Design Guide - Doll Bodies

When they reach adulthood, succubuns gain the ability to take on a humanoid form that they refer to as a "doll form." With the exception of their horns, ears, tails, and any traits they may have, succubun dolls follow the rules of human anatomy.

Nudity and Gender Presentation

Non-sexual nudity (with no erect genitalia or bodily fluid) can be depicted on Succubuns without a content warning, including on the masterlist. However, the main masterlist image for a doll form cannot have exposed genitalia, and must have clothing. A doll design is not considered complete without an outfit.

Succubuns are able to have any combination of sexual characteristics they desire, and can even change between them—see the page on Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships for more information.

Dolls are limited to realistic human genitalia only. Traits may not be applied to genitalia, and dolls may not have multiple sets of genitalia.

Skin Colors and Conditions

Dolls can have any skin color that a human can have in real life. They cannot have unrealistic skin colors such as paper white, grey, or blue.

Dolls are also able to have realistic skin colorations and conditions such as freckles, vitiligo, and hyperpigmentation. However, these conditions may not be used to imitate the pattern of the bun form’s coat, or circumvent the marking coverage rules.

Please be considerate when utilizing a skin condition as part of your character design, as these conditions can impact real people’s lives. Don’t just use vitiligo as a cool design trend; if you do decide to utilize it in a design, do your research to make sure you can depict it in a realistic and respectful way.

Markings, Tattoos, and Scars

Succubuns can have small markings from their bun form present on their doll form, resembling tattoos. If a succubun gets a new tattoo in their doll form, it will appear as a new marking on their bun form. A doll does not have to have any markings, but all markings present on a doll must also be present on the bun.

Doll markings cannot cover entire body parts, or solid areas larger than a hand. “Sleeve” style tattoos are allowed as long as skin is visible in between the lineart. “Blackout” style tattoos or markings that cover entire body parts, including fingers and toes, are not allowed.

Any scars a succubun has should be present on both forms, with the exception of top surgery scars. Scars should be natural flesh colors, though small scars on bun forms may be stylized as a color that matches their coat.

Scars should not appear to be stitched closed; incorporating stitches into the design requires the Stitched trait. Succubuns may not have large patches of scarring that exceeds the area allowed for markings, or any kind of self-harm scars. 


A succubun’s tail must be shown in their masterlist art; it cannot be hidden by the pose, traits, or clothing. In doll form, a succubun’s tail should be very thin, and fall to about ankle length.

The spaded tip should be a rounded heart shape, a bit smaller than the doll’s hand.

Tails need to be the same color as they are on the bun form. They cannot have any amount of bare flesh color on them.

The Tailless trait can be used to remove the tail, in which case it does not need to be shown.



Dolls take on the full range of human body types, and artists are welcome to draw them in any style they please—realistic, anime, cartoony, chibi, etc. However, we ask that you please avoid hyper-exaggerated or fetishistic proportions.

Additionally, please be careful to avoid depicting succubuns with childlike bodies. Depictions of children are not appropriate for this website, and lore-wise, succubuns cannot take on humanoid forms until adulthood.

At this time, succubuns cannot possess dwarfism or gigantism. Dolls should fall between 4'11" and 6’9” in height.