Burrow Sweet Burrow | Zenki's Attic

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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Zenki lives in the attic above an antique shop in the heart of burrowgatory's shopping district. The store itself sells all sorts of things that could be seen as fashionable under the category of 'vintage', as well as objects that were previously widespread through burrowgatory but have become scarce over the passing time. At current, their most popular items to sell are well-preserved drinks from the winter season, buns flooding in desperate to obtain the elusive Commemorative Glass that's currently on display. Many newcomers to the city don't know that the item is bound to return as the seasons change, and the owner plans to sell the item before that becomes realized. Behind the display case for the glass is a small hidden door that opens to a staircase, which leads into the attic where Zenki lives. 

It's a small space, but every part of said space is used well. The walls are covered with posters of various types, mostly of famous phantom thieves both from real life and from fiction. Zenki's personal favorites are the beloved Song Thief and Kaitou Bun, their images being the ones that cover the walls the most. The amount of money he must have spent on it all is incomprehensible. The floor is covered with papers, seemingly blank only because the information written upon them can only be revealed under blacklight. A simple measure to make sure that none of his secrets be revealed to anyone that might wander into his place of rest. At the side of the room is a small bedside table with a picture frame on top. The picture frame is empty, but has scraps of a previous photo clinging to the latches. It's clear that he had some kind of picture here before, but had apparently ripped it out somewhat recently. Next to the bedside table is, of course, his bed. The bed is decorated with a red quilt which was further decorated by small embroidered images of different famous pieces of art that Burrowgatory had become aware of, he also has a large singular pillow with a red cover at the edge of his bed. It's surprisingly well-kept, not flattened or messed up in any significant manner.

His bedroom set-up is next to a window, the only window in the room and the only way that someone might be able to peek into his room, thankfully there's a curtain he can put over it should he need it, but it'd be rare for anyone to want to break into his room anyways, seeing as the window is extremely far up compared to the ground, and there's no trees or additional buildings that would have a perfect place for someone to sneak up to that level. The only thing outside of the window usually is the small plastic corvat toy that he attached to the outside of his window. It was a nice reminder of the living beings outside of his room, and encouragement to go outside during the day whenever he truly felt like he belonged nowhere else but his room. He also wanted a corvat today, maybe when he had a bit more money that he could use to take care of it properly, but that was a dream for another day. Next to that space was an easel- nothing was sitting upon it, but it was clear that it had use, splotches of paint being stuck to the wood to the point where washing it off was nothing more than a fever dream. What kind of paint it was is a mystery to everyone, including Zenki. He used a lot of different kinds of paints, so it could really be anything. Acrylic, Watercolor, maybe even something strange. Colored liquid charcoal? That was something he had used recently. It's not like he had any of the art he made to reference it. He usually just sold those for a quick buck outside of the antique store. You put some lines on a canvas and someone will be willing to dig into their wallets to buy it. He did keep some of the art he made... but that wasn't kept up here. He'd be embarrassed out of his mind if it was.

 Next to that was his desk, painted a nice soft pink with only tiny imperfections. He had multiple pens scattered around the desk, and a picture of the layout of the Church of Sulfur laid out. He really should clean that up when he had the chance, less anyone get any strange ideas about him and try investigating him further. The map itself was marked with different spots, labeling the rooms by what their use was, and various boxes around parts of the church that he was distinctly sure he had to avoid. Oleander's room was one of them, marked out with a small note that said 'Not doing that song and dance again, at least not tonight.' And it was true. His plans for the evening had a lot to do with getting away scot-free, and hopefully without having to follow Oleander into a confession booth.

That led to the corner of the room, but on the wall next to the Desk, there was another small switch for a secret door, this one also opening a door to a staircase, but this one going downwards... quite a far bit downwards, actually. The walls on the way down were blank, though the stairs were carpeted. They obviously weren't made like this, meaning that Zenki had to painstakingly carpet each and every step for the sake of his own feet. After about forty steps, it became a worthy task. 

At the end of the stairwell was a location that Zenki affectionately referred to as 'The base of operations.' Sure, There was the map upstairs, but that had only been worked on in the attic due to his own laziness. Down here? This was where the real magic happened. The walls here were covered with important pieces of art, locked up in secure boxes of fortified glass. A perfect mixture of security and visibility. Part of it was so that Zenki could make sure that the paintings were still the real deal. After all, what kind of art thief would he be if he didn't recognize a fake piece of art from the real deal? In the middle of the room was one of his prized possessions. It was another piece from the Church of Sulfur. One of the genuine demon statues that were supposed to be kept under lock and key. His little blessing from the church, and the first piece of art he had under his control. Most of the art he stole, he gave to buns more deserving- buns that would make sure the art would be both respected and taken care of, but he was a greed bun... and he knew that the statue belonged in his own little sanctuary. 

