bunny love language

In Prompts ・ By komugy
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It was the perfect gift, but Breakfast knew from personal experience that Klaus didn’t just… accept gifts. In fact, informing him that she had a gift would be the quickest way to ensure that she didn’t see him for at least a week or so. Such a stalemate could feasibly go on forever, Klaus insisting that she take back whatever trinket she’d purchased before he could meet her eyes again. No, she’d have to surprise him with it… or get him over to her place with some trickery. Being that they didn’t have anything planned within the next day or so, and Breakfast wasn’t going to just wait on this surprise forever, trickery would have to be the answer.


Though their purpose was subterfuge, the texts she sent him could have been legitimate, for how much they sounded like her. Hell, she’d probably sent him these exact words before: 


kk need you


When he didn’t respond as quick as she’d liked (about half a minute or so), another text was in order:


kk need you so bad noooww


She could picture it now. He was probably hard at work, having dismissed the first text when his phone buzzed on the corner of his desk, but the urgency of the second text prompted Klaus to finally pick up his phone to see… his somewhat-girlfriend whining about sex. Yep, there was nothing out of character about this scenario in the slightest, least of all when he refused to text back and called her instead.


“What is it, B.” His voice was flat, and if she’d only been listening to intonation, she might have not even realized that it was a question.


“Oh, ah,” Breakfast began, getting into character by arching her back a little, pushing out her chest. She had to sound sex-starved.


Again, it was important to stress that this exact conversation had likely occurred at some point in the past, but her heart beat faster knowing that she wasn’t quite being truthful this time. “I was just thinking about you, and how it’s been way too long, y’know? I need you to come over here now. For. You know. Fucking.”


There was a brief silence on the other end, followed by a small rustling sound. “Your timing is impeccable, actually. I wanted to see you as well.”


“Oh! Really?” Breakfast perked up, both in tone and physically. “Do you have a surprise for me?”


“Hardly,” he answered, accenting his words with a dark chuckle. “You do know how I hate surprises.”


That… probably wasn’t directed at her, right? Right.


Breakfast wrapped up the phone call before he could get suspicious (hopefully), finding the time between hanging up the phone, lighting a cigarette, and finishing her cigarette, to be sufficient for Klaus to arrive at her apartment. It was quicker than usual, assuming he was coming from work, but the chronically impatient bun was not going to complain.


She opened the door to find him looking a bit frazzled, and not just dark circles under the eyes frazzled. More, like, his dark clothes were covered in some sort of fur frazzled. “Ah.” Breakfast looked from his scowling face down to his feet, finding the source of the fur was not some other bun, but a pair of cotton candy-hued impups at his feet. “What are those?”


Klaus, for his part, had spotted her surprise, a little stroodle peeking out from behind her. “That’s a good question. I knew the moment I heard that sad attempt at seduction that you had something up your sleeve. What’s that?”


Okay, the mystery of the impups could wait a moment. She was way too proud of the designer imp. Proud enough to ignore that jab, too. “This… is Pookie!”


“What is a Pookie…?” Klaus’s face had turned into a scowl, but she knew that didn’t necessarily mean he didn’t like the imp. He’d probably pulled worse faces in some of their most romantic moments. That was just how his face worked, apparently.


“This is Pookie!” she repeated, picking up the stroodle with a hand under her front legs and an arm beneath her bum. As if to say hello to her new owner, she gave an adorable little yip. “You’re always so stressed from work, and Quince from the pet shop told me imps can really help with that stuff. And doesn’t she kind of remind you of me?”


Breakfast held the stroodle up to her own face, which was actually quite similar in hue. In fact, their silly, happy-go-lucky expressions were nearly the same. “Don’t ask me how I could afford her, by the way.” She leaned forward to deposit Pookie into his arms.


“R-Right.” He stared down at the imp, baffled, before regaining enough composure to explain himself. “What a coincidence. I found these two in a dumpster, and they reminded me of you.” With his free hand, he motioned down to the two impups, which he most certainly hadn’t found in a dumpster. His sense of humor was just… weird like that.


Breakfast laughed. She knelt down to greet the little pair, receiving a few affectionate licks to her cheeks. “KK, I love them!” she squealed.


While he didn’t generally smile, she could hear it in his voice when he replied, “I thought you might.” There was just a brief pause as he looked down to the absurdly sweet-looking imp in his arms. “As for this Pookie… I suppose I shall take it upon myself to raise this beast of burden. It seems unlikely that you know any others fit for such a task.”


The impups were relentless in their licking, which made Breakfast even more giggly than before. “I– I sure don’t,” she answered, hugging the two impups. “I love them! I think…”


This was important. Breakfast leaned away, looking over the pair, who seemed to also understand the gravity of the situation, and sat still for her. “I think their names are Strawbaby and Raspbaby.”


“You may call these creatures whatever you’d like,” Klaus said with disdain that she knew wasn’t really there. “They are your responsibility now, so as long as you provide them food and shelter, I will acquiesce to your will.”


It would have been easier to take Mr. Big Words seriously without the whipped cream creature in his arms, but that was sort of the point, after all. She smiled fondly as she looked over the unlikely pair. “And you’ll take care of Pookie, right?”


She could have sworn she spotted the corner of his mouth turn up in a smile before he leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Yes, B. I will take care of Pookie.”

bunny love language
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In Prompts ・ By komugy

gift giving is her love language while scowling is his

Submitted By komugy for Bunny Love
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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kk loves Pookie!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-09-01 23:01:30

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