Burrow Sweet Burrow | Midicus' Training Room

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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The Manor had a lot of rooms, and a lot of large rooms at that- and many of the rooms could be considered some of Midicus' favorites. His own room, the television room, his master's bedroom, the dining room, and of course one couldn't forget the garden- but his very favorite room was one that was a lot more recent than all the others in the layout of the house. It was a room that had been given to him as a gift from his master a few months back.

He had heard that Midicus was getting into Imp Care, and already had a collection of sceils to his name- and of course, his hobby was encouraged. It took a while for the space to be built and filled out, but it turned into Midicus' favorite place to be in the house. It could be called a lot of things- a gymnasium, a play space, but Midicus used it as an imp training and care room. Each of his beloved imps had their own space in the room meant for their particular needs, along with a specific talent that Midicus was working on honing into a skill. His master had told him plenty of things about the imp shows that the rich and important partook in, and it was honestly inspiring enough for him to want to participate himself. Of course, before he did anything like that, his imps needed to be trained, which is why this room existed.

The room itself had a basic layout, being a large space with a solid plastic floor in a dark red, the walls being painted a soft pink in contrast. The walls also had various diagrams of sceils and other imps that Midicus had an interest in owning one day. There were also maps that showed different paths that show imps would take around an arena. They were labelled from 'novice' to 'master', and Midicus had small notes pinned up on the walls next to them, showing which of his imps had passed which level. Many of them were at the intermediate or advanced levels, but there were of course the outliers that lead more into the novice or master categories. Midicus was of course glad that sceils couldn't read, or maybe they would feel bad if they were lacking behind their peers. Midicus knew that some imp owners would look down at those that weren't keeping up with the others in their training, but he wasn't like them, especially since his imps had their own talents... which is also what this room was built for. 

As he got more imps, more training areas were added to the room- and he knew that at some point he'd need more space added into the area, but for now it worked perfectly fine with the space it was built with.

Crawly and Serpens had the same area of the room, as their talents were similar. Their section of the room was blocked off from the others with complex collections of ribbons. Past the ribbons were a collection of elevated rings hanging from the ceiling, along with multiple small imp-sized trapeze devices. Most of the items there were originally built for chirops or corvats, but the two imps used them arguably better than either of those imps would have. Crawly was typically slithering around at the lower levels, hanging on to bars and swinging his body around, sometimes jumping between two of the bars just for a bit of exercise. Serpens on the other hand was more elevated, leaning their body through hoops and slithering their way through them without issue, climbing further and further upwards until they hit the ceiling, which had a small shelf with a pillow on top, a napping space for the lunar sceil. It was one of the many ways that Midicus encouraged the practice of their talents naturally. 

Next to the little sceil high-flying circus set up was Ayame's little corner. There was something about hugging other creatures that made a sceil able to do a lot more than give a little comfortable squeeze. One might expect a lovesick imp to be talented in matchmaking or something more thoughtful, but Ayame wasn't like that. Ayame was good at breaking things with nothing but their embrace. The area itself was overwhelmingly pink, with hearts all over the wall and a white-furred carpet marking out the space. However, along with that was multiple machines meant to measure strength. Among the hearts were also images that Ayame themself has stuck to the wall- things that they could break into shards with their body. There were also shards of assorted broken objects on the ground- the area was cleaned nightly, but with how often they practiced, there were bound to be things left behind.

Ekans was just a baby, but there was a place for them as well- partially because it was also Arbok's place. While being a baby wasn't an aspect that was valued in an imp show, being able to care for small things was. The entire area was set up to be very similar to the bunnery, with the biggest change being that it looked more like a dollhouse model of the bunnery, where Ekans would exist and cry and need attention, and Arbok would be a very good adoptive father for the little baby imp. Midicus didn't need to train them too much in that behavior, but he would introduce new elements to the environment in order to make sure that the two imps were happy and well taken care of. Their area was in a separate corner with actual small walls defending the space from the surrounding areas. Between Ayame's strength training and The Tank on the other sides, they were necessary- and decorated with striped baby blue wallpaper.

The Tank was where multiple sceils trained. Of course, the tank implied the existence of the water tank that Leviathan used to practice proper swimming and diving. They were a natural at it, and not just because they were a marine imp. The tank also had a small manufactured ecosystem above it, making the large tank a mixture of an aquarium and a terrarium. Viper and Jake were the sceils that used the terrarium. Both of them were very keen on brawling, which was in fact a talent that was acceptable in the imp shows. The terrarium was built up to look like a small swamp, one of the natural places to find sceils in the wild- and above the terrarium was a whiteboard with images of Viper, Jake, and Leviathan. It was a scoreboard, and while most of the points would go to Viper or Jake, Leviathan did in fact have a few marks by his name. That symbolized the times when one of the other two would fall into the water and Leviathan would brawl with them in the lower part of the tank. It was entirely safe, all of the sceils being comfortable enough with each other to not actually injure each other during the scuffles, but Midicus would still watch whenever a brawl occurred in the naturalistic space just in case. 

