Beach Outing

In General ・ By Piki
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Pico's hooves made a soft clopping sound as he hopped off the bus once they arrived at the beach. The heat immediately hit him once he was out, but the salty breeze and the sight of that big, wide ocean was beautiful. His lips pulled into a smile as he looked around, holding his hat so it wouldn't be blown away by the breeze, "Wow, I forgot how pretty the ocean looked!" He turned to glance at Cerise, "Ready to start heading over?"

When Pico looks at Cerise he sees her practically dancing on her tiptoes sparkling eyes looking out at the beach in wonder. Small giggles escape her as she wiggles before Pico finally asks her if she's ready. "Yeah!! Oh my gosh this is so exciting~! Where do we go first??"

"Hmmm, let's go walk along the boardwalk and look for a spot that's not so crowded. We can rent an umbrella and some chairs too when we go down the shore" He found her excitement so amusing, especially since she mentioned she has been here a few times for work. But he understood, it was way different being here for fun and with a friend, than for work. 

Walking down the boardwalk was a ride on its own. It had so many colorful shops selling food, toys, gifts, clothes, and candy. There were even some arcades. Pico didn't remember the area much since he came here years ago, so he couldn't help staring around in awe. He didn't even know what to do first. Though suddenly, a sweet smell caught his nose and he tilted his face up a little to sniff. It was then that his stomach grumbled. Ah, right, he forgot he hasn't eaten anything yet. His eyes glanced to the side, spotting a food stand selling grilled, teriyaki carrots on a stick. The smell itself made him gulp, "Those look so good. Do you want to get one with me?"

Watching Pico a bit more outside of himself all caught up in the sights made Cerise's heart flutter. After Pico's mentioning of food she could feel her tummy rumble and smell the sWeet teriyaki in the air. "Ahh that smells so good!! I'd love to have one with you! I'm a little hungry anyways hehe~" The pair hopped over to the stand and ordered two carrots on a stick. Both enamored with the sight of the teriyaki glazed being dipped into the carrots they drooled at the window before being handed their sweet reward. "Wooow~!! They look so amazing and delicious I can't wait!!" Cerise fumbles in her tote grabbing her phone and a cute succulent themed selfie stick. "Quick, before we eat we need a pic!!" She scooched up close to Pico and held up the stick. "Carats~!" She called out before snapping a cute boardwalk selfie. "Now we can dig in~" Cerise cooed before taking a bite of her carrot. She lets out a small eep before looking up at Pico teary eyed, "It's a little hot on the glaze still for mine..." Continuing to pout and look at Pico.

Cerise’s whine almost scared him, since it came out right when his tongue touched the teriyaki glaze and sent nothing but absolute pain to his mouth. Guess both of them were too quick to taste it. But he quickly turned towards her as he ignored his own pain for a moment, seeing her teary eyes and cute pout, “Y-you okay?” He gasped, quickly handing her a napkin to wrap it around the stick in her hand, since the glaze was dripping down towards it, “It really is hot, I burnt my tongue too just now–” He said, letting out a little laugh, “Come on, lets go sit down over there” He pointed towards an empty bench across the boardwalk and made his way over to sit down. It would be easier if they ate this sitting down to avoid getting the glaze everywhere.

Cerise nods and pouts a little at Pico's concern before following him to the bench nearby. As Pico sits down, Cerise walks up in front of him and leans forward, grabbing his wrist, "I want to make sure it's not too hot for you anymore~" she teases before licking the tip of his glazed carrot and opening her eyes to smile at him slyly. "Yup~! All safe to eat hehe" Straightening herself before sitting down next to the poor bun next to her, proudly. She continues to eat her own snack, all the while being a bit suggestive of her and there and trying to catch glances of Pico's reactions. Finishing up she lets out a loud sound of satisfaction, "Those were yummy just like they smelled!! Maybe we should get some ice cream too to cool back down before going to the shoreline~?"

