Surprising Festivities

In Prompts ・ By Kaztronaut
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Gaius was in a very unfamiliar environment, normally he didn't leave the church much, and if he did it was just to somewhere that was similar enough to the church for him to not mind it much. He definitely didn't expect for Orryn to agree to coming with him to the festival. Well, he did to an extent, the two had gotten much closer recently all things considered but it wasn't like this was normal for them. Something like this could be considered a date, PDA, a public relationship. He wasn't used to that, nor was he sure he wanted it but he did want to enjoy this with him. The morning started like any other, with the two of them waking up from their sleep on the same bed, Gaius waking first to take care of Orryn's hair while he slept in some, a daily struggle to leave in time for the morning sermon - thankfully one neither of them ever lead - and then at their breakfast, Gaius brought it up.

"There's a festival in burrowgatory this month." He hums into his coffee as he reads, the smell of the sweet pancakes flowing through the air as the two men sat in silence for a bit before Gaius just broke it.

"Is there?" Orryn hums sleepily, he went to sleep during the sermon, Gaius had to wake him again. Not that he minded, it meant more time to sit with him and talk and to brush his hair back into it's smooth feel. If he stayed for a bit to cuddle him because he asked, well...  no one else had to know.

"There is. We could go." He thinks for a moment, "If you would like to that is. I'm sure they have some interesting foods for you to try." Gaius looks up from what he was reading to look at Orryn who turns back to him. He watches Gaius for a moment, trying to read the stoic man but unfortunately for Orryn he'd had more time to wake up and put the walls they both usually had back up.

"I wouldn't mind. Could be fun, plus new food is always nice." Orryn slides the pancakes off the pan he was using, plating their food and sliding it in front of Gaius with a small smile that's returned. The soft gesture enough for Orryn for now. "Besides, I think you should have more fun, you're so strict all the time." He teases the other man and it earns him an eye roll.

"Strict is necessary." He huffs, "But if we're going, we should tell the others we can't do our sermons or chores tonight." Gaius puts the book down and begins to eat and with that sentence, it was locked in. They'd be going on an... outing. Not a date, neither of them would ever say it out loud, but the two weren't exactly sure what... any of whatever they were doing was. It was just fun.

The two go about their day, passing each other in the halls with kisses or pinning the other to a wall for a moment with quiet whispers and promises of later nights. Then in the quiet corners away from prying eyes they swapped soft glances and knowing eyes, sipping on sweet teas with tongues dripping sweeter words. Eventually it came, the festival and where Gaius finds himself in the moment of an unfamiliar place in clothes he almost never wore. They weren't too different from his normal church clothes but to not have the tight collar or the sash on his waist was different. Orryn was dressed quite nice as well, definitely different from how Gaius normally saw him. He wore nice pants and a sweater which complimented the man, but Gaius did miss the easy access Orryn's robes gave him.

They walked around the festival for some time, looking around at the sketchy rides and food that Gaius felt he couldn't stomach, though that didn't stop Orryn from wanting to get him to try it all. The games seemed interesting though at least, something he could easily do with Orryn as well. He wraps an arm around the other priest, pulling him towards a game and if anyone from the church saw and pointed it out he'd deny it but, he definitely enjoyed Orryn at his side. As soon as they stepped foot before the booth, the person running it began their upbeat spiel about it and the rules, asking if they wanted to participate. Gaius almost said no until he saw the giant plush of the loafki... while he wasn't the biggest fan of imps, the giant plush looked soft and like it was perfect for lounging on during lazy days.

He quickly agreed, wanting to grab the plush for himself and his room... and also Orryns room when they shared which seemed to be quite often now. The game was simple enough, it was cans stacked in a small pyramid and all he had to do was knock the pile down. Super easy!

Well in theory. In actuality he had just spent more carats than he should've trying to get this stupid fu-... The loafki plush. 

"Gaius..." Orryn calls for what felt like the fifteenth time. "Gaius, please. We can just go find a plush like this somewhere else." Orryn grabs onto Gaius's arm trying to drag him away from the booth. It was quite obvious at this point it attracted all the greed buns, each wanting the different plushes. Gaius hadn't given into such a form of his greed in forever, normally wanting influence or power but now all he wanted was something simple.

"No, I can get this, I'm close I almost got it last time." Gaius huffs, preparing to throw the ball again, the totally not rigged cans still sitting upright with a bored employee off to the side. 

"Gaius that's what you said the last ten times, let's go. I wanna go do something else, and I'm hungry. You haven't let me get any food this whole time." Orryn huffs in complaint, at his point his own greed was getting the better of him, greedy to get away from this forsaken stand. And the games, it was clear to Orryn that these weren't going to let anyone win. It was all rigged from the start!

"Well the last ten times I didn't know what I was doing, I do now." He pulls his arm away a bit to get it loose from Orryns hold before throwing the ball, his face growing in excitement as the cans rock and move before... remaining back in the same place they had been this whole time. Gaius goes to pull more carats out of his pouch before Orryn steps in front and starts pushing him to another booth. 

