Summer Festivities

In Prompts ・ By tapperhed
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The smell of deep fried, saccharine sweet food in the air, the cacophony of buns chattering along with their loved ones, the tinny sound of worn out speakers cheering when a prize is won or lost. The mysticism of the fairgrounds isn't one to be jeered or scoffed at, its environment, so filled to the brim with artifice and excess it provides a perfect breeding ground for merrymaking when you're speaking of those of a more sinful nature. And as the crystals above began to dim as is their nightly ritual, a dawning to the summer season and all she entails to make way for the changing of the leaves and the crisp frosted air, the air remains alight with the flicker and buzz of carnival games and good vibrations.

Flitting about from stand to stand with the cadence of a forest sprite, Sibyl sprung to life in these ever fluorescent environments with a skip in their step. A funnel cake with an exorbitant amount of powdered sugar and caramel in one hand, the other idly looped around a closely drawn leash; The other end of which affixed gladly to Flauros' collar, conceding to being roped along to Sibyl's whimsy quest, partially obscured by the large plush demon they had won not half an hour prior with a gentle bemused smile cracked along his cheeks.

"-And I just think- you know- why do we ever have to leave?? Why does this have to end I wanna just live here- I think we could hide out here forever- summer doesn't have to end- we should be carnies I think we'd make good-"

"Sibyl- I love the energy but, I'm gonna stop you there-"

Pausing from picking at their confectionary they pause in their tracks, looking back at Flauros with big dinner plate eyes, bottom lip sticking out in a pout.

"But.. Oh c'mon Flauros. You like fun. You like being risky.."

Taking faer hand in his own and offering a little squeeze, he huffs out a small exhale, shaking his head a little.

"If you spend every day going out like this, it becomes less memorable. If it's special, you remember it fonder. While it'd be Exciting to try and squat at a fair I.. don't think it'd be fun for too long once the magic wears off.."

"But the magic's what you make of it! If I could live a fairy tale every day I'd live a fairy tale Every Day-"

"Doesn't that make the individual stories less special though?"

"No- I-" furrowing their brow and shaking her head, she lets out a little huff. "All stories matter.."

"I'm not saying they don't, I- what time is it?"

"Nearly night time, why?"

Flauros leans in to press a little kiss against their knuckles. "Perfect. Hear me out? Just come with me for a moment, okay?"

Scrunching up their nose a little they contemplate for a moment before nodding. "..Okay."

"Great. Now.. Which way is the ferris wheel again?"

Brows raising, her wings instinctively flutter. "But you don't like heights-"

"Not what I was asking- now, if you may-" And with a flourish of the hand, he gestures for Sibyl to lead the way. A notion that, though skeptical, they oblige.


Now while the gluttony bun wasn't exactly a stranger to matters of self indulgence, at the very same he generally tried his damndest to avoid the Opposite. It wasn't that he was Scared of heights per se, moreso that he just generally didn't like not being able to touch terra firma, and was a strong proponent of 'well if I'm not enjoying myself why the hell should I do it'. But, he understood that Sibyl Did. He understood how much his wanderlust of a partner needed to stretch his wings- or at the very least Pretend to. And as such, upon hearing the gentle creaking of the ferris wheel, he had a moment of trepidation sure but still obliged.

Stepping in first, back to the cabin, he reached a hand out for Sibyl to take, and once he did he helped them step into the car. Feeling the car jerk and begin to ascend, Flauros knocked his knees together a little awkwardly and began to rummage idly through his bag.

"Just keep looking out to the left. You'll see."

Leaning an elbow over the window, xe scanned the horizon, sky taking on an orange to reddish hue. Confused to what Flauros was on about, until..

"O-oh. Wow..."

The time of day coupled with the elevation was really a perfect storm. From this height, the haze gave way, offering a clear view to the Forneus sea, the crystalline light dappling it just right in the golden hour as if the waters were made of diamond.

"Flauros, it's- the sea it's- it's silvers and diamonds and dancing and- Everything's honey- I don't think I've, been this high up oh-"

"You're beautiful."

Jolting at the comment, Sibyl chuckles bashfully, wings fluttering, and feels Flauros' hand coast into his own. Tearing their eyes away from the view for just a moment, they notice Flauros is a lot closer than they had assumed; And, uncharacteristically for him, his bangs were pushed free of his face, said face uncharacteristically framed by those giant thick framed glasses he insisted he hated so much. But it wasn't the sunset he was looking at, eye trained on Sibyl's face with a dopey lovestruck grin as he leaned against his chin.

"You know, on second thought maybe You were onto something after all. I really wouldn't mind seeing your face light up like that every day."

Sibyl's lithe hands waste no time until they're coasting along the sides of Flauros' face, closing the distance and snatching him up into a passionate kiss. Lips locked they hesitate to pull away, but do just enough to murmur against Flauros' own.

"No, you're- I get it. There's a flutter in my chest, it wants to break free. I love our special stories.."

"mmm I love you..."

Lips meet again, but are interrupted by the familiar whistle and pop of fireworks going off. A send off to the season. Tapping Sibyl's cheek, Flauros worms himself away, pointing to where the flashes of light hit his vision.

"Come on, don't wanna miss that now do you? Don't worry, I've got my own view."

Piping up a little breathy giggle, Sibyl nods. "Okay."

Interlacing their fingers with one another, the sloth bun graciously returns to the rim, watching the fireworks dance along the sky and the sea below, Flauros leaning against them and knocking their knees together playfully, simply drinking in the moment between the two of them. One of those special moments where time threatens to stand still, existing in a capsule of only you.

And of course, there's always next season.

Summer Festivities
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In Prompts ・ By tapperhed
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Submitted By tapperhed for Summer Festivities
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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