Design Guide - Disabilities and Prosthetics

Succubuns can have nearly any disability that humans can have—visible or invisible, inborn or acquired. They cannot magically heal from injuries, or regrow lost body parts.

When creating a succubun with a disability, if you do not have that disability yourself, we ask that you be exceedingly careful and considerate. In particular, physical disabilities such as amputations are not just trendy features to “spice up” a character design, and would have a significant impact on the character’s life. 

Please do your research on how to portray a disabled character in a realistic and respectful way.



Burrowgatory’s medical technology is on par with that of the real world, including in terms of widespread availability—the most high tech prosthetic research being done today is not available to the average amputee. 

As such, succubuns can have all kinds of realistic prosthetics, but are not able to have futuristic prosthetics, or robotic limb replacements that function identically to real limbs. Please research and reference the types of prosthetics that are available to amputees in the real world, and avoid the shiny metallic perfect limb replicas that you often see in works of science fiction.

Just like with clothing, prosthetics do not change shape with the succubun, so they would need to have separate prostheses for their bun and doll forms that they switch out when changing shape. Bun prosthetics can be very simplified, while doll prosthetics should be referenced from existing human prosthetics.

The Marionette trait is not related to prosthetics, as limbs affected by the trait maintain their full range of motion and sensation despite resembling ball-jointed doll limbs, and cannot be removed like prosthetics can. No trait is needed for prosthetic limbs.


Mobility Aids

Succubuns are welcome to use any type of mobility aid, including wheelchairs, canes, crutches, walkers, and braces. As with prosthetics, a succubun would need to have two differently-sized versions of each mobility aid for their bun and doll forms.

Mobility aids are bound by the same rules as props and accessories in masterlist art, and cannot take up more than 1/3 of the masterlist thumbnail. As such, please make sure that wheelchairs designed for the bun form are small enough to follow this rule.