B&D Sweeten the Pot | Unorthodox Employment

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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"Uhm, Mister Montalbán, this really isn't necessary, I assure you!" The bun following the large doll was sweating, tempting the idea of grabbing onto the other's tail to keep him from doing what he was about to do. "We can just call Angora over! I'm sure she'll understand that you need a meeting with her, please rethink this!" Despite the pleading from the little bun behind him, Trajan continued walking, making a beeline towards one of the slot machines. "I know what I'm doing, boy. Now let me do what I need to or else I'll pay Angora to make this look like your fault." That shut the bun up quickly, as expected. Nobody wanted their debt to Angora to increase, and Trajan knew exactly how how to make someone's carats plummet.

When he got to the machine, someone had just finished using it, having lost a decent amount of carats and grumbling about it while they walked away. He cracked his knuckles as he got close to the machine, He decided to give it a spin, just for the fun of it. He was surprisingly delicate with the handle, pulling it down and letting the slots spin. The machine made the standard dramatic and flashy noises that typically brought attention to it. Only a few buns looked over to him, mostly because of the fact that he was a large man with intent in his eyes. Some of the eyes on him went from lustful to fearful as the machine started to slow its sounds. One click. Two clicks.

Before the third click could ring out, Trajan slammed his fist against the screen, hard enough to make a harsh snapping noise as the glass of the machine broke under his hand. The entire machine began to shut down, lights going off and mechanisms slowing to a stop. Some of the buns that had been looking at him turned away quickly, even if they couldn't avoid the sounds of the metal being kicked in and dented, Trajan's dark laughter echoing all the while.

It didn't take long for word of what was happening to get to the other side of the Casino, and after a few more kicks the nervous looking bun from before walked up to Trajan. "Mister Montalbán?" He paused, turning to look at the smaller male. "What is it boy?" his presence was intimidating, but the servant was still able to speak well enough to manage. "Miss Angora would like to see you in her office, Mister Montalbán." He just smirked, already starting the walk over while crossing his arms. "Fuckin' took her long enough."


Angora put her fingers to her temple, rubbing it lightly. She leaned in her office chair, an arm going to rest on her desk. "Trajan Catalin Montalbán, what am I going to do with you?" He finally let out in a sigh, her intense eyes opening and staring towards the other succubun. Trajan reclined on the seat opposite of her, appearing extremely unbothered as he looked to the woman. "I don't know, what are you going to do with me, Angora? Yell at me? Lecture me? Make me drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness?" He chuckled, and Angora couldn't help but let a smirk grace her face despite it.

"Trajan, Listen. I like to consider you a friend. You're rich, you're handsome, you've got plenty of connections, and are a very convincing businessman. You remind me a lot of myself, which is part of why I enjoy your company in my casino, my bar, and wherever else I see you. That being said, since I would consider you a friend, there was no need to break one of my machines to get my attention." Angora explained, tapping her fingers on the desk and watching the other carefully. Trajan shrugged. "Are you really that upset about it? Knowing you it'd be better than trying to fight for some schedule time with all your little pets- I mean... all your personal assistants." Angora let out a posh little giggle. "I suppose so. I know you have the carats to repay the machine in full at least a hundred times over, as well as all the lost revenue that I'd get from it being out of commission. Though, if you really use the term 'fight for' in terms of my time with my playthings, whatever you needed me for must be... quite serious."

With that, Trajan moved to pull something out of his shirt, a set of papers to be more exact. Angora's eyebrow tilted upwards, leaning over to look at the documents that were set upon her desk. She scoffed in surprise once she got a good look at some of the words. "Trajan, are these... resume papers?" He nodded. "Yeah, you like 'em? I made them specifically for this. I even put them on this nice little template that I got from the internet." Angora couldn't help but begin to laugh properly, from her chest. "So you're saying, you broke my machine with resume papers tucked in your shirt. You emulated the ways that those without money and self-control get put into my servitude to pay off their debts while being fully able to pay it off with carats in-hand... because you wanted a job?" She continued to laugh, grabbing the papers fully and looking them over. "Oh Montalbán, you manipulative little bastard! This is exactly why I find you so interesting. I truly never know what to expect from you!"

