Draw to Adopt

To celebrate hitting 100 official succubuns on the masterlist, we're hosting our first ever Draw to Adopt art contest.

Draw BUN-100 for a chance to keep them for yourself!



  • Minimum of one fullbody bun or one halfbody doll, and colored.
  • You may draw either of BUN-100's forms, or both together in one piece.
  • You may include a background, more characters, or anything else you want to make your piece stand out.
  • You may use any 2D medium for your entry, digital or traditional.
  • Art must be 100% your own—no bases, collaborations, or premade assets.
  • Pieces may be NSFW as long as they are properly tagged.
  • Only one entry allowed per user.
  • BUN-100 may be depicted in different outfits and as any gender you wish, so long as they're accurate to their ML design.
  • The winner will be based on what impresses the admin team most-- including skill, composition, effort, and creativity


The best art piece as judged by the admin team will receive BUN-100 ♡ 

Two runners up will receieve 100 carats ♡ 

All entries will receive 10 moon sugar upon submission


To enter, host your art piece in the DTA Contest Gallery, and then submit it to the DTA Contest Prompt to claim your carats and moon sugar.

The Draw to Adopt Contest ends at 11:59 pm EST, January 22nd.