nidorina's Item Logs

Soy Sauce (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Soy Sauce (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Water (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Ice (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Soda (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Trade (Received in trade [#892])
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×2)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×3)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×2)
User Transfer
8 months and 1 week ago
Mortar (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
User Transfer
8 months and 1 week ago
Mortar (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Peaches (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×4)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Cheese (×4)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Tofu (×1)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Flour (×2)
Trade (Received in trade [#891])
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Ube (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Rice (×4)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Water (×6)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Sugar (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Chocolate (×1)
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago
Deposit (Moved to Safety Deposit Box.)
8 months and 1 week ago