Submission (#36052) Approved

22 January 2024, 14:28:35 EST (5 months and 1 week ago)
23 January 2024, 10:27:39 EST (5 months and 1 week ago) by VoiceofTime


Hello! Last of the 3 prompts <3

I did place this as a complex background due to: bun/doll being integrated into the space-specifically interacting with the sofa/pillows/blanket for the doll, bun, and imps, the complex designs/patterns done & rendered by hand, and sense of perspective for the couch, table, and bottles. So while it does not have a full bleed: many of my previous pieces do not as well due to style preference. So hopefully that is alright! I did put quite a bit of time in all the detail for this prompt ;v;


Reward Amount
Sesame Moon Mochi 1
Sparklers 5


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
No user rewards.
Character Rewards
No character rewards.

Criteria Rewards

Art - 38 Carats

Fullbody bun: 1
Halfbody/Chibi Dolls: 1
Fullbody Doll: 0
Simple background: 0
Complex Background: 1
NPC/gift art bonus: 1
Owned Imp bonus: 2
Shading bonus: On
Commissioned art: Off
Collaboration: Off
NPC trinket reward: Off



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Murmer's Bank

Currency Quantity