Fittingly, next to the tank was a small collection of rose bushes and other plants. Entirely unsurprising that Elaphe would be the imp wandering around this section of the room. However, they did also have an additional companion in this training section- as it was one of the strange talents that Midicus was fostering. Above the bushes was another area of elevated platforms, decorated with hanging vines and small flowers. While Elaphe would be training their natural ability to identify plants, which came along with a talent to understand the name of plants as said by succubuns, Roite would be above them, training their own talent of singing. Yes, singing. You wouldn't expect an imp to sing, but they all had their own language and way of communicating, including their own ways of singing and expressing themselves. If you looked closely, among the platforms and plants, there were small pieces of sheet music attached to the wall, perfect for the fairy imp to look towards while they were going across vines and singing their little heart out. 

The flowers of the previous section blended in seamlessly with the next, Rose plants being placed all over around a small stage with a white cloth placed over it. It was a classical imp show set up for those imps that had a talent for one thing... looking pretty. Jafar and Poloz were both imps that prided themselves on their appearance. And the wall of their area only encouraged the behavior more so that they can present their best selves to any judges. There were multiple mirrors behind white cloth, the frames being a dark red to match Jafar's scales and Poloz's eyes. Perhaps it was why the two imps liked to work together so much in their aim towards being the prettiest creatures alive. Jafar saw their color in Poloz's eyes, and Poloz saw their color in Jafar's eyes. The area's wall also had a large collection of imp care supplies specifically centered around physical appearance. They would be used on all of the imps equally, but they were kept here- it was hard to lose them when Poloz and Jafar would search the entire room if anything from their space was missing for too long.

And next to one stage was another stage, or at least, it was a stage in comparison to a sceil. This platform was actually a desk, built from a naturally colored, polished wood. On top of the desk was a large collection of papers and writing equipment on it. Mayor's talent was calligraphy. Midicus had originally learned that Mayor could type ages ago, but had seen it as a potential talent only recently. At first, he was mostly just studying potential sceil language from the things that Mayor would write- all of that research being pinned to the wall behind the organized writing desk. Mayor was slowly being taught how to write in succubun language, which explained another small chart in this section, being a diagram of the entire alphabet and the basic line strokes that created each letter. Mayor did plenty to organize the space for himself, often stacking papers in order of completion and leaning his pens against the wall in height order. There was even a small wooden wastebin on the side of the desk opposite of the stages, where there were plenty of papers that had been crumpled up and tossed inside. 

If anything had fallen out of the bin, Shesha would be quick to make sure it was placed back in, as the trash bin actually fell into their training space. Shesha's talent was organization, and you could tell that from the very sight of the training area. There were stacks and stacks of drawers and compartments to hold all sorts of things. In fact, the drawers went up all the way to the ceiling, being bolted to the wall at a certain height to keep them all from falling over. All of the items inside the compartments were imp toys, that were not only organized by type of toy, but by color and sized and even how bitten up it had become over times of use. Shesha's training had been a collaborative effort from Midicus and a lot of his friends who had imps, giving a larger range of times to be organized in the large stack. On the floor was also a small space for Shesha to place items they grabbed from the drawers, as well as a marked out place for new items to be placed and for items that had become too torn up to be looked at by Midicus before being thrown away.

Ouroboros might have been the one without any color, but that didn't mean that they didn't have a talent. In fact, their talent required an entire different room that had been added on in connection to the training room. It was an extremely small kitchen meant for one chef at a time, though it had everything needed to create dango, mochi, as well as other imp treats that one might not originally think of. Some of the treats made here were placed on the wall outside the door to the kitchen, the most peculiar being assorted foods for buns... but made small. It's not like Ouroboros needed them to be small. His talent was speed eating- something that a lot of imps could do to a certain extent, but Ouroboros was starting to become so good at it that Midicus truly couldn't keep up. Their training only occurred when the chef that created the imp treats was around, though there were plenty of boxes full of treats that Ouroboros could snack on when not training. Next to the kitchen door was a table with a checkerboard tablecloth, and a plate placed on top of it. It was a bun-sized plate, because Ouroboros could handle bun-sized meals. Next to the plate was also a small plastic menu with all of the possible foods that could be made, with checkmarks placed next to ones that Ouroboros considered favorites - two of those being a veggie burger and flatbread pizza. You know, if Midicus had to guess the favorite foods of a sceil, he probably would have guessed something similar to that. 

With the corners full of diagrams and assorted specialized sections for his various sceils, the center area was still primarily empty when it wasn't actively being used, because it was meant for putting together custom courses for racing and obstacle avoidance for his imps to go through. Most of the actual obstacles were placed in a storage room right outside of the training room, but there were a few that were left behind, primarily the see-saw and the tunnels. Unlike some of the cheaper tunnels that were used for imp exercise, the tunnels in the training room were made out of wood, making it impossible to keep them stored with everything else. As an alternative, they were stacked up in the corner opposite of Ekans and Arbok's corner along with some of the other pole-like structures meant for the obstacle courses.

All of the things occurring in the room made it loud and full of opposing smells typically, but not to the point of distress for most succubuns. Besides, the only buns that were here very often were Midicus and Ouroboros' personal chef, and they handled it just fine.

It was definitely not the kind of place that most people would think when they thought about Midicus' favorite location, far from it- but Midicus didn't care about how pretty a location was or how sweet it smelled, he cared about the kind of memories he made there and how he could connect with those he cared about. 

And safe to say, just by the proof of this room existing, he cared for his sceils a lot. 

Burrow Sweet Burrow | Midicus' Training Room
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy

feat. his snake collection

Submitted By golden-boy for Burrow Sweet Burrow
Submitted: 11 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 11 months and 5 days ago

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