The Way of a Saintly Sinner

In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma
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Bahem still wasn't exactly sure why Darlet wanted to meet up outside of the church. A brief discussion after service with vague connotations about indulgence, but he knew that some of the other priests may have been better suited for the job. He wanted to do his best though, and so obliged. Meeting at an old wooden building that reeked of seafood, he waited patiently outside of the doors for any sign of his companion for the night. Although the sound of cheers and laughter seemed to ease with a round of goodbyes and jeers. 


Darlet emerged from the swinging doors, smelling of both alcohol and fish. The odor caused Bahem to upturn his nose for just a second before composing himself to be respectful. "Oh damn. That may have been a teensy bit more than I needed to drink." He seemed to not notice Bahem's presence at first, but pulling at the guitar strap on his shoulder and checking that he was in one piece, he seemed to compose himself and rub at his mouth with the back of his arm. "So. You actually showed up for me? You really are a sweet man." 


Bahem shot upright. Putting his hands together nervously as he tried to find the right words. "Well, I'm sure Oleander or any of the other priests would have been just as lenient to assist." He looked at the ground, feeling a sense of guilt for his inadequacy. A clawed hand landed on his chin, pulling his eyes back up to look at Darlet, who despite his crooked smile looked very serious. 


"Look. I'm gonna be real, I didn't ask you to come here to help me. I'm here to help you. You're acting pathetic, and I don't like good people suffering for nothing." Darlet moved to Bahem's side, forcing him into a side hug that pulled them together when he began walking away from the establishment. "I know what it's like to hold back, and what it's like to hide yourself. Even if you don't care to sin very much, you still need to get a damn spine. Cause yours is feeling pretty damn limp."


Bahem followed without much resistance. But he wasn't at all sure what to say to such a forward statement. He couldn't deny any claims that he was too nice for his own good, but he wasn't wholly incapable of being assertive. "What did you have in mind? It's clear that I lack the drive to sin outright, as much as I would so love to follow Oleander's teachings to his satisfaction." Their walking led them to a square with a large stone fountain. A few buns loitered by the fountain, while others window shopped at the various stores placed in rows down the paved walk ways. 


"Firstly. I want to teach you the ways of greed. This is one of my favourite spots to perform. Usually I can amass a pretty good crowd of people, and some are even kind enough to toss some carats into a hat for me or something. But I don't have a hat tonight." Darlet poked a claw into Bahem's chest. Dragging it up and wrapping it in his rosary beads. "But I do have a sweet innocent priest to claim donations to the church for this lovely and unholy performance. I want you to milk these fuckers like Oleander milks the choir boys. Whatever you get by the end, we split."


Bahem was now unsure of what he had just agreed to. This was technically just amassing donations wasn't it? Although with the phrasing Darlet put to it, none of this would actually go to the Church of Sulphur. He began to speak, but Darlet moved away quickly. Slipping his guitar over his shoulder and stepping up onto the thick base of the fountain. His fingers plucking at the strings as his performance suddenly began. The song was slow, and subtle. Already a group of people started to gather as the first words were uttered. 


♪Hell is not what you think it is. It's cold and dark my friend. And if you knock on the door quiet enough, they just might let you in. If you don't mind what you've heard so far, then please. Open the door.♪


Bahem took this as his sign to approach the crowd from behind. Tapping the first person on the shoulder lightly to pull their attention. "Uhm. This performance is for the Church of Sulphur. And if you like the song, perhaps you wouldn't mind making a donation?" He gave a weary smile, and the sweet looking bun that turned to him took little time to fish 10 Carats out of her bag to drop into the priest's outstretched hand. "Thank you. Your contribution means a lot." He couldn't help but be genuine when accepting donations. He really did appreciate how kind people were when they gave to the church. He continued to go around the crowd attempting this spiel to other buns. Some that were more intimidating he shied from, not wanting any confrontation for his attempts at gathering carats. Perhaps he was profiling those that seemed violent, but he couldn't help but want to avoid any possible trouble. 


Darlet watched closely as Bahem made his way around the crowd, getting the occasional donation. But it still seemed like he was meekly asking for their compliance instead of demanding their compensation for his kickass song. He dropped down from the fountain and approached Bahem directly, passing over him to try and get the crowd to notice his presence.


♪Heavy eyes from a night of tries, attempts at making trends.♪


Bahem was startled as Darlet leaned up against his shoulder, forcing him to steady himself. What in the world was this man doing? Bahem was just supposed to be handling the donations, now he was being used for the performance.


♪If you truly believe in the way of your life. Then please, come meet your demise.♪


Darlet moved back around. Finding himself standing infront of the fountain, he sloppily sat down on the concrete, leaning back against the fountain. Belting his lyrics upwards overhead to the crowd. The liquor from earlier in the night had taken his legs out from under him, along side the way he had stomped around up to that point while playing the song. 


♪I feel you from the inside. Embracing you from all sides. A story told as you hide. And me, holding you up!♪


Bahem took notice of the words he was saying more than before. A burning in his chest as he realized he was singing to him in a way. At least that was what he felt, the song couldn't have been a coincidence. Darlet's voice did have a certain quality to it that he found fascinating, it was soothing while also evoking empowering feelings. This wasn't his first time listening, but any time before had only been in passing when he performed for the congregation. He was distracted by his voice when a new bun approached, shoving 20 carats into his hands. Before he knew it, a crowd had formed around him as well. Thanking and praising the Church for their work and thanking him for the show. He had no real part in it, albeit getting dragged out as a means to solicit more donations. He felt more than a bit guilty for not absolutely denying the influx of carats, but it was already too late by the time he was able to pull himself away from the crowd. 


By the time Darlet finished up his song, the remaining crowd had herded to Bahem. He pushed up to his feet, smirking as he hooked the priest by the shoulder and effortlessly dragged him away. Nobody could interject as he slipped past the buildings and went onward down the road. "That. My friend. Was a good heist." He didn't even care to ask how many carats had been gathered. He didn't really care, when a crowd of people like that reacts to good deeds and good tunes, there isn't much to think about.


"I received 296 carats." Bahem blurted out. He didn't want to say more, he already felt horribly upset having taken illegitimate donations. He loved the church, and receiving false profits was something that should be reserved for those higher up in the church. He knew of it happening through whispers, but never did he think he would be apart of those that partook in falsifying the efforts of his fellow clergy. 


Darlet's smile raised significantly, turning a hand to place on Bahem's chest. "Good. That is for you. As for me." He scoops his palm upwards, snatching the rosary off of the priest with little effort. "This, will be my reward. For helping good little buns like you swindle some nice donations from more than devout fans of mine. I never told anyone I was playing for the church. That was all you bud. So indulging in greed, check. You also most definitely did some other ones while you were there, like the way you weren't pulling shit for donations until I stepped in and kicked your ass into the public eye. Sloth on your part." He laughed heartily and tugged on the hem of Bahem's robes. "I hope you enjoyed tonight. I'd be happy to sing for you again if you ever want. Perhaps next time we could make even more music together." Darlet turned his eyes up to meet the others for a moment before he turned and walked away. Swinging the rosary on one finger. 


Bahem felt his face burning. Everything that happened in that moment hit as suddenly as a train, and he held his face in his hands to muffle the nervous laughter that left his lips. He smiled sheepishly up to Darlet's back. "I'll... See you at the next service." 

The Way of a Saintly Sinner
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In Prompts ・ By AcedKuma

Even a drunk musician can help the church in his own ways. Perhaps Bahem will appreciate partaking in some sinful carat collection "for the church" while Darlet plays for the masses. 

Submitted By AcedKuma for General Succubuns Submissions
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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