The Bake Sale

In Prompts ・ By Meep
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“So, you see, I could really use some help with getting this spring water blessed,” Misa explained. “If all goes according to plan, this will create some of the best mochi anyone has ever tasted. I’m sure there will be some leftovers, and I’ll be happy to share them with you.”


The other Succubun’s face remained neutral while they considered her request. Their long white and gray tail didn’t even twitch slightly, hanging down motionlessly behind them, its tip curled ever so slightly upwards so that it wouldn’t touch the floor. Perhaps this idea wouldn’t come to fruition after all.


After another long moment, they shook their head and reached a hand up to their ear, finding the small cross that dangled from the end of it. They twirled it around in their fingers, pursing their lips while they thought.


“No, I don’t think I have time for such a frivolous endeavor,” Mercy replied curtly. “I’m very busy with preparations for the Mochi Moon service. We haven’t had the best of luck getting enough donations to put on the event this year.”


They scowled down at the floor, finding fault within the wood grains there. “One would think any bun out there would be happy to help with such a small request when they shirk their responsibilities to our benefactors for the entire rest of the year.” They huffed. Now their tail was on the move, beginning to thrash back and forth. “Our church does so much for everyone…”


They trailed off and returned to stillness, seemingly remembering that they were being observed by an outsider. “Ah, anyway, dear, I’m afraid that I can’t help right now. You’ll have to find a different way.”


They straightened and clasped their hands in front of their chest, smiling sweetly at Misa. All traces of their prior irritation were now gone.


It was Misa’s turn to frown. There had to be something that she could do to make this work for both parties. There wasn’t really another option. Only one church existed in Burrowgatory, after all.


Suddenly, an idea rose to the forefront of her mind. Ah. That might just work.


“What if I helped raise the remaining funds?” she asked tentatively. “I used to work at a bakery. I could hold a small bake sale and donate whatever I got from it to you.”


Mercy looked surprised. They hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I suppose that would be acceptable, as long as you’re doing everything on your own.”


“Of course,” Misa replied. How hard could it be?


“Make sure that you raise a minimum of 200 carats,” Mercy cautioned. “I don’t have time to help for any less than that.”


Misa didn’t comment on the strange price tag for such a request before heading on her way. Beggars couldn’t be choosers, or so the saying went.


Knowing that her supplies at home were limited, Misa made sure to stop by the store on the way back. She gathered up a small mountain of flour, sugar, tea, coffee, and other supplies. It was almost too much for one bun to carry by herself, but somehow she managed. She was determined to see this through.


She spent all of the afternoon baking. There were piles upon piles of cookies, several different types of cakes and bread, pots of freshly brewed coffee and tea that she put into the fridge to chill, and many other types of goodies. When she thought she had enough, she switched gears to packaging everything for transport later and cleaning up. Not a trace of the supplies she had purchased earlier that day remained, but that was alright.


She took a break for a while to make sure that she had something to eat for dinner, bringing a notebook and a pencil to the table with her. She jotted down some notes on how much inventory she had before calculating prices. A bit of math (and the rest of her dinner) later, she knew exactly how much she needed to sell to achieve the minimum goal.


She smiled and looked at the clock. It was too late to do anything tonight. She’d make her way to the park downtown tomorrow and set up a small table. There were always plenty of wanderers over there. It shouldn’t take too long for customers to find her. She’d make sure to heat up the treats before she left so that their pleasant aromas would be stronger.


Yes, it was a good plan. The rest of the night was hers. She spent some time browsing Bunnet and studying from textbooks before heading to bed, satisfied.


Aside from a few small hiccups here and there as various Succubuns tried to haggle with her over her prices or abscond with some treats without paying entirely, Misa was able to sell off her entire stock before the end of the next day, carting home empty containers and a small fortune. She was really very pleased with herself. Things couldn’t have gone better. All of that hard work at the bakery had paid off nicely.


For the briefest of moments, she thought about donating the whole stash of carats to Mercy, but she quickly changed her mind. She only brought the requested 200 with her back to the church. She had purchased the ingredients and done all of the legwork for the bake sale. It was already a high price to pay (more than she had ever expected, actually) for her rather simple prize, after all: a small vial of blessed spring water. Mercy wouldn’t even show her how, exactly, they had blessed it. It was a shame. No matter.

The Bake Sale
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In Prompts ・ By Meep
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Submitted By Meep for Mochi Blessing
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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