BUN-005: 🦢 Shizuku 💧

Owned by mmj


  Shi, Shizu   She/Her   20's   Sloth   Female   Lesbian   Single   Yukiko Amagi (P4)   6'0   Actress/Model   Marshmary


airheaded · sensitive · lethargic · gullible

Shizuku loves to be praised. Mostly, it's for her looks and if not that it's for her acting. She doesn't seem to mind between a shallow compliment or a sincere one either. "Nice body" from someone sleazy is the same as "you're such a kind person" from another meaning well. Anything to offset her fragile ego, which is frequently broken by her airheaded actions and clumsy mistakes.

She spends her time as an actress who dabbles in modeling. Her preformances are impeccable and when she gets into character it's hard to tell that she's just working. This skill of her's isn't natural, even if her beauty is, she works incredibly hard to memorize scripts and keep her motions believable. Even though she's hardworking in regards to her job, she is still a sloth bun at heart; once she falls asleep it's impossible to wake her up. In the end, despite her talent, she ends up sleeping in and being late to sets...


  • Water
  • Naps
  • Origami
  • Compliments


  • Manipulative people
  • Hard questions
  • The Internet
  • Roughness


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Shizuku is a very tall woman who's eyes always appear lidded. Her hair is long, reaching her hips and has streaks of pink among a blue ombre. Her stubby sloth horns blend into her hair color and, to some, look like small cat ears. Though, her real ears flop at a reasonable length, falling at the middle of her arms.

In bun form, Shizuku is a bun with a pelt of mostly blue hues thouhg, she has accents of pink-purple around.


  • Originally purchased by a user from the dreamboat auction sale on 11/1/2022.
  • Came home 1/22/24.
  • Flowers of choice: Lotus, Water Hawthorn, Madonna Lily.
  • Completed the "Pursuit of Diligence" prompt series.


 She/Her  20's

A bun she's known for all her life. The two have a relationship very similar to that of human sibilings. Somehow, the two look similar but are in no way biologicially related. They share a comparable way of thinking about life.

 She/They  ???

Shizuku frequents her cafe and is always interested in knowing the latest in Cherubun-related news. She finds Beanny's company comforting, her own quirkiness meshing with the other's.

            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age



 Early Life in Burrowgatory

76167375_wVm4nwY1biiZuTs.png?1705962942 Shizuku first found herself in Burrowgatory with her littermate Marianne. While the two of them were near inseparable at the time, the pair quickly found themselves getting pulled in different directions. Shizuku, for her beauty, was quickly picked up by an agency looking to use her looks. While there were many beauties in Burrowgatory, she had a certain elegant air they were looking for. She was taught the basics of modeling and began her career from there. It turned out that while she was naturally a good-looking creature, everything else came hard for her. Being on time and not tripping around set became a constant problem. Many of the buns working with her would end up talking behind Shizuku's back regarding these issues and eventually she overheard. She was always told that she was a perfect beauty by other to her face and hearing something different broke her confidence. After the occurrence, she became much harder working and tried her absolute best to keep her image around set as a competent one.

Her relationship with Marianne did suffer from her tight work schedule. While Shizuku was out becoming a star, Marianne took up office work and had a rather difficult time with it. Frequently, Shizuku would not be there for her littermate when she needed her. Phone calls would be left unanswered and invitations out rejected. The strain in their relationship came to a head during a meet-up between the duo where Marianne realized Shizuku knew next to nothing about her current life and they were practically strangers.


76167367_Zu22LZ906VWZp4F.png?1705962942 In her present, Shizuku has found a steady job starring in an angsty TV drama called "Driftaway". She stars as the female lead in the show and is consistently praised for her beauty and ability to convey emotions through the screen. Her time modeling has gone down and she is much more active in the acting sphere; which she doesn't mind.

She lives in a loft apartment in the heart of the city with her two imps, Shojo and Staccato. Her house is always incredibly clean and neat, whether this be by her own hands or with the help of the occasional maid. The only place she tends to let her guard down is at a lake far from the city center. While there one chilly night, she saw a flash of light in the sky. Thinking it was a shooting star, she made a wish to get along with her littermate, Marianne, again. Later, she would find out that it wasn't a star but rather a Cherubun she saw that night.

Following that night, Shizuku finally had the chance to make things right with Marianne and the two have since become close again. Because of what she thinks is a wish come true, Shizuku has become very interested in Cherubuns.

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