[YOTB] Ch. 2-A Mochi Blessing 1: Mercy, Please

In Prompts ・ By mieldyne
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It was almost comical, the way that the nun had gone from kindly declining the favor to “Well, actually…” and offering the service expecting something of great value. The comical bit? Oh, that’s Shibani’s face when he realizes that he brought nothing of monetary worth with him. Other than his current favorite pillow, but like blazes is Mercy getting that. Maybe later, they can get it from him when he’s done and the poor nun needs something to rest their head on after all the book keeping?

Something about Sister Mercy’s expression told him that they wouldn’t be very interested at the moment anyway, especially not with a curious glint that wasn’t playful nor inviting for… you know. Cuddles. Not at the moment at least.

“Well… can I get back to you on that?”

The nice Sister is understanding, right? Perhaps knowing full well that no matter how long it takes, he’ll come around. They don’t look cross because of it, and lower their hand to dust off something on their habit before nodding, never once raising their voice.

“Don’t dawdle too much though, dear. I’ll be here in the office should you need me.” They say, grey eyes closing and dainty hands pressing together before bowing their head. Sister Mercy gives a tiny farewell to Shibani before twirling around and getting right back to duties and chores, trusting that the other doll will find his way out peacefully.

Of course, with a little more baggage, mentally. He honestly didn’t think of coming with something to give that is either carats or something super, duper nice enough that would meet those monetary requirements AND more.

But, if you’re someone like Shibani, you may not be the richest person in the traditional sense… but in other ways!

It’s not like he wouldn’t want to share, there’s plenty to go around and he wouldn’t even care if the nun themself wouldn’t ride on up to his pile and just take things for themself. But they’re so busy already, and Shibani may be selfish but he’s not that selfish, right? Right. Plus, look, if he helps Sister Mercy, then he helps not only Dan but the Church of Sulfur too, so he can cash in on some good boy points with that as well! So he can take longer naps and no one can say anything. Best. Ever.

Since he’s all cleaned up, well rested, hopes soaring high and knowing he got this in the BAG, the sweet, slothful bun skips off to - hopefully - not get distracted before getting some things from the pile. There’s bound to be truly lost things in there and other stuff kindly donated to his nest of treasures which he only really cares about the soft, perhaps fluff filled, ones. 

He thinks about a scenario in his head from earlier… the talk with the older bun was so nice, as usual. Though, the price was kiiinda steep. Just, kinda. Not their fault in the slightest! What needs to be done is just that. And so is shooing away the squealing murder of corvats from picking away at the p-oh noooo-!


Shibani had been just minding his own business, passing along the streets down to Dan’s Dango and then these guys are here? It’s been a while since he encountered such a large number of them, but if they are here… then they’re after his pile! AND Mercy’s sh- stuff. Mercy’s stuff, that they need, for the thing. Yes.

“You little pests!” The white bun exclaims, being spurned into more heated action against his will. Despite what his brain lazily tells him not to, he picks up his feet more and tries to sprint into the crowd of bird-like shadows. The squawking intensifies as they seem to get out of the mildly raging doll’s way, only to return again as if never disturbed. They land here and there, in the street, on the shop’s sign and even hop into the building itself, following its shadowy friends deeper inside. To Shibani’s hoard… and to Dan’s dango!

The peaceful moment that was had before is all but gone as hands are waved, feet are pounding on the hardwood floors and tails are swishing back and forth as the owner of said parts is busy trying to get the majority of them to get out. From the corners of his eye he can see that, despite being clean for the day, there’s some remnants of mochi and other treats like caramelized sugar in corners of dishes are picked at. Tiny shiny trinkets from the top of his hoard are snatched and having him try to pry them from the mischievous avians.

He’ll take it all back. He can and will be selfish in this situation. But only because he promised Mercy for, well, mercy! He needs that water blessed for Dan! Fluffy hair and fur get shook out of place as he tries and fails to save whatever the corvats had stolen from in front of him, and with each flap and screech, they succeed in getting away and leaving happily. They all seem to be laughing at the poor guy now, evading him and shaking him off until he loses grip, trips and falls back onto his pillows.

Well… fine! Be like that! He would have just gave it all to them if they asked! And he knows they can at least mimic saying as such and intelligent enough that if they do this one thing, they’ll get handsomely rewarded- ah well.

… Shibani blows hot hair from his lungs and pushes his now tuckered out self from the hoard of pillows and whatever other trinkets still remained. Luckily, if ever, there’s some things still left behind, and have Murmur give mercy to those imps if they didn’t at least leave something worthwhile for the poor nun!

Dusted off, hair not bothered with other than getting out of his eyes, the defeated doll gathers as much rich-looking stuff he can, the shinier and more expensive looking the better, and huffs. He hopes that Dan will give his own mercy to him later with dibs on a taste test for those amazing mochi later.

“Ah, you’ve returned.” The kindly nun, taking a break from their deep concentration, greets the returning guest from earlier. A curious look spreads on their face when they spot how disheveled he looks.

“Oh my, did you get into a… fight? With someone? Dear.”

“Huh? Oh no! Of course not, I know I’d lose… I’d be late to the first punch. Sleeping it off is better, anyway.” 

A pause, lifting the objects in his arms. 

“I had to get the donations ready!” He’s so proud of himself, and not that he really fought with those imps more or less just tried to shoo them off. Ah well, perhaps they are making cute nests of their own… maybe in a way, he helped out those little turds as well. Huh. The wheel of kindness continues to turn? He stares at Mercy as he dumps the whole lot onto their desk; gilded dishes, gemstones on chains of precious metal, bookmarks…? Uh, maybe there’s some empty wine bottles in there, those could be worth something? Or the glasses? They look really old, older than any of them, and all these coins - who uses those anymore - and a commemorative pin?

Oh right, and whatever carats he had on him, too. Just tossing them all into the pile has the nun’s brows raised, but they seem to be pleased.

“Well. You went through all this trouble for our church… you’re clearly devoted, at least when you feel like it.”

Another pause. Then, slowly, those dainty hands come back and just casually drag all that stuff closer to their chest, giving a smile, then leans to speak.

“Now how about that blessing for you and your partner~?”

[YOTB] Ch. 2-A Mochi Blessing 1: Mercy, Please
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In Prompts ・ By mieldyne

Character(s): Mercy, Shibani, corvats (imp)
Word Count: 1319
Summary: Shibani bribes Mercy for some holy water.

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Submitted By mieldyne for Mochi Blessing
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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[[YOTB] Ch. 2-A Mochi Blessing 1: Mercy, Please by mieldyne (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/818)
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