Pico's brain didn't even know how to register what just happened. He just kind of stared at her with widened eyes when she suddenly grabbed his wrists to lick the glaze off his carrot, completely stunned by the strangely lewd sight he had just witnessed. It made him unconsciously gulp, his brain immediately thinking very unholy things about this. But it felt very wrong of him to think stuff like THAT, especially since Cerise was someone who had become very dear to him. So he forced himself to shut down those thoughts as Cerise went to sit back down. But that didn't mean he managed to recover that quickly, "A-ah yeah thanks for checking for me" He mumbled before finally taking a bite of his carrot. Pico tried to avoid her eye contact as he ate it, knowing fully well she enjoyed teasing him and right now, he could barely take it. 

After he was done, he nodded at her suggestion of eating ice cream and the two stood up to continue walking down the boardwalk. Eventually they stopped at an ice cream place and he decided to order a raspberry and cookies and cream one on a cone. Once he got his, he stepped to the side and waited for Cerise to get her own.

Seeing Pico turn bright red like an instant sunburn, Cerise felt a sense of satisfaction and nervous energy. Seeing him panic and eat his food, avoiding her further teasing, she couldn't help but get a bit flustered herself. Lucky for her, she can hide it better and only shows a bit of extra rosie color on her cheeks. 

Walking over to the ice cream stand, Cerise could notice Pico still struggling to compose himself, and wanted to bask in his very obvious thoughts a bit more. After Pico orders and steps aside, she hops up to the counter to make her choice. Hmm... I could get a popsicle... push him more... But maybe he'll shut down and this whole trip ends early... I can't have that, I don't want that... Oh! I know~ Making her order and picking it up she strolls over to Pico who's already hurriedly eating his dessert. "Hey~ I got some sea salt soft serve!" She takes a small bite before letting out a loud hum, "Wow!! It's SOOO good!"  She then fidgets a bit before stepping towards Pico and leaning forward, "Would you l-like a taste?" She quietly mutters, holding her cone out to him. Why was that so hard to ask? Why am I suddenly so warm and nervous... I've teased him worse than this tons of times ahhhh Her standing wigglin a bit in place, blushing heavily with her treat held out to him.

Pico just kind of stood there as he stared down at the ice cream, not knowing what to say or do at the sudden offer. He was too stunned to even blush, until the question finally registered and he blinked back into reality, realizing that she was waiting for him to do something “A-ah Sure?” He replied, looking down at the ice cream for a moment before slowly leaning in. There was a moment of hesitation but he decided to just go for it and quickly lick her ice cream, tasting the sweet, salty cream as soon as his tongue touched it, “Hm!” He let out a little hum in delight, straightening back up with a smile, “That’s really yummy!” Though he paused when he saw her fidgeting and looking a bit nervous. Maybe she wanted a taste of his too but was too shy to ask? So he smiled at her and held out his, “Here, taste mine too. The cookies and cream is delicious”

Pico licking at her treat somehow sent Cerise into even a worse panic internally and she began to fidget and fluster even worse. She could barely think straight as the distant sound of Pico's voice echoed in her mind before she realized he'd reached his treat out to her now. "A-ah... Y-yea! Here lemme try ahaha..." she struggled to get out before leaning in. She licked the cookies and cream delight delicately, enjoying the taste. Her mind was racing even though she'd done a much more suggestive action prior, she couldn't help her heart rate rising and her mind clouding a bit more. Pico's... flavor... Cerise lost in thought took a second lick and a small nibble before catching herself. Alerted to her actions she shot up from the treat and took a few steps back from the bun, stammers, "Ah hahaha! Wow! That is a really good, great choice of flavor Pico!!" Basically red as a ripened tomato and sweating, Cerise began to just devour her treat and calm her mind down. God what is going ON with me today???

“Really? I'm glad you liked it” Pico said, totally oblivious to her internal struggles. He was more worried about her liking the ice cream flavor he chose. And he did find it weird how flustered she got at that moment, but he figured she probably liked it a lot and was embarrassed she gave it a second lick. He didn't mind at all of course! “Let's go down the shore then and see if we can find a place to settle” He said and the two made their way down to the beach to finally start their day. 


Beach Outing
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In General ・ By Piki
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Submitted By Mama-ChocoView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

Piki: RP partner, thumbnail Sketch/Lines.
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