Answering an ad

In Prompts ・ By zachberrie
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While taking her latest bouquet orders to the post office, Elowen spotted fliers by someone looking for taste testers. Now, this wasn't usually something she found herself interested in, but why not try? She finished her orders early, so stopping by this place to see what was happening couldn't hurt! And the location listed on the flier wasn't too far from the post office, so it was not an out-of-the-way walk.
After a few minutes and more than a bit of confusion, they found themself outside of a building labeled "Pedigree Pets" They wondered if the person who posted the ad put the correct address since this was very clearly a pet shop, but also felt like that would be one hell of a slip up to post everywhere. Eventually, they say fuck it and step inside and are greeted by a peachy bun with sprinkle patterns.
"Howdy! The names Quince and welcome to Pedigree Pets!"
"H-hi! Uhm, I'm not sure if I am at the right place, but is someone here looking for taste testers or..?"
The other bun smiles brightly, very happy about this development. Quince's afternoon was getting slow, so this would be a nice change of pace. "It is! Sorry for any confusion- I know it's odd to see such an ad coming from what is seemingly a pet store- the ad is for buns, though, I promise."
Elowen lets out a relieved sigh. Thank Murmur, she thinks. "It's okay! I will admit, I was confused, so what is the taste testing for?"
"So that's the fun bit! Y'know parfaits- right?"
Elowen raises an eyebrow. "Yes, why?"
"Normally, that ad is for buns to try things I make, but today I am really craving a parfait, so I wanted to see if someone could make me one."
Oh, They pause, thinking for a moment. That's not really what they had in mind, but they could certainly try! "Would... I be able to try it as well? If I made you one?"
"I don't see why not!"
"It's a deal then!"
Okay, Elowen may have been way over her head with this one. Quince left her to her own devices in the kitchen- due to a customer showing up, so she felt like a lost Impup for ten minutes. It's nothing like her little at-home workshop. But to be fair, cooking or making desserts and working to make floral art isn't exactly the same thing. She eventually figures something out, though. That something being she makes a parfait themed after the adorable little Phloof Quince had with her. She uses sliced peaches and cream as the base, peach gelato as the ice cream of choice, and whipped cream that she dyed a similar color to the gelato. After a few more touches to make it look somewhat like the imp in question, she calls out to see if Quince is ready.
"Hello? I think I finished this!"
"Oh? Gimme just a minute, and I will be right there!"
In about a moment or so, Quince steps into the kitchen and lets out a little gasp. "That is SO cute! Are you sure youre not a chef?"
Elowen blushes, looking down at the floor. "No, I'm just a florist."
"Hell of a talent you have, then! I almost don't want to dig into this- it looks just like my adorable little Peach..."
"You're too kind, really! I am a noob when it comes to this kind of thing. I'm sure there are places I could improve."
"Hey now, don't be hard on yourself! It really is awesome for a first time thing!"
"O-okay... Thank you..."
"Atta girl! Let's dig into this, shall we?"
Answering an ad
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In Prompts ・ By zachberrie

First time for everything!

Submitted By zachberrie for Beasts and Feasts
Submitted: 11 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 11 months and 4 days ago

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[Answering an ad by zachberrie (Literature)](
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