"No more of that one at least then, something else." He complains, "Why don't we get on one of the rides, like the ferris wheel." He points to the ride and Gaius relents with a small sigh. "I guess we should experience the full extent of the festival while we're here." He nods, looking over at the wheel. "Well... we should get some food, we can eat it on the ferris wheel." He nods, bringing the two over to a food stand. 

"Food sounds good, please, I've been waiting this whole time." Orryn huffs and sighs in complaint as he continues to drag Gaius with him over to the stands. "We can just share something for now." He looks over the menu, picking out something easy to eat for the two of them and not as adventurous to save Gaius's poor weak stomach. They order funnel cake and street food. It wasn't like it was the easiest food but in terms of this festival it definitely was. They go find a seat while they wait for the food, mindlessly speaking about different things.

"I was thinking, what if I distracted them and then you knock over the cans." Gaius smirks, trying to get a small rise out of Orryn and it definitely works as he earns himself a small glare.

"We aren't going back to that game, we'll find a different one or just buy that plush somewhere else." He sighs, rolling his eyes. The corner of his lips quirk up, the fact that Gaius really wanted this plush for whatever reason was really cute but it was still annoying to sit at one booth for a long time. "Let's just at least enjoy the rest of the festival before we go back." He hums, watching as Gaius returns the statement with a smile.

"Works for me, we do what you'd like and at the end I get to try again." He nods, perfect plan and he'd have the rest of the time to figure out how to get that plush. He could resort to stealing but that'd come back at him and the church... not too plausible at the moment. 

"You're too stubborn, you're not gonna get the prize Gaius." Orryn sighs, absent mindedly playing with his nails and the drink in front of him.

"Says you. I have a plan." He smiles proudly, watching Orryn for a bit and enjoying the quiet that settled between them. "Your hair looks nice by the way." He quietly says, whatever smirk on his face turning into a gentle smile. 

Orryn's face pops up, a small blush rising on his cheeks before he waves Gaius off, "Yeah yeah. I just actually put it up today. Didn't want it to just be blowing around on the rides." He huffs, leaning forward to drink his water to ignore the comment as best as he could. Thankfully for him, their food was ready and the employee called for them, letting him stand to grab the food. Gaius stood shortly after, helping him and they made their way to the ferris wheel, sitting next to each other and happily eating the food they got,

Well, Orryn was happily eating it, Gaius was struggling some with the fried food but he managed to start enjoying it shortly after, especially when Orryn made sure he got a good bite and fed him a piece. He was certainly happy then. The quiet of the night settled over them as they rose up, the slow ride letting the two actually enjoy each other's presence as they ate. 

"We should do this more often." Gaius looks out at the bright lights of the festival as the crystals above dim for the night. The soft twinkles resembling stars, "Get out of the church, I at least need to." He turns back to Orryn who looks up at him in slight surprise.

"Well then I have to put more effort into getting ready. Besides, the church is nice and I really only want to go out for the food." Orryn laughs, it wasn't too far from the truth, he was lazy and he knew Gaius just enjoyed the small community they had.

"That's true, guess I can't expect you to do that so often." Gaius teases Orryn, "I'll settle for low effort Orryn then." He chuckles, taking another piece of the funnel cake.

"Hey! Low effort doesn't mean less good looking. Just means I don't have to worry about my outfit or if my hair looks nice when it's up." He huffs, how dare Gaius, he looked good every day. He just looked extra nice when he left the church, he had to keep up the reputation of it being filled with hot buns after all. 

"I never said less good looking. Now you're just putting words in my mouth." Gaius raises an eyebrow in jest.

"It was insinuated. You didn't have to say it." Orryn brings the food closer to him to eat a bit more as his little piece of revenge. 

Gaius rolls his eyes slightly, reaching over to turn Orryn's face to look him in the eye. "I appreciate whatever effort Orryn I get." He hums before leaning in for a gentle kiss. 

Orryn doesn't get a moment to respond, not that he cared as he kissed Gaius back. He, however, fails to realize as Gaius takes half the food from his hands and brings it to his side. Gaius gives him another soft kiss before pulling back, the amount of gentleness in the kiss surprising even himself but he didn't mind. The two face away from each other for a moment, Gaius takes the time to enjoy his new spoils and Orryn calms his flustered state with the food he'd had. 

It's only in this moment does he finally realize what Gaius did, quickly turning to him, "SERIOUSLY!?" He looks down at Gaius's hands, "I could've given you some? You just had to ask?" He huffs out, the night going back to normal as they tease and mess with each other the rest of the time.

They return home... to the church with a successful haul, Gaius managed to get his loafki plush - with lots of convincing and bribes - and Orryn got to try a few new foods and mochi from the food stands that were around. 

They make it back late, the darkness of the church something familiar to them as the soft glow of candles hang on pillars. The loafki makes its way onto Gaius's bed, and if Gaius and Orryn happened to cuddle on it through the night... well maybe it was okay, but no one would know. At least not until the morning.

Surprising Festivities
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In Prompts ・ By Kaztronaut

Uh.. it's gay.

Submitted By Kaztronaut for Summer Festivities
Submitted: 11 months and 1 day agoLast Updated: 11 months and 23 hours ago

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