BUN-007: Dia

Owned by mmj

Dia Valentine (She/Her)

> "magical girl" with plenty of toys up her sleeve!
> is SUPER into roleplaying.
> collects anime figures, her whole room is done up in pink. doesn't bring people back to her home cuz she thinks its a little embarassing.
> can pretend to be innocent very well, but she's actually very dirty.
> himejoshi

> high libido, low stamina, a deadly combo — for her partners at least. it isn't often that those who lay with her come out of it satisfied. leaving dia embarrassed and the other party wanting more.

> she sometimes ends up going for long spans of time without getting it due to bad experiences when it does happen. not because that's what she wants, but word does spread about her performance.

> really just wants a Dom top to take her under their wing but is actually quite shy around other buns.

> has a one-sided crush on Meiko

> regular at Harlequin Romance

> a-cup, prefers cute lingerie

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