Year of the Bun


It is said that a century ago, succubuns had no knowledge of the sky or the heavens, and had very loose grasp on the passage of time. With no moon to track the months, and no sun to track the years, they had no explanation for the seasonal changes that swept their small, subterranean world.

One chilly winter night in Burrowgatory, a group of researchers decided to take a break from their fruitless search for understanding to get wasted and enjoy some freshly made treats. After an evening of revelry, they all passed out drunk on the floor, leaving one single perfect mochi on the table.

Unbeknownst to them, Allocer, a demon of the moon and the night sky, had been watching their efforts with amusement. He also happened to have a taste for sweets, and decided to take advantage of their unconsciousness to take their last remaining mochi for himself.

Allocer enjoyed the mochi so much that he blessed the researchers with a vision. In their dreams, they flew through the skies of the world above Burrowgatory, taking in the splendor of the moon and stars. They gained an understanding of the rotation of the Earth, the orbit of the moon, and their path around the sun.

This marked the beginning of the first recorded year in the history of Burrowgatory.



Every new year, succubuns celebrate the holiday of Mochi Moon by feasting, partying, and drinking until they pass out. It's traditional to leave out high-quality mochi as an offering to Allocer in the hopes of being blessed with a vision of the moon, which is said to bring good luck for the coming year. 

This year marks the one hundredth year of Burrowgatory history—a year that has been dubbed the "Year of the Bun."

Mochi Moon celebrations are especially elaborate this year, with many people viewing the milestone as a portent of a momentous year to come. The alcohol and mochi businesses are booming as everyone prepares to welcome Allocer back for the one hundredth time.



One particularly mochi maker seems uncharacteristically fretful this year...