A Day Full of Festivities!

In Prompts ・ By TroubledFox
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What does one do when a fair comes into town? Why they enjoy every part of it, of course! This is why when the summer festivities started and Dakota noticed a fair of sorts, he decided to go and scope out the scene. He donned his hoodie and shorts while he made his way through his home to grab the items needed for enjoying this time out.

“Wallet…? Check. Key? Check. Clothes? Check… Seems everything is on me… Now I just have to walk there… UUUUUUUUuuuuuuughhhhhhh….! I hate walking so much… I don’t have any other option though… Not like it’s that far either… If I wanna get out there and actually have a bit of fun with others, sleeping inside and making a mess of things is definitely NOT the way to go about it…” Dakota muttered to himself as he leaned from hoof to hoof at the door, still debating on walking the admittedly short distance or taking the shortest public transport ride known to bun.

In the end, he found himself walking along the path that led to where the fair was being held. It seemed like a pretty big one from what he could tell. There was a Ferris wheel, a shoddy rollercoaster, a few food stands, and all the delightfully scam-filled games that one was lucky to walk away with ANYTHING from. He found it to be a mission for him to try everything at least once, maybe he would get lucky and walk away with a plastic finger puppet at the very least.

As he got his ticket and made his way inside, he was very shocked to see just how the place looked inside. It wasn’t desolate or messy as the links on his phone had said prior to him making the journey, so that was a plus! One win for the fair!

This is where Dakota faced his first challenge… Did he want to ride something first, or try some games? Like hell was he going to try the food and THEN go on a fast rollercoaster or high Ferris wheel. No, thank you for the upset stomach after. After debating it with himself, he decided that a ride would be best, as his hands were empty right now and if he struck it big with a plushie win or even something smaller, there was no way he wanted to take it on a coaster.

“Okay, Dakota… You can do this… Speed and heights are NOTHING to you anymore… You were scared before but face it! This will be at least a little fun, right? Right?” He was only a little nervous now and a few deep breaths seemed to help as he walked up to the rollercoaster line.

His nerves of steel were quickly dwindling the closer he got to the front of the line. There was no turning back now, though. He was too far in line to hop out and become a chicken instead of a bunny. Besides, he would never let himself live it down if he didn’t go on.

And so, he went on the rollercoaster, screamed at the top of his lungs in fear, and vowed never to go on another thing like THAT in his life.

“S-So not going on that again… Hrk… I didn’t even eat anything, and my stomach is swirling… Ew… At least I don’t feel too sick…” He held his head and sat for a short period of time before making his way over to a game.

It looked like your run-of-the-mill fair game. Complete with smug butthole service person and their rude grin.

“Step right up and win a prize~ All you have to do is hit the target with the water gun~ Simple, right?~ Let’s see you do it~” The unnamed greed succubun said as they noticed Dakota stepping up with a carat in hand.

Alright. This wouldn’t be too hard to see through and win something. If anything, a piece of candy would suffice with this list that Dakota had made for himself.

He moved to one of the provided water guns and aimed at the target, soon the water started to spray out and he could hear it hitting the little metal ring. It took him a very small amount of time to line it all up and finish the game. As to be expected, the other bun shook their head and gave a fake sympathetic smile.

“Oh~ Sorry~ You were so close to winning that one, but you’re welcome to try again for another carat~” They spoke in a sickly sympathetic way.

It went like this for a little while, before the greedy bun had about fifteen of Dakota’s hard-earned carats in hand and it left Dakota a little more than miffed. Even with his usually relaxed nature, this was driving him up the wall. This is when he heard a sound and then grinned internally before looking shocked towards the back of the small stall.

“Oh no! It looks like the water sprung a leak! It’s spilling out everywhere!” To his surprise something HAD started to leak, just not this stall in particular but it made for a very convincing story that led the other bun to run around the back.

It might not be the brightest of moments, but Dakota took the time that this greedy bun was away to grab a small soft plushie and run off with it. Not without leaving a hastily written note and some extra carats to cover his conscience of stealing… er… buying the small plush he now had tucked in his arms.

“I mean… I basically bought it… And WAY over the price, this little guy would be… Serves them right for being so rude for like… fifteen games total! I guess I can cross that off the list…” Dakota felt a bit bad for stealing but what was he going to do other than add roughly seven carats to the already fifteen he had spent for this small baby.

It was getting a bit later by now and Dakota was a bit hungry. His wallet still had enough for something like a funnel cake, so he and his newly purchased friend in his arms made their way to the stall to get it. It was a yummy treat that filled his tummy and made him yawn a bit, making him sleepy in the process.

The last thing was the Ferris wheel. It was pretty high but didn’t seem too fast, so he decided to save it for the end when everything was calming down. In line was a calming moment as he closed his eyes and nearly nodded off before making his way onto one of the little cars on it. With his eyes out the window now, he noticed that he had gotten on and had begun leaving the ground.

Soon, it got to a height that made him a tad nervous, but the view made up for that and had him dropping his jaw. His hand went for his phone, and he took a few pictures of the scenery and of himself and his new friend. What a remarkable sight.

The cart soon came back down to let him out and on wobbly hooves, he walked away like a newborn deer. The day was one of the new challenges being overcome and fun. After wandering around for a bit longer and buying a festive tank top, Dakota decided it was time to go home and take a big long snooze.

Thus ends the festivities for this lovely sleepy bun.

A Day Full of Festivities!
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In Prompts ・ By TroubledFox

Just a bit about Dakota going to a fair and bringing home a tank top and plushie from the nearby fair being held! Pass his compliments to the one making his funnel cake as well! It was delicious!

Submitted By TroubledFox for Summer Festivities
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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