Trajan's smile grew wider, moving to get up from the chair and lean over Angora's desk. "So, does that mean I'm hired?" In response, she mirrored his actions, leaning back towards him and placing the papers back in his hand. "As if you need to ask, Trajan. I truly could use a man like you guarding the place and making sure debts get paid. If the reaction of my little waiter was anything to go by, just the sight of you will make some of my clientele more likely to behave." She then moved back, relaxing on her chair. "Besides, I know exactly why you would need a proper job. Crime pays, but it's not the most stable, is it?" Trajan leaned backwards, falling into the chair again, his smirk falling into something closer to an aggravated frown. "Tell me about it. I need a job that lets me beat the shit out of others on a more regular basis for a paycheck." Angora pouted theatrically, tsking softly. "Oh, you poor thing. Don't you worry, we'll fix that slot machine, and you'll be clear to go. I've got plenty of chances for you to do some excellent work, and it'll hopefully make the criminal work feel like it comes to you a bit quicker."

She looked up at a clock in the room, and lifted herself off of her chair fully. The greed succubun walked around the desk and lightly pat Trajan on the back, a simple offer of genuine comfort that Angora wouldn't dare admit to. "So yes, You're hired, and you can start today. Right now, in fact." Trajan looked up, a little confused. "I have a meeting today with one of my staff. He's been getting a bit antsy, and I need to remind him that the only way he has to pay off his debts is by working for me. He's started to get a bit more... confrontational, so I'd be a joy to have you there to give him exactly the conflict he wants."

The smile that fell upon the male's face was dark, ominous. It was clear that he craved violence and was being presented it on a silver platter. Exactly what Angora had wanted. "You don't have to tell me twice, Miss Angora." She giggled. "Oh, Trajan. You may be staff now, but you're also still a friend. No need for the titles, please. But... if you do want to use a title, I prefer 'boss' much better." Trajan laughed in response, putting an arm around Angora's shoulders, which she surprisingly allowed. "Sure thing, boss."


The door slammed on their way out, leaving Angora and Trajan in the room. Trajan couldn't help but laugh, leaning on Angora's chair and allowing himself to stretch a little. "Man, who knew that such a scrawny little twig could have such a big mouth?" Angora nodded. "Unfortunately so. Thankfully he's only on back of bar staff, so he doesn't interact with any of the customers if the managers handle him well. Even so, it's not like any of them would listen to a word he says anyways. They're all too focused with Hops. She's such a good girl keeping everyone in the bar happy, even if she does have some bad habits... but I'm definitely not complaining about her debt being higher." Trajan looked to the other bun. "Damn, Boss. Sounds like you need me to go tell her to give you a visit, with all this praise you're giving her."

"Well, that's not a bad idea, Trajan." He smiled, moving in such a way to nonverbally communicate that he knew his ideas were great. "Yes, I do need you to help order the new slot machine, and that'll take a bit of time... and I do have some time open between now and my next meeting. So, if you would be so kind as to go tell Hops to come by while you go out on the floor, that'd be wonderful." When Angora stopped talking, Trajan was already on the move. He opened the door and adjusted his tank top to show off more of his chest, be more intimidating to the patrons on the gambling floor. "Understood, Boss. Knowin' you get a nice break from the tension almost makes me jealous." He laughed, but Angora took his words very seriously. "Oh, is that so? Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find someone to help you relieve tension on the job as well. Can't have my bodyguard being distracted by some physical tension, can we?" Trajan, for once, looked shocked, but it quickly corrected itself into more of his usual smirk.

"Damn. Employment really does have it's benefits."

B&D Sweeten the Pot | Unorthodox Employment
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy

congratulations on being employed, go beat someone up

Submitted By golden-boy for Bets and Debts
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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