Shell Yeah!

In Prompts ・ By steviatea
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"Hey, Lydia?" 

Lydia turned to her beloved Lucille, attention immediately on her. "Yes, Lucille? Is everything all right, dear?"

Lucy didn't hesitate to nod her head. "Oh, yeah! Of course, everything is all right! I just wanted to ask… where do you suppose seashells come from?"

Lydia's heart raced at her girlfriend merely asking her a question about seashells. She'd almost expected a deeper question than that… after all, the two of them had been dating for quite some time and they'd had a few conversations before that leaned on the serious end of things, but Lydia never knew what to expect. 

"Oh, that's a good question. Perhaps they come from imps in the sea? Remnants of leftover marine life and whatnot, they'd show up on the shore."

The sun shone brightly on the two Succubuns as they walked alongside the beach, hand in hand. Lydia had picked out a rather extravagant looking one-piece, while Lucille wore a cute bikini that didn't leave much to the imagination… Not that Lydia minded the view, of course.

"Yeah, that would make a lot of sense," Lucille replied with a smile, giggling. When she looked at Lydia with those hot pink eyes of hers, Lydia's heart skipped a beat. Oh, goodness–she really did love her so much.

And she wondered why it took her so long to figure out what she did for the first time when she met her.

"Well, it sure is beautiful," Lydia sighed contentedly. "I think this one is a little more colorful,” she pointed out as she stopped to look at a collection of seashells washed up from the shore. Picking up a conical shell, she examined it in her hands and looked over at Lucille. “Hey, at the risk of sounding a bit silly… what do you think about making a sandcastle together with all of these seashells?”

Lucy’s syes lit up. “Oh, honey, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t sound silly at all! Let’s do it!” She wasted no time crouching down to sort through the shells, picking out some rather vibrant and interesting ones.

Smiling shyly, Lydia joined in, searching for the ideal seashells. This wasn’t the sort of thing a stiff, awkward businesswoman like herself would often do. Truthfully, it was freeing to break from her usual routine and let loose a little. If there was one thing that Lydia did enjoy about her lifestyle as a Succubun, it was being able to express herself freely, even if that meant doing something completely different from her normal. No passerby on the beach seemed to judge or care at all.

“Hey, take a look at this shell,” Lydia called to her girlfriend’s attention. Her shell had an unimpressive color and shape, but within it was something much more impressive. A beautiful, iridescent pearl sat in the center of the flower-shaped shell. Lydia beamed, taking out the pearl and handing it to Lucy.

“Golly, that’s gorgeous!” Lucy exclaimed, accepting the pearl and gazing at it with sparkling eyes. “Lydia… how’d you find this?”

“Oh, um, it was just luck… I’m so glad you like it, though.” Lydia smiled, bluhsing at the sight of her lovely girlfriend enjoying what she’d found. In spite of being a greed Succubun, she couldn’t help but be generous towards her girl. It was worth seeing Lucy’s reaction.

Accepting the pearl rather happily, Lucy leaned over the collection of shells in the sand and kissed Lydia with a passion that her lover couldn’t ignore. The kiss deepened, but not before Lydia’s hands slipped against a shell. Catching herself, Lydia laughed. 

“How about we move our findings somewhere… softer? The sand is so wet here…” Lydia straightened out her hair, her spade tail whipping around behind her.

“That sounds like a good idea. Then, we can ‘make sandcastles’ all we want.” She winked.

Was that an innuendo? Lydia couldn’t always tell what was on the lust bun’s mind, but whatever Lucy meant, it got her blushing. So, Lydia nodded, scooping up an assortment of shells. The two buns found a nice, soft, relatively private part of the shore and left their findings on the side. 

They ended up, well, doing something other than building sandcastles, ignoring the shells off on the side. Still worth it, though. The sandcastles would just have to wait.


Shell Yeah!
0 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By steviatea

Started writing this little prompt fill on my trip to Japan so I figured I'd finally finish it at home, haha!

Submitted By steviatea for She Sells Seashells 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 5 days agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 days ago

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