Create-An-Imp Contest

Create-An-Imp Contest

Imps are strange beings of magic that share Burrowgatory with succubuns, and are often kept as pets. You can learn more about imps on the Imps lore page, and browse all currently existing imps in the Encyclopedia.

Since imps were first introduced to, there have been twelve species permanently available to adopt at the Imporium. For the Succubuns anniversary in October, we'll be adding 4 new basic imps to this lineup. One of them is the already introduced impup, and the other three... will be designed and voted on by you!

Design the imp of your dreams to add to the new basic imp lineup!


Contest submissions close on August 14th, after which the Succubuns team will select 10 finalists.

Players will vote on the 10 finalists, and the top 3 voted designs will be redrawn by Luca as official imps on!


Imp Design Guidelines

There are several rules that Luca sticks to when designing new imps. While some event imps and pedigree imps break these rules, all basic imps available in the Imporium should follow them.

Concept art for the original 12 imps.


1) Strong silhouette.

This is the most important factor in an imp. All of an imp's features must be visible in their silhouette. While some details will only show up on colorful versions of the imps, such as the inside of a chirop's ears or the belly scales of a sceil, there should not be any limbs, ears, tails, wings, etc. that can only be seen on the colorful version.

2) Simple shapes.

Imps generally range from the size of a mouse to the size of a cat, so their anatomy should reflect their small stature. They also need to fit into a 150x150px square for their site art, and have simple enough designs that things like fairy wings and fish fins can be added onto them in event colors without becoming busy. Exaggerated proportions with large heads and simple bodies are best.

3) White eyes, no mouth.

In their standard coloration, basic imps are such a dark shade of black that they look like a silhouette, with round, blank eyes. No type of imp has a mouth—as clusters of magical energy, imps do not need to eat or breathe, and don't have internal organs. No one knows how they still manage to eat or make sounds without a mouth...


  • Make sure your entry has at least 2 versions of the same design—one in its standard black silhouette color, and one in a lighter color that shows its details. Designs do not need to be lined/finished as long as they are clear, and you may include additional concept art in your entry if you wish.
  • Please do not name your imp in your submission. You may include name suggestions, but the final names for the winning imps will be selected by the Succubuns team in accordance with imp name conventions.
  • Winners will be required to sign all rights to their design, commercial and otherwise, to Succubuns. Please do not enter if you're unwilling to sign over these rights.
  • No soliciting finalist votes. You may not ask people to vote for your design or the design you want to win.
  • Designs may not be derivative of any existing characters or copyrighted material.
  • Please make sure your design follows the Imp Design Guidelines above.
  • You may use any 2D medium for your entry, digital or traditional.
  • Art must be 100% your own—no bases, collaborations, or premade assets.
  • Only one entry allowed per user.


To enter, submit your imp design to the Create-An-Imp Contest Gallery.

After posting to the gallery, you can submit your entry to the Create-An-Imp Contest Prompt to receive your 5 sesame treats.


♡ Three winning entries will receive one of the imps they designed in any color of their choice, Wagashi, and their choice of a Hell in a Handbasket or Envious Handbasket ♡ 

 The ten finalists will receive an Adoption Voucher 


 All Entries will receive 5 sesame treats 

Create-An-Imp Contest submissions close at 11:59 pm EST, August 14th.