Succubun Trade-Ins

Do you have an official succubun with a design that just isn't clicking? Here's how you can trade them in for a free Hell in a Handbasket to make any MYO design you'd like.

Succubun Trade-Ins

Only succubuns on the Official Masterlist can be traded in; succubuns on the MYO Masterlist are not eligible.

If you have an eligible succubun you would like to trade in, please fill out the form below and submit it through Submit Claim.

Succubun Trade-In Request

Succubun: BUN-###


Please attach a Hell in a Handbasket (when trading in a pride, sloth, lust, gluttony, or greed succubun) or an Envious Handbasket (when trading in an envy succubun) to your claim using Add Reward.


Traded-in succubuns will be held on the Admin account to later be resold by the site, or used as prizes for contests or free raffles.