Rest and Restraint

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Shibani - Rest and Restraints (Pillow Item and Carats)


"Help wanted cleaning, you'll be compensated for your time, please inquire inside." The sign sat in a corner window of Dan's Dango shop. The words are drawn in crayon with matching little blue flowers making a neat marching line around the border. A small figure stares up at the sign, before squishing themselves into the small entrance at the bottom of the door. 


From above a bell rings, and the small bun sees two figures. One slender doll sitting at a side table with a hand on their cheek. Their head slowly sliding down their hand as they try to stay awake. The other is busy behind the counter, their blue hair tied up into a fierce bun. 


"Hello," The figure at the counter calls out while bustling around, "We're a bit behind at the moment, please come back later." He glances up as if he was speaking to another doll before his gaze drops slowly down, down, down to the figure looking up at him with round beady eyes. 


"H-h-h," The small bun hiccups, pulls their ears in front of their face and hides behind the dark gray and pastel purple fluff.


"I'm, I'm, I'm, here for the sign!" The little being manages to squeak, pointing a paw in the direction of the sign in the window."


The doll at the counter raises an eyebrow before following their gesturing. He blinks when he looks at the sign and sighs. 


"I. . . don't think you know exactly what you're getting into." The blue hair doll begins, before there is a thud that makes him wince and the small bun jump. The figure at the table blinks rapidly, rubbing their cheek as they lean back from face planting onto the table top.


"You fell asleep at the table again," The blue haired doll grouses. "Go back to bed if you're this tired."


"I hit my cheek. . ." The doll that was sitting at the table turns to stare at the other, white lashes drooping over pretty eyes. They press a finger to the spot. "Can you kiss it and make it better for me?"


". . . No." 


The slender doll giggles as the other stomps into the back of the shop before noticing the small bun. 


"Oh, hello." They slide off of their chair onto the floor to lay on their stomach. Resting their chin against their crossed arms. "I'm Shibani, are you new in town? I don't think I have seen you come in before." He tilts his head and smiles warmly. "Don't take Dan's demeanor too seriously, he's just stressed. Running a business is hard work." 


"I don't get out much." Comes a small reply from behind the ears.


Shibani nods in understanding, "Mmhm, I understand that. I like to stay comfy at home too. What brings you out and about today then?"


"I saw th-the for help sign?"


Shibani perks up, "Oh! You saw my sign?" They get to their feet, "That's wonderful! Dan told me no one was going to come help." They clap their hands, "Perfect! Right this way--oh!"


Shibani crouches down on their knees. "Are you more comfortable being small?"


The gray and pastel purple bun peeks around their ears before nodding. 


"Okay then," Shibani wags a finger, 'I'll join you."


There is a whisper of sound as the lithe figure glows with a soft warm light and their form begins to shrink down. A snowy white bun taking the place of the slender doll. 




Giggling, the white bun grabs the gray's paw and tugs them to the back of the shop.


"This is my new friend!"


Dan glances at the two buns with a frown. A slight awkward pause permeating the room. Shibani, eyes sparkling, waits patiently for the gray bun to speak. 


"Geist." The gray bun whispers to the other.


"My new friend Geist!" Shibani declares, "They are gonna be my cleaning buddy!~"


Dan's eyes pop open and he tries to shake his head discreetly at Giest. 


"It won't be so bad now that I have some help! I'll show you where we'll be working!" And with a small squeak from Geist they are pulled into the back. The pillow pile.


The back room is an ominous conglomeration of pillows, blankets, empty food packages, bottles of wine, trinkets, knick knacks and other paraphernalia. Geist looks on, mouth open at the sheer mountain of things. They take a step forward and pause as something rolls across the ground. Geist picks up a dango stick. Geist gawks at the stick, then gawks at Shibani. 


Shibani twitters cutely and rubs the back of their head abashed. "Hehe. . . cleaning is tough. . . and Dan told me he wasn't going to help this time."


Dan who was peering around the corner tries very hard not to smile when Geist turns around to gawk at him next.


"Heh. Well. . . You two have fun," Dan quips, and with that, he slides out of sight only too grateful to not have to help untangle this mess.


Geist looks from where Dan had just been with longing. Before looking out to the sea of snacks, bottles and trinkets. They straighten up and give a little huff of determination.


"O-okay. . . L-let's do our best then."


"That's the spirit!" Shibani replies, "We'll get this cleaned in no time!" 


It's been hours since those two little buns went toddling into the back. The day at Dan's Dango shop progresses more or less like an average day for Dan. Working hard at his craft and making small talk with the bustle of customers that go in and out. It's only until the shop closes that he remembers the two succubuns he hasn't seen a hide nor hair of since early that morning.


 Dan locks up the shop and walks down the street. His breath wispy vapors from the chilled night air. He stops at a small restaurant to buy dinner before he heads back to his shop. He unlocks the door and closes it, making his way to the back, a paper bag held aloft. 


"Hey. Have you two given up yet? I got some take. . . out. . ."


He trails off and stares around the room. One corner is lined with garbage bags, the other sits the pillow pile, pristine and plumped, two buns exhaustedly sleeping in the sea of fluff. Shibani nuzzles their face deeper into the pillow they are resting on.


The corner of Dan's mouth twitches into a faint smile, he picks up a discarded blanket and throws it over the sleeping buns. It rolls like a soft breeze before settling down around the resting figures.


The next day comes and Dan peeks into the back room, finding a sleeping Shibani alone. 

Dan crosses the room and leans down, and pokes the white bunny's cheek.


"Hey. Shibani. Wake up. Your friend is gone and you didn't pay them anything."


"I didn't pay them?" Shibani echoes sleepily, "Oh no. . ." They flop over sleepily flailing around in the piles of pillows before picking one up and squishing it. 


"Mm. This one is extra squishy. An extra squishy pillow. . . Should be perfect for a day's hard work. Extra squishy pillows. . . make for. . . the sweetest dreams. . ." 


"Shibani?" Dan inquires, but the white bun is already sleeping again. Dan picks up the pillow in question and turns it around skeptically. He shoves a hand in his pocket, tisking softly, pulling out a pouch and counting out some carats into his hand. 


"Fluffin' goofball." Dan mutters, "You can't pay in pillows." but he glances lovingly at Shibani and shakes his head.

Rest and Restraint
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In Prompts ・ By GrinningGhoulie

I did my best to tie in the trinket item into the story!

Submitted By GrinningGhoulie for Rest and Restraints
Submitted: 6 days and 20 hours agoLast Updated: 6 days and 20 hours ago

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[Rest and Restraint by GrinningGhoulie (Literature)](
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