink, sometimes dragging others along to enjoy his favorite pasttime. Depict your Succubun and Indrid at a skating rink or other skateable body of water. Are they struggling to keep up, do they skate circles around Indrid, or would they rather watch the performance from the sidelines as Indrid shows off his moves?

Rewards: Indrid's Spare Scarf
