A few missteps

In Prompts ・ By Ruriska
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The Gossamer Gala was the event of the year and of course Sakura would be there. She had received her envelope, graciously delivered by one of Angora’s many staff and she’d contemplated it for a while, running her fingers across the thick, gilded paper. A new kimono would need to be acquired, delicate embroidery of golden butterflies dancing across purple fabric. It had taken some time to organize but had been worth it in the end, to walk into the venue, draped in fine new clothing, the bare skin of her throat touched with lavender oils, ready to find some new acquaintances. Normally Sakura was the +1 to events like this. Her services offered to anyone who needed somebody both witty and beautiful on their arm, to charm, there to endeavor in making their night one to remember. But when it came to the gala, she preferred to set out solo. It was easier to mingle that way, to admire everyone in their finery and take her pick on who she deemed worthy of devoting her attention to for the evening. So she circled the room, a drink in one hand, held delicately between two fingers, smiling pleasantly at all she met, while giving soft praise to their own elaborate clothing. Everyone had done so very well. So much beauty in one room. It was delightful.

While most social events typically left Cayenne the wallflower, a ball was where the doll with firey hair truly stood out amongst the crowd. Proper social skills weren't required to dance and dance she did. The maiden was art in motion, the sheer and silk fabrics of her dress flowing around her in the colors of the sunset. Her radiant colors a splash of heat against the cool marble of the ball room. The movement of her dance resembling the flickering dance of a candle flame. For a moment nothing else existed in the world besides the rhythm of the music and as the song came to an end Cayenne slowed. Cheeks rosy and a a slight dampness of sweat clinging to her skin, Cayenne took a deep breath and wiped her brow before stepping towards the refreshment table.

Even with so much beauty packed into one room, it was impossible not to notice her. The dancer, a live flame, twirling across the dance floor. It made Sakura’s hips sway too, as if longing to join her. She was powerful and vibrant and as the song began to slow and the dancer with it, Sakura’s steps carried her over, to meet her at the refreshment table. As she got closer, she was able to admire the thin sheen of sweat from the other Succubun’s endeavors, a well-earned heat. “Good evening,” Sakura greeted the other, as she stepped alongside her, allowing her gaze to lazily admire the other from top to bottom.

Reaching for a glass of champagne, the soft lilt of another's voice reached her ears, causing Cayenne to jolt like she'd been shocked with a live wire. Her hand, still outstretched, closed and pulled back toward her as she turned stiffly towards the beautiful bun who had approached her.
A blush covered her cheeks as the bun who was once a firey tornado of rhythm and dance uttered a stuttering squeak. "H-hello."
Her eyes were wide as she stared at the maiden in horror. Had she done something wrong? Did she offend this beautiful woman somehow?

Well, that was unexpected. But also adorable. Sakura had approached the other fully expecting confidence as firey as the dance but the bun before her stuttered across her words like a quavering candle flame. Sakura's free hand rose, fingers brushing her lips, doing nothing to hide the quirking smile and delight in her eyes. "You're quite the dancer," she complimented, watching her intently.

The tension left Cayenne's body like a deflating balloon. The gorgeous bun at least didn't seem to be angry or offended in any way. The compliment on her dancing too had brought her some relief. "Thank you," she chirped, sheepishly looking down at her feet. "I- I dance professionally so..."
She blushed and glanced shyly up at the other bun. Socialize. How to socialize. "I- Um... I like your dress."

"Well, you're clearly very skilled. An absolute joy to watch." It seemed the compliments were enough to put her at ease and so Sakura was eager to offer wanna more. The bun has earned them after all. At the return compliment, Sakura gave a gasp of delight and shifted in a way that showed off the kimono more, each delicate fold. "Oh thank you, dear! I must say I'm quite happy with how it turned out." With a smile, Sakura leaned towards the table, not having forgotten why the other had approached this space. "What would you like to drink? You must be thirsty."

“It’s a lot of practice…” She murmured, wavering. “But, it’s worth it. Even if you mess up it’s still a lot of fun. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Cayenne gave a small bow, clasping her hands together. The doll pursed her lips, watching the fabric shimmer as it moved and examining the intricate patterns depicted on it. “It looks beautiful… Did you make it yourself?” “Ah!” Cayenne turned scarlet and glanced towards the refreshments, having already forgotten why she had come this way in the first place. “Y-yes. I mean… Water is probably the best just for rehydrating. Did- did you want something?”

"In my experience, dancing is never the sort of thing you can mess up. As long as there's heart in it," Sakura said with a smile. At the question, she chuckled slightly. "Oh I wish I had such skills! But no, I did pay a pretty penny for it. Worth it of course." Her hand slid across the embroidered fabric. Her hand that had been hovering above the drinks, slowly descended upon the simple glass of water. Her own champagne glass nearly forgotten in her other hand. "I'm fine for drinks. But perhaps," she asked, as offered the other bun, still nameless to her, the glass of water, "would you care to dance with me?"

Cayenne laughed awkwardly and scratched behind one of her ears. "Ah, well, I'm sure my childhood mentors would disagree..." Her gaze returned to the lavish fabrics the other doll was bedecked in and gave a small nod. Unsure of what to say, she shifted uncomfortably and fingered the fabric of her own gown. Carefully plucking the glass of water that was offered to her, Cayenne tipped her head back and swallowed the contents of the cup in one quick gulp. A hand reached up to wipe the stray drops around her lips with the back of her palm. "A dance?" She blinked, a small shy smile on her lips. "I would love to."

A few missteps
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In Prompts ・ By Ruriska
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Submitted By GrauOrchidee for May I Have This Dance? 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 weeks ago

Ruriska: Co-author
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