Darkwingicefire's Currency Logs

+ 15 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Lumière)
2 months and 5 days ago
+ 12 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Amoura)
2 months and 5 days ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
2 months and 5 days ago
+ 1 Seashells
Button Clicked (Granted by Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 5 days ago
+ 1 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
2 months and 5 days ago
+ 15 Carats
Sold Item (Sold Liquer ×3)
2 months and 6 days ago
+ 5 Carats
Sold Item (Sold Gin ×1)
2 months and 6 days ago
+ 15 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Blossom)
2 months and 6 days ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
2 months and 6 days ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
2 months and 6 days ago
+ 1 Seashells
Button Clicked (Granted by Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 6 days ago
- 100 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Gracia from ⛩️🏮🪭🎐)
2 months and 1 week ago
- 10 Seashells
Shop Purchase (Purchased Devish from Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Seashells
Button Clicked (Granted by Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 10 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Count)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 8 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Pixie)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 10 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Moony)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Rummy)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Seashells
Button Clicked (Granted by Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 12 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Squishy)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 7 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Treasure)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 13 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Candycorn Prince)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 13 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Sweetiebelle)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Seashells
Button Clicked (Granted by Swimsuit Season)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
2 months and 1 week ago
+ 2 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
2 months and 1 week ago