New church member

In General ・ By Pooch, Kaztronaut
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Pyxis steps into the church, looking around the place. He smiles happily as he walks in, excited to get his weekly share of carats. Mercy was the one stealing them... he was just being paid to keep silent, didn't count. He rocks on his feet as he reaches the stairs of the altar where he normally waits.

Fenris walks past, yawning slightly from finally having woken up from his recent nap when he stops in his track and spot a visitor sitting on the stairs. He blinks a few times and runs at his eyes to make sure it was another bun who stood there and not just his tired imagination playing tricks. “Hello and welcome to the church of Sulfur, can I help you sir?” He asks the stranger that stands before him, not having seen him around before… and knowing full well that he shouldn’t ignore visitors.
Pyxis looks as someone enters, immediately deflating once he realizes it wasn't who he needed. He still smiles slightly, "I was looking for Mercy, is she around here today?" He hums, leaning forward slightly as if trying to look through different doors and find her. "She owes me something and I'd really like it. Today."
Fenris looks away slightly as the name is mentioned. He was not a huge fan of her, but he didn’t need to voice that. “I know where sister Mercy is… she is nearby, however she is busy and I am not sure when she will be free to give you the thing you want. Would I be able to help you in her stead? Or perhaps be able to occupy your time till she is able to take my place” He asks tilting his head slightly as he looks up at Pyxis.
Pyxis frowns slightly, great. "Greedy bun." He says under his breath. "Uhm.. I mean, I would love to just spend some time. Would be helpful to get to know all the church members. Plus I don't think you can help much in her stead unfortunately." He smiles, hoping... he didn't catch what he'd said. "What's your name by the way? I'm Pyxis." He smiles, holding a hand out to shake Fenris'.
Fenris stiffens slightly as he hears him mutter those words, he was not gonna comment on it, but he definitely agrees. “R-right, yes, of course. Well I am happy to hear you want to get to know the members of our church better sir” he says with a small smile at Pyxis. He adjusts the books in his arms and shakes Pyxis’ hand. “Fenris, nice to meet you” he bows slightly, as much as he is able to with one hand in Pyxis’ and the other filled with books.
Pyxis looks around for a moment, gesturing to one of the pews. "We can sir so you aren't carrying so much." He smiles awkwardly, "And I'm Pyxis by the way, nice to meet you Fenris." He hums, "I've met Oleander and obviously Mercy already. It's nice to meet new members." He nods, "So uh... do you also take confessions... or what is it you do here?"
Fenris looks at him. “Oh… right… I was just supposed to put these back in their place” he says nodding in the direction of the entrance of the church where the bookshelf with the other psalm books. “Just give me a moment” he says as he quietly walks towards the bookshelf and starts to put the books in their place. “Sister Mercy and father Oleander are the heads of this church so I am not surprised you have heard of them” he says looking up towards Pyxis. A slight blush dust his cheeks at the direct question. “I do… but… not often, I mostly help with errands and take small tasks from the other church members and people who visit” he says as he puts in the final books and walk back towards Pyxis. “As a member of the church we are supposed to help the community in whatever capacity they need, at least father Oleander says so”

Pyxis watches as Fenris sets the books down onto the shelf. "Well... I've spoken to Mercy many times... I seem to some how manage to not be here when Oleander is out and about." Totally not on purpose. Not at all. He finally sits when he answers the question. "I see, well, every contribution helps I'm sure, especially seeing how big of a church this is." He hums, "Do you enjoy helping the community? Or are you more the type to stay in the church?" Pyxis watches him as he answers, trying to sus out how much like Oleander he was without also insulting Oleander. Considering there was obviously some amount of respect there. Had to be.

“Father Oleander is often busy, so I can understand why you might have missed him” Fenris nods, clearly not understanding that the choice was deliberate. Fenris sits down next to him, though with some space between the two of them. “Do I enjoy helping the community?” He asks aloud. “I think so, it is nice when I can be helpful sometimes… but I do like staying the church so I can na-“ he goes quiet and shake his head. “Spend a good amount of time listening in the confession booth when people want to pour their hearts out” not napping, definitely not napping and pretending like he was listening.

