Peachy Playdate

In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma
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Early morning in Burrowgatory is quite serene. The caverns are quiet and nature is at its most peaceful state. The wooded areas Burrowgatory does sport are often lush and full with flora. This specific part of the woods is used as a camp grounds. When buns want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and find a greener and lonelier nook to relax and or recover in. Thistle Point. This specific woods is one Quince knew quite well, roughing and gathering through it's branches and brambles for natural ingredients, but also to find rare Imps that may sometimes reside inside of it's thick brush. 


Today was the day of Darlet's playdate. Quince could have very well had it at the park, or in the play area of Pedigree Pets. But she had a few things in mind for Hyde while she had him in these woods. Something she had planted a few days before in preparation for their outing. This being unbeknownst to Darlet. 


Quince walked Mademoiselle, who carried Peach on its back. "You sure Shibani didn't wanna come? I know he's been itching to spend some more time with Nibble." She already knew that he was coming with Nibble and Hyde. But was curious to see that Jekyll didn't seem to make an appearance on their trek today. "Plus, you never told me where your Sceil's at? Did it get sick or something?" 


Darlet walked along while scratching softly at Nibble's back. The Stellaram rumbling in his arms slightly to show it's satisfaction. Hyde ran along side the two of them, grabbing up random objects on the ground and inspecting them before throwing them back down and continuing along the path. "Jekyll isn't the outdoorsy type. It likes lounging around on my bed post and resting. If anything, it might just find a tree here it likes and curl up, so it wouldn't be much of a playdate as it would be a nap." He leaned down, scooping up Hyde into his arms to sit with Nibble. "Plus, this little bastard is more than enough trouble for the two of em." The Remil seemed to squirm slightly before laying it's head down on Nibble. 


Once the two of them finally arrived at the clearing of the camp grounds, they set their Imps free. Peach and Hyde running amuck in the grass while Nibble floated over to Mademoiselle, gently tapping into the side of the pink Imp. Quince and Darlet set up a long picnic blanket on the ground, laying out various water bottles and plastic bowls with treats and snacks for bun and imp alike. Quince stood up to admire their work, turning only to nudge Darlet's attention to her. "Hey. What you say we have a little scavenger hunt? Get everyone active while we're out here in the woods." 


Darlet gave a quizzical look at that, wondering what this woman had in mind for them. "How would we go about that? Is there something hidden out here that I don't know about?" He looked to the Imps playing together, curious if they would be able to trek this place alone. He wasn't too worried about anything dangerous, but getting lost was a possibility in dense woods like these. 


Quince waved a dismissive hand to him, grabbing at his shirt and pointing to Nibble and Mademoiselle. "It will be in teams. I already know that we can do just fine out there. So I figure, you take Nibble, I'll take Mademoiselle. And Hyde and Peach can go together. I've taken Peach around these woods plenty, and Hyde is more than capable of finding its way around." She leaned down and grabbed one of the plastic containers. "As for what's hidden. I may have left a dish of special treats out for whoever finds the stash first. It ain't too far out there, but I figure it could be a fun little game for everyone." 


As Darlet gave instructions to a receptive and excited Hyde, Quince prepared Peach to assist as much as it could in guiding the Remil around. Finally leading the two to the treeline and setting them free. These imps, despite their lack of characteristics, still had an amazing grasp on their surroundings. The trees and tall grass were just like a training ground, and Peach had plenty of show training to leap and slip between the trees. Not nearly as fast as Hyde, who climbed up the trees for vantage points along the way to look for any signs of disturbance in the natural landscape. 


The woods seemed to spiral into various directions. The path Quince had placed the Imps on was by far the farthest route to take. "That should keep them busy for a while. I asked Peach to fetch me a napkin I left out there. Hopefully Hyde can help 'er do so. By the time they find it, we should reach the stash I hid." She walked off along the tree line with Mademoiselle tracking beside her. "I really wanted to test Hyde. So we better go get everything ready for them there."


Darlet was puzzled once again. "So if this was just a test for them. Why'd you call it a scavenger hunt? You hid it here, you know where it is." He carried Nibble under one arm while it seemed to snore peacefully. "Why not just have them get the napkin and come back to the camp site? Wouldn't that work just as well?"


Quince stopped. Turning a sheepish grin back at Darlet. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I remembered exactly where I hid em. I know what the spot looks like when we get there. But ehh, the specifics are a bit fuzzy." She admitted. Again, it had been a few days since she actually stashed the goods in the woods. "Who knows, maybe you'll find em before me."


Darlet rolled his eyes. "Ah fuck." This was not what he was expecting of their playdate. Getting lost in the woods hunting down some of Quinces cooking wasn't the worst scenario. But he still didn't feel like walking all this time on an empty stomach.


The two Imps spotted something. A piece of spotted napkin. A clue they were on the right track. Hyde snagged it up, tying it around its neck before following behind Peach. Splitting occasionally at forks in the trees to find more clues, and returning together to lead the other in the right direction. Both seemed like a well oiled team, up until a sweet smell seemed to emanate from the trees. Hyde beckoned Peach, who hopped along after the darting Remil. When they got closer to the scent, a familiar sound seemed to come into earshot. Laughter. 


Darlet and Quince sat around a small fire in the woods. Surrounding the fire were thick logs that sat both Mademoiselle and Nibble, whom were snacking on some freshly reheated muffins. The wrappers used to cook the muffins being discarded into the fire to create the strong smell of blueberry and glaze that led the two imps to them. When Darlet noticed them emerging from the woods he cheered, raising a half eaten muffin to the sky in celebration. "Look who found the treats!" Hyde ran up, scaling his arm to snatch the muffin and jumping down to share it with a tired out Peach. "Haha. Well. Barely us." Darlet shot a half smirking glance to Quince.


Quince raised her hands in defense. "Hey. We found em didn't we? And in record time! Last time I lost something out here it took three days, I dang near broke my ankle in the pond. Never wash your good griddle in the woods, and definitely don't let it soak over night with Devish around."

Peachy Playdate
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In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma

Quince and Darlet planned this playdate after she helped him train Hyde in its ability to gather things. Now she planned to put that skill to the test in a new environment.

Submitted By AcedKuma for Team Spirit
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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