Mission Statement

In Prompts ・ By Desphiria
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“Uhm excuse me,” Fatima called, grabbing the attention of a man with really long, beige pink hair, who seemed to be making his way out of the church as she was coming in.
“A friend of mine said that I could find someone named Mercy here. Do you know where that person could be?”
The man stared at Fatima for a while, eyes roaming up and down her body, before stopping on her horns as he cleared his throat.
“Mercy is in their office. If you keep going straight ahead then take a right and turn the corner, that’s their office.”
“Thank you very much.” Fatima curtsies to him then makes her way towards Mercy’s office. None the wiser that the man was staring at her ass as she walked away.

Reaching the office, Fatima knocked on the door, “Come in!”
She opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her.
“Have a seat!” The creamy white haired woman offered, pointing at the chair. “My name’s Mercy, what can I do for you today?”
Fatima looked around the office. It honestly looked like a normal office that you’d find anywhere else, save for the bronze statue of a demon that sat on top of the desk. Along with the baskets labeled in and out.
There were also a few shelves that held multiple books, plus a large filing cabinet in a corner of the room. There was also a lamp on the desk, hovering over what looked to be a piece of paper that she assumed Mercy was working on before she showed up.
“It’s nice to meet you Mercy, my name’s Fatima. I was wondering if you could tell me about the practices of the church.”
“Of course! Are you looking to join?” Mercy asked, tilting her head curiously as her ears lightly flopped against her shoulders.
“I wasn’t going to at first but, I thought that maybe if I joined the church, it would help me not miss my Master so much.” Fatima gently wrung her hands in her skirt, tail flicking behind her.
“Ah, I see. You’re a new arrival.” Mercy nodded in understanding.
“Very well then, I’ll start by telling you about the Great Protector Lord Murmur.” Mercy began, her tail swaying gently.
“What we know about Lord Murmur is that he was a very kind demon who loved all of us succubun equally and taught us that indulging in your Vices are a good thing that shouldn’t be shunned or stamped down. So, to retain those values the Church of Sulfur was created. Oleander and I are the only ones who run this place.”
“Oleander?” Fatima tilted her head curiously.
“Yes! He’s the Head Priest. He’s the one who gives the sermons and listens to confessions. He’s also a lecher and everybody knows it. However, that’s fine here in the Church of Sulfur.”
Fatima blinked a few times as she stared at Mercy in thought.
“What do you do?”
“I’m the Head Nun and administrator of the church. I keep track of the Carats and Tithes while making sure the chapel stays open, the Word of Indulgence gets out, and that everything’s being run properly. Oh! I also make sure we get new members coming through those doors and I tend to the Bunnery.” Mercy explained.
“I see. So, what’s the Word of Indulgence?”
“The Word of Indulgence is basically the teachings of Murmur. It’s used to reaffirm that total debauchery and hedonism are totally fine down here in Burrowgatory. Like say hmm…what's a good example?” Mercy pondered, stroking her chin in thought.
“Hmm well, you just arrived so I’m not sure if you’ve met him or not but, remember when I mentioned that Priest Oleander is a lecher and I said it’s fine?”
Fatima nods.
“Well, that’s basically what the Word of Indulgence states. It means that it’s perfectly okay to indulge in your Vice. See, Oleander’s a lust bun which means he fucks whatever moves. With consent mind you. He’s not one to force someone to just do that with him. He asks first and if they say okay then he’ll take advantage of the situation.”

Fatima’s eyebrow raised at that statement.
“How do y-?”
“I distract him a lot.” Mercy replied, grinning broadly as they motioned to their body.
“Oh.” Fatima giggles and blushes slightly as that thought floats around in her head.
“The same idea goes for every succubun, even me. So the Word of Indulgence is mainly just be yourself without feeling embarrassed or like you’re some kind of freak or outcast because you're not. None of us buns are. Murmur wants us to be happy in our bodies and with ourselves and that’s the value the Church of Sulfur preaches about.”
Fatima’s eyes lit up hearing the way Mercy better explained the Word of Indulgence, her tail swaying happily behind her, ears twitching slightly.
“Wow, that sounds like an amazing thing to preach about.”
“Oh it is. We take pride in what we preach around here.”
“So, if I were to join the church and become a nun myself, what would that entail?”
“If you decided that you’d like to become a nun then you would have your own room here at the chapel. In March you would be helping me as well as the others tend to the Bunnery since that's mating season for us succubun. During the rest of the year you’ll be helping with church upkeep, charity work, volunteer work, etcetera. However, as a nun of Sulfur you won’t be paid, but you can look for jobs outside of the church if you’d like.”
“Oh. Well that’s good to know. Thank you for telling me, I was a bit worried.” Fatima laughs nervously.
“Ah right, I forgot to mention. While you’re working at the church, you have to wear your rosary and nun habits. It’s mainly so people can know that you’re on duty. When you’re in your room or outside of the church, you can wear whatever you want.”
“That sounds reasonable.”
“During services you’ll be assigned to either be a greeter or a tithe taker. You may also be assigned to work in the kitchen serving food or be put in charge of teaching Sinday School.” Mercy added, tapping her chin as her brows furrow in thought.
“Is there anything else I’m missing?” She hummed to herself. “Is there anything else that you’d like to know about?”
“Well, besides if bringing things to put in your room is allowed, not really.”
Mercy laughed softly.
“Bringing personal items to put in your room is allowed, yes.”
“Oh good! Then, I don’t have anything else to really ask about. Oh! Except, do I talk to you to join the church or, should I speak to Oleander?”

Mercy smiled.
“That depends, would you like to become a nun or a priest?”
“A nun.”
“Since you wish to become a nun you speak to me.” They said, standing up from the table and making their way over to the file cabinet, rifling through a few files before pulling out a paper and grabbing a pen from the cup that was on top of it.
“This is your consent contract. You can break this whenever you’d like if you no longer want to be a nun here in the Church of Sulfur. Just let me know and I’ll remove it from our files. If you want me to shred it, still let me know. Make sure you read it over before you sign to be sure you really want to do this. Even though you can change your mind at any time.” Mercy informed her, moving to sit back at their desk and patiently wait.
Fatima nodded along to everything Mercy explained to her, reading over the contract thoroughly before signing her name and the date then handing it back.
Mercy took the paper and looked it over before looking up and smiling.
“Welcome to the Church of Sulfur! Your room will be ready for you to move into whenever you’d like. Even if you decide not to live here, we won’t give your room up unless you give us express permission to do so.” Mercy stood up again and made their way over to a closet in the corner of the room and opened it, taking out a set of clothing and handing them to Fatima.
“Now that you have your nun habit and rosary, follow me and I’ll lead you to your room.”

Mission Statement
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In Prompts ・ By Desphiria

A few days after Fatima got situated in Burrowgatory, she made her way to the Church of Sulfur after hearing about it from a friend

Word Count: 1417

Submitted By Desphiria for Bibles and Bribes
Submitted: 1 year and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 weeks ago

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