Pyxis is thankful for the space, relaxing some. "Mm, yes. Very busy." He nods, totally never waited for him to leave before walking in. "Well... I'm sure listening to confessions helps the community." He nods, he wasn't going to question the fact he said he only sometimes took confessions yet spends a good amount of time there. "At least you are genuine in wanting to help. I mean... I assume you chose to work here and not forced to..." He looks at him, suddenly unsure.

Fenris looks at him for a moment, looking slightly confused. “I don’t know if it helps, but I slee-“ he goes quiet again completely embarrassed by his slip ups, the nap he had taken earlier must have not done much. “I am sure it helps, sometimes telling your worries make you feel better after” except if those worries get you scolded and punished, then they make you feel worse. But oleander told him confessions were good, have to be honest in the booth. “I like being at the church they treat me very well, but I do occasionally go out and see things not connected to here, I like doing that too” did he join willingly? Well the conversation was very convincing if he recalled correctly, that’s probably close enough. Besides he wasn’t good at much else. His thumb and pointer is resting on his cheek and chin as he thinks long and hard about the answer.
Pyxis looks at him as he just... thinks... "Right..." He isn't sure what to do. It's just silent. He stays silent too. Quiet............. "I have a worry currently." He speaks up, "About you." He looks at him, "Are you okay?"
Fenris opens his eyes to blink at Pyxis as he finally breaks the silence, Fenris probably having drifted off just for a teeny tiny second. “Oh a worry?” He asks studying him for a moment. “About me…?” He pauses. “I am okay? Why?” He wondered what had brought on this worry, not realizing it had been himself.
Pyxis stares at him again. "What do you mean why?" He is unsure what to say. "I asked if you were forced here or came to work here on your own and you just.." He puts his hand to his chin, doing what Fenris just had done. "And then stayed silent?"
Fenris blinks a few more times, watching as Pyxis copies him. He makes a little ‘aha’ motion once he realized what Pyxis meant. “Oh” he says, letting the silence linger for a moment longer. “I am not forced to be here, I can leave if I want to, I think… I would not be sure where to go, should I want to, but I am here cause I do want to and no other reason” he says, probably overselling it a bit. “I just can’t recall why I joined” he smiles slightly, proud of his own answer.
"Right... I'm sure you could... totally leave." Pyxis nods, totally convinced... totally... "You.. can't? Isn't that... like.. not good?" He looks around as if anything else could answer him. "And you really have no back up plan from this? At all?" His concern grew by the minute.
Fenris thinks for a moment longer and shrugs. “No, I probably fell asleep, but it was a very good speech, I do recall that” he nods, to emphasize his point. “Would I need a backup plan if I am happy with what I do?” he asks confused, suddenly he was growing uncomfortable, he didn’t like this conversation very much, it seemed very pointed. “I know you wanted to get to know me more as a member of the church, but I am not sure I am comfortable with the turn this conversation has taken. I would like it more if we didn’t continue with this topic” he says glancing away, before he looks back at Pyxis. “Are there other things that bother you?” He asks
Pyxis nods, "Right.. well I guess if you're happy you don't need it." He shakes his head, "I apologize, I won't continue it. I guess I pushed a bit far on that." He smiles awkwardly at him. "No, there's nothing that bothers me anymore. I dare say you've helped a community member quite a bit." He nods, continuing to smile. "You mentioned you do other things outside of the church? What else do you like doing?"
Fenris lets out a long breath as Pyxis decides to let it go. “I am glad I was able to help you” he says, not sure how happy he was with providing said help. “Apology accepted, there is no reason to bear feelings like this long term, when you regret your actions” he says softly, he was pretty sure he did it right. “Outside of the church?” He thinks for a moment before he starts counting things out on the fingers as he tells Pyxis. “Help with the gardens so the nice smelling flowers grow near one of my good napping spots… sleep in the field… sometimes I visit the dango shop and sleep in the nice pillows in the back. Going to the tailor to get myself new pillows, I do like that” a lot of these things he keep mentioning either relates to napping or doing things to improve his napping, the list seems quite extensive as he keeps rambling. Then he pauses and grows flustered as he looks at Pyxis again. “Sorry, that was probably a bit much. What do you do?” He asks, hands anxiously in his lap as he tries to steer the conversation away from himself