In the space next to the statue to the right, there was a closet built into the wall. There was only one outfit in there, just multiplied quite a lot of times, red suits as far as the eye could see. After all, if he ended up getting a tear in his clothes during a chase, he couldn't stand to wear it for another heist. He had another closet for his costumes, but that was in the actual antique store, made to look like it was just a display of costumes throughout the ages. To the left of the statue was another desk, but this one was a solid black color, and the pictures on it were that of the burrowgatory police department. They didn't do much, after all- investigators and police were more of a kink than anything else when crime ruled the streets, but they still tried to stop him every now and again, so he had to keep track of them- who left, who joined, all that fun stuff. On the wall above this desk was a map of the entire city of burrowgatory, and the entire driven path to the Forneus Sea. It was a large map, marked out with different pins and strings. Areas that he had already snatched from were crossed out, new locations were marked with red pins, and locations of the detectives and active investigations were marked out with blue pins. It made the map kind of cluttered, especially when you added the sticky notes to the mix, but Zenki could understand it, and that was all that really mattered.

There were additional photos next to the map, showing images of different pieces of art that he was planning to steal for more deserving parties. One old museum had a statue of a battle between a vampiric succubun and a regular succubun, which was starting to gain dust and had a slight crack due to mismanagement. That would be going to an association of vampire LARPers in the area, obsessive enough to take care of the piece as it deserved. There was a piece of art known as 'Corvat of the Golden Cage' which, as expected, was an image of a strange yellow Corvat in a golden cage. The paint had started to chip, obviously being used as mindless decor more than actual art. Funnily enough, that would also be going to someone vampiric in aesthetics. There was a male living in a manor a bit away from town. He had an art gallery that his master had created for him, but prices for actual pieces of art were even beyond what his master's paycheck could afford. No doubt that he would risk life and limb to protect any piece of art he got. It also helped that he was an avid imp lover, so it would go well with him. This could go on forever, the amount of images that flooded the sides of the map space. 

Another strange piece that he had in this room was one that he was actually saving for someone... The violin shimmered under the light that shown down on the exhibition box. He had stolen it from yet another place of 'historical appreciation'. The poor violin was close to breaking when he had found it. He didn't mean to brag, of course, but he was a big of a handyman at times. The violin now looked good as new, with all the historical details intact, including the poem placed upon the back of it. A love poem about the ocean and about music. That would be a secret gift for the lighthouse keeper by the Forneus Sea. That man was like the demons had created him special, a perfect being of the ocean who was filled with terror just to keep him from stealing the hearts of any sailor or tourist that wandered his way. Around the violin were sketches of the bun in question, all done by Zenki of course. Some were more than sketches- not that he'd want anyone to focus too much on the extremely detailed portrait of the succubun's side profile that he had hanging on the wall there.

He definitely could admit that stealing for one specific person without knowing if they could care for the item was a bit selfish, but he couldn't help but feel the desire to do just that. He was greedy, just as his horns declared. For art, for love, and for the rare smiles of that poor little lighthouse keeper. Nobody else had even seen them before... but when he left gifts and peeked into his windows to see them be opened, he saw them. Was that odd? Perhaps a little, but he wasn't a stalker or anything- just a secret admirer. He knew the difference well. After all, it wasn't like he was following him all the time, just popping by every now and again to drop off a gift before disappearing into the night again. It'd be unreasonable for him to drive out to the Forneus Sea that much anyways.

The floor of the room was covered with more notes, though these ones were not as secretly hidden as the ones in the attic. Explicit notes of plans, of ways to sneak into buildings. He even had some prototypes of his grand theft announcements on the ground. Of course, all the final versions of the notes and calling cards were kept in a safe for his own use, but it wasn't like he could just spit anything out and have it be perfect. Well, except for that one time he had created a calling card for the church- he knew that place well enough that all of his cards to announce his crimes there were perfect on the first run. In fact, on the ground next to some of the notes were the images of more of the members of the church, priests and nuns that he had labeled with a threat level. There was a bun with a stern look and gray hair, which was marked as a maximum threat level individual, and then there was a bun with white hair and a nervous little smile, who was marked as a minimum threat. He had really meant to collect those off of the ground so he had them on hand... but he was a bit lazy about that as well. 

The secret door of this room was inside the closet of his outfits, this one going upwards to leave out the back door of the Antique store. In fact, it dropped him right next to the display case that held all of his costumes. The door was hidden on the other side as well, so that anyone who looked at it thought it was just another old statue for sale pressed against the wall. Zenki was glad that the antique store owner allowed him to use his store as his home and place of operations. Of course, he paid rent, but... well, it's not surprising when a succubun pays for a service with something other than carats.

Burrow Sweet Burrow | Zenki's Attic
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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Submitted By golden-boy for Burrow Sweet Burrow
Submitted: 11 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 11 months and 1 week ago

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