A Cherubmas Church Gathering
“Do you think this is enough food?” Mercy asked, stepping back and looking over the food placed on the table, their hands on their hips before crossing them over their chest.
“Are you sure people are going to actually show up?” Mercy added, brows furrowed in thought. “We didn’t really tell anyone we were planning on doing this after all.”
The idea of having a Cherubmas party was so sudden that they didn’t really get the chance to think about who to invite.
Oleander chuckled and wrapped his arm around Mercy’s waist and pulled them close, nodding firmly.
“Don’t worry, I assure you that at least a few people will show up. Even though it is rather short notice.” Oleander said confidently as his tail flicked behind him.
“How can you be so sure? We sent everyone home for the Holiday.” Mercy says, looking at Oleander quizzically, eyebrows raised.
Oleander grinned and held up his cellphone. “I took the time to call a few people before we began cooking.” He says.
Mercy raised their eyebrow, “Really? Who’d you call?” They asked curiously, the sound of footsteps catching their attention.
“Good afternoon Oleander, I got your message! We’re not late are we?” Fatima asks, entering the cafeteria with Mimic standing behind her.
“Hi Oleander, hi Mercy. Happy Cherubmas!” Mimic exclaimed, smiling widely and clapping her hands.
Oleander shook his head, “No, you’re not late. In fact, you two are just in time. We just finished cooking.” Oleander replied, waving them in.
“Hey Mercy, how have you been? Feeling better?” Fatima asks, making her way over to the table and sitting down, hands under her chin as she tilts her head.
Mercy sighed and sat beside her, tail flicking behind them. “I’m… better. Not as stressed out and tired as I was last month. I’m just thankful Oleander’s not actually dead.” They replied, smiling softly.
“However, I’m still a bit upset with him for letting it happen in the first place but, to be honest, it’s something I would expect from him. He is the head priest of indulgence after all.” Mercy says, chuckling softly as they watch Mimic and Oleander talking.
“Demons, yes, last month was… something. I hope that never happens again.” Fatima says, rubbing the side of her neck. “It’s still hard to believe that there are vampires running around Burrowgatory. I thought they were myths.”
Mercy laughed, “As did I! But, you have to admit, it was a bit exciting, albeit terrifying. I wonder how long it’s going to take for everyone to be able to just accept that as fact.” They said, brows furrowed as they thought about it.
“To be honest, I kind of wonder where they are. Granted I don’t plan to ever go wherever it is but, I am curious.” Fatima says, rubbing her chin in thought.
“So Oleander, how have you been after the incident last month? Everyone at the church has been calling you a miracle.
At least, that’s what Fatima told me anyway. She’s here more often than I am so she hears all the juicy gossip.” Mimic says, giggling softly.
Oleander chuckles, “I suppose it’s not far from the truth. A true blessing from Lord Murmur. Not one that I would have ever expected to receive but, I am thankful.” He says, chuckling softly.
“Really? I’m honestly not surprised that you’re the one who got blessed.” Fatima says, chiming in.
“You are the best Head Priest in the Church of Sulfur after all.” She says, smiling softly, handing him a glass of Dracquiri.
“You give me far too much credit, Fatima. But, thank you for the compliment.” Oleander says, eyes landing on someone standing in the doorway. “Ah, it looks like our last guest has finally arrived.” He says.
Sariel stands in the doorway of the cafeteria, looking around when she notices Oleander beckoning her to enter then waving her over.
A soft smile spreads across her face as she makes her way over, sitting at the table and waving to everyone.
“Hello. I hope I’m not late. I didn’t expect to be invited out today.” She says, rubbing her arm.
Oleander shakes his head, “On the contrary, you made it just in time actually. I’m glad you could make it.” He says, reaching out and patting her shoulder.
“Now then, since everyone’s here, we can officially begin. You’re all more than welcome to grab some food and drinks, as well as continue to talk among yourselves. This is a get together after all.” Oleander says, his eyes scanning the room and landing on everyone.
Everyone cheered, then stood up and made their way over to the buffet table, grabbing plates and cups, then forming a line and picking the food they wanted to eat as they moved down the line, stopping at the drink bowl with a few bottles of alcohol sitting beside it.