Pyxis nods, glad that it seemed like Fenris wasn't too upset. He listens to the long list of nap related things... long... list of nap related things. "Oh, well it sounds nice. Seems like it makes you quite happy as well, no one can blame you there." He hums, "I... uhh... well my job is to garden, I own a few greenhouses. As for recreation, I just usually spend my time at a modeling studio... I don't model, I just spend my time with them. Mainly the manager." He nods, "Occasionally I spend my time here... mainly speaking with Mercy, or I might just walk around Burrowgatory to explore a bit." He smiles. "I can maybe give you a few plants to decorate some of your napping places?" He smiles.
Fenris nods quickly, happy that Pyxis agreed with his choice of activities outside the church. “Oh gardening?” He says with mild curiosity as he listens to Pyxis explain. “With models and managers but not a model” he doesn’t understand it completely, but it was not his life. “I think your life sounds good and it sounds like you are happy and content with it, that makes me happy to hear” he nods. He looks at Pyxis with interest at the offer before he answers. “Thank you for the offer, however I do not like receiving things when I have not done anything in return for them” he smiles slightly.
Pyxis nods, "Lots of gardening." He laughs quietly, "Quite a few workers in the fall and spring to plant. After that just need a few to cut and sell." He nods with a small hum. "And yes... with them... not a model. My primary partner is the manager." He smiles gently, softening up to Fenris a bit. He nods about being happy about it. "Well, if you ever find something to do for me in return, they're all yours." He nods, "I also accept just plain payment too." He laughs.
“I guess that makes sense, sometimes we do hire extra people around here too when things get a bit overwhelming” Fenris hums quietly. “That is nice, I hope the two of you live a long happy life together” he smiles warmly. “And I feel like paying for something you would have given me for free takes away the novelty of it… in that case I would much rather buy other things” not really convinced by that idea. “And I am not supposed to be the one figuring out what you need help with” he shrugs, clearly this buns logic made no sense.
Pyxis smiles as Fenris wishes well for his relationship. "Thank you." He nods, "And... it was more of a joke... considering-" He stops, "Nevermind. And it wasn't like I asked for you to figure out what I need help with, just what you're willing to help with." He shrugs, "I could use help cutting at the moment, there's a few plants that could be planted at the moment... watering, making bouquets, writing notes, tying together premise bouquets." He smiles, "Just a matter of what you want to do, what's worth it for you."
“Oh” Fenris says quickly. He thinks over his answer for a moment. “Whichever you prefer, I think I am able to do all those things. I can cut plants, I could help planting things… but then I need to change outfit, this one is not supposed to get dirty… watering making bouquets, I can do both. I have really good penmanship… so what do you need most?” He asks, clearly not wanting to determine the job for himself
Pyxis laughs, "Well, I could use help writing notes the most then. I don't have the nicest hand writing and some of the people that do don't work every day." He smiles, "So, do a few of those and you've got yourself some plants." He hums, "Keeps you clean and you can keep your favorite plant." He nods, "Works for you? I assume since you said you could do it."
Fenris was happy with the compromise. “I will gladly help you write notes” he nods. “When would you need me to be there to write notes?” He asks looking Pyxis over for a moment. “Or did you mean now?”
"I appreciate it." Pyxis smiles. "Whenever you're free next. I don't want to take time from your... confessions." He smirks slightly, "Not now, unless if you want to go now? As long as I'm not getting you in trouble?"

Fenris thinks for a moment. “I am pretty sure I am done with my daily duties… so if you would like for me to go with you now instead of another day, then that is okay” he nods. Had Pyxis been a wolf, Fenris had been the lamb who happily jumped into the beasts mouth, with no regard for his own life or safety. “But you did have to talk to sister Mercy first right?” He asks.
"Sure, we can head over now then." Pyxis nods, "As for Mercy... she knows I'll keep bothering her until she gives me what she owes. I'll come by later for it." He smiles.
Fenris wasn’t really sure how he felt about the second part of Pyxis’ response, well he didn’t really know what it was about, so he couldn’t judge. He stands up and dust his dress off and adjusts his hat. “Then please lead the way, I am more than ready to follow you wherever” he nods, the promise of a flower for one of his napping spot, keeping him excited and ready to go.
Pyxis stands up with Fenris, "It's close by so don't worry." He hums, heading out of the church to lead the way to his greenhouse near by.
New church member
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In General ・ By Pooch, Kaztronaut
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Submitted By Kaztronaut
Submitted: 1 year and 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 months ago

Pooch: RP Partner
Kaztronaut: RP Partner
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