BUN-044: Dennis

Owned by osteoh



"The hell are you looking at?"

Dennis was married, once- to a gorgeous sugar mommy who had plucked him from his career as a champion boxer and saw to his every whim. Every day was bliss, and Dennis was in love; until his wife got bored. Not just bored of him- bored of Burrowgatory as a whole. One day he woke up, and she was just... gone. Leaving him with nothing but a cold, empty, bedroom- and also a mansion and millions of carats.

The betrayal left Dennis a surly grouch, simultaneously rejecting others' attempts to get close to him, while also desperately seeking relationships to replace the one he lost. These days, he mostly hangs around parks and throws rocks at happy couples.

Although he's slow to trust again, he likes Davis far more than he'll ever publicly admit.

Alcohol Tolerance




Credit Score






Even though Dennis kind of gets the idea that Davis might be using him to fund a gambling addiction, he can't help but care deeply for his latest boyfriend anyway. He turns bright red and denies it in public, but he and Davis are very close.

CHANTI - littermate

Raised like brothers, these two are inseperable. Dennis has Chanti to thank for his current relationship, having met Davis at the yellow bun's imp-racing track.


The witness to Dennis' many failed relationships, Pandora is always there to give him love advice... not all of it good, but she does her best. Ever supportive, even after watching Dennis leap from one disastrous date to another, he's always thankful for her willingness to listen. Even if it's the same sob story again and again...


Dennis found this thing in the trash cans outside his house, eating the rest of the pizza he'd thrown out the night before. He won't admit it but he is too scared to try and chase it away, it's fucking massive. It eventually got into his house and he doesn't know how to make it leave.

What's this..? This looks like it might have some saucy stuff in it. NSFW headcanons ahead, open if you dare!

Contrary to his physique and often intimidating appearance, Dennis is actually quite the submissive, as well as a masochist- not that he'd ever admit this. Pain gets him off just about as well as pleasure. Bite him, hit him, step on him... He'll take all the punishment you can dish out and keep asking for more.

He's quite sensitive, and his boyfriend uses this knowledge with glee, taking every opportunity to tease him and keep him on the edge. Davis plays his body like an instrument, almost like he knows it better than Dennis does, himself... which is a good thing, because if someone weren't paying attention, Dennis really wouldn't last that long. Again- quite sensitive, much to his own embarrassment.

code by osteoh
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