Once everyone grabbed what they wanted, they sat down at the table and began talking about whatever was on their mind at the moment.
“So, what does everyone think about Cherubmas so far?” Mercy asked, taking a sip of their Shardonnay.
“Well, I’m actually kind of wondering if it’s allowed?” Sariel says, rubbing her arm.
“I mean… it’s not really about Murmur, is it?
I understand that it’s about togetherness and all but it’s also a Holiday created in the Heavenly Meadows, right? Do you guys think it makes Lord Murmur angry?” She asks sheepishly.
The group of Succubun look at Sariel for a moment, making her shrink into her seat. “Uhm, nevermind… f-forget I asked.” She says softly.
“Truthfully, I think Cherubmas makes Lord Murmur happy more than angry.” Fatima replied.
“Remember how he’s described in The Words of Murmur? About how kind, caring, and supportive he is?
I think a Holiday of togetherness only amplifies what we’ve been told about him because of how accepting and supportive we are with the Cherubuns.
After all, they wouldn’t be down here without Dove having given us a chance.” Fatima explains, taking a sip of her juice.
Oleander nodded, “I agree wholeheartedly with Fatima. A Holiday of togetherness and acceptance would indeed make Lord Murmur proud.
I believe that in a way, it allows him to see that we’ve been raised well by him. Perhaps better than he had anticipated.” He says, smiling widely.
Mercy nodded. “I’ll have to say that I agree with Fatima and Oleander. I don’t think Lord Murmur’s angry because it’s just another way to celebrate him.” They chimed in, taking a bite of their food.
“I think it’s a nice, sweet Holiday.” Mimic said, smiling softly. “It’s comfy and cozy and we get to spend time with all the people we love and give presents!
Even though I didn’t really bring any with me. I wasn’t planning on going to a party today.” She says, laughing softly.
Sariel giggles softly. “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere today either.” She says, taking a sip of her juice, tail swaying behind her.
“Maybe next Cherubmas I’ll make sure to bring you guys presents. I’m not really sure what you guys like though.” Sariel says, tapping her chin and thinking about it.
Oleander chuckled, “You could always ask us the next time it comes around. There’s no rush to get us anything now. Just enjoy your time with us for now.” He says, patting Sariel’s head.
“I guess you’re right.” Sariel says, nuzzling into Oleander’s hand and giggling softly.
“Do you guys have any more plans for Cherubmas?” Sariel asked curiously.
“Besides cleaning up afterwards, not really. I’m going to relax.” Mercy replied, swirling their Shardonnay before taking a sip.
Oleander glanced at Mercy over his glass, “I have some plans if Mercy’s up for it after I help them clean up.” He says, a smirk spreading across his lips, catching Mercy blushing slightly.
“What about you three?” He adds, glancing at the others.
“Ilar’s going carolling later apparently or he mentioned something about holding some kind of concert?
I’m not sure what he’s planning on doing himself out of those two things but, we are planning to spend some time together for Cherubmas.” Mimic says, finishing up her food.
“I’m going home to rest for the night. After I help clean up.” Fatima replied, sipping her Dracquiri. “One social get together is enough to wear me out as it is.”
“I thought about going carolling myself but Cassardis wants to spend time together during Cherubmas too. Which is really exciting since it’s our first Holiday together.” Sariel says, lightly kicking her feet.
“If it’s not too much trouble though, do you think this Ilar person would let me go carolling with them?” Sariel asked, looking at Mimic curiously.
Mimic blinks a few times, tilting her head curiously.
“Probably if you ask him. I could give you our address or you could call him and he can give it to you himself. I don’t think he’s figured out where it’s going to be yet. I highly doubt it’ll be door-to-door, he’d rather make a display out of it.” Mimic says, taking out her cellphone and taking Sariel’s, typing her phone number into it then handing it back.
“Oh, thank you! I’ll call him on the way home.” Sariel says, smiling softly and putting her phone away.
The rest of the gathering went on well into the evening, with everyone helping Mercy and Oleander clean up and put the leftovers away.
When they were done, everyone waved goodbye and headed home to enjoy the rest of Cherubmas.
A chruch gathering among friends.
Word Count: 1,592
Submitted By Desphiria
for Time of Togetherness
Submitted: 1 month and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month and 5 days ago