Unexpected Museum date?

In Prompts ・ By Ayauran
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Elvira was still fairly new in Burrowgatory, and while she had met a handful of buns to help her get better acquainted with everything she still felt she had much to learn. The demon that helped raise her has made all kinds of suggestions, but she also asked the locals of home what might be best. And as she found out, what better way to learn about all the cool history of a place, than to take a trip to a museum?


Elvira was a little sceptical at first, but she grabbed her things and headed out. It was still pretty early in the day as far as she could tell, so she stopped at a coffee shop on her way. Ordering a small iced coffee for the road. She wanted something she could finish on the way without having to bring it inside. As an afterthought she also ordered one of their signature breakfast wraps.


Taking a moment to check her map and plans at a nearby table while she waited for her drink and wrap. Everything was set up in order, from her first visit, all the way up until she arrived back home later. Carefully mapped out in a large circle so she wouldn’t have to go and see anything a second time. Tucking everything away in her purse, Elvira grabbed her coffee and wrap and was out the door.


Just as planned, she finished both before arriving at the Museum of History. The entrance was somewhat unassuming, opening up into a fairly typical room you might also find at a movie theatre, where you get your tickets before exploring beyond. There were some small things on the far side of the room, scattered informative stands, a few paintings of infamous buns or famous demons.


She took her time reading over a short quip about the differences from a long time ago, up until now. How the buns were raised by the demons, how they came here to Burrowgatory, how buns built their homes and started to thrive. Elvira made her way through a long hall of paintings before picking up the sounds of other buns, being led by a strict looking female in doll form, her heels clicking and echoing loudly in the vast space.


“And over here you can see an array of paintings from the famous artist, detailing what they believe true demons actually looked like. While it’s already known that our horns and tails may have been influenced by the demons who raised us, this artist takes things a step further with the portrayal of the demons themselves, giving them a variety of body types. The most famous of which is half man and half goat.”

A bun in the group raised their hoof to ask a question. The guide lifted her chin for a moment as though she were about to get cross with the bun. Instead she shifted her glasses further up her nose and gently made a gesture towards them.


“Do we always collect art from demons?” The smaller green bun asked.

The guide shook her head. “Not at all, works of art like these ones are actually quite rare here in Burrowgatory unless our own kind do them up, be it from memory or otherwise. Once in a while people will try to submit paintings to the museum that are strictly fantasy as well. We send them over to the art museum specifically.”


Elvira slipped into the cluster of buns following the guide quietly, though she did catch a glance from the doll. A subtle tilt of the head, a breath out the nose as though she were disappointed, but the tour went on. Through rooms filled with paintings, to ones filled with the first toys and trinkets one could find in Burrowgatory. Everything from the first dishes that had been made or gifted, to some of the oldest toys and card sets that had been out over the years. Old cookbooks, all handwritten that have long since been in print in bookstores.


The guide went out about how demons and buns alike had created new concepts sometimes together, making them their own. From the most basic of things to the advanced technology buns were using today in the modern world. How electricity came to be a normal thing thanks to the genius of buns working together to mimic things their demons had shown them before bringing them here. It was truly phenomenal to see how everything had come together.


By the time the tour of the museum was finished however, Elvira changed her mind. Her strawberry colored tail flicked gently as she walked away from the buns on their way to the exit. Carefully approaching the guide. She cleared her throat gently. “Excuse me?”


The guide turned her gaze down at Elvira. “Yes?”


Elvira noted that she didn’t sound snooty, despite the gaze and how she held herself, her voice was still professional, almost sweet.


“I’m touring a number of museums today and I was wondering if you had a suggestion for which to visit next? I’d already made a plan but it sounds like you’re well acquainted with the curators, or at least guides, at the other museums.”


The look the guide gave her had Elvira second guessing her choice for a moment. But in that same tone she had been using the whole time, she spoke up while adjusting her glasses. Her looks said this was a waste of her time, but everything else only spoke of curiosity.


“Show me what you have planned for the day, smaller bun.”


Elvira happily pulled out her map and all her little notes about places to stop at on the way. The Guide waved away someone coming to get her and pawned her work off on another bun for now. Elvira ended up spending the rest of the day in the staff room of the museum going over all the best things to see around Burrowgatory and surrounding areas. The guide was nice enough to order in snacks for them as well as she went over exactly which exhibits in the various museums had interactive things, and which ones weren't worth looking at.


Elvira got details about how all the paintings in the art museum were replica’s the real ones stashed away safely where they couldn’t be stolen or damaged, and how most of the statues were similarly treated. Elvira inquired about bronze since it usually shows wear from being touched, and the guide only smiled.


“It’s easy enough to coat things in a very thin layer for the same look, you can also simply paint the piece to resemble it.”

“I’m surprised that’s even allowed, I thought museums were supposed to be as authentic as possible?” Elvira chimed as she ate some dango. It was the perfect sweet treat for these plans, though the map and all the notes had long since been shoved off to the side now.


An actual chuckle from the guide now, she scooped up some dango in her own hoof now, having made herself quite comfortable. “Of course we keep things authentic, that doesn’t mean we want these priceless art pieces getting damaged. Besides, most buns don’t know the difference, and everything is stated in the extra fine print if anyone looks for it.”


Of course most, if not all, buns would often skip the fine print. Who the heck had time for that? Elvira couldn’t help but release a little giggle. “Of course, always the fine print.” She watched the guide smile, that uptight look vanished and her expressions and body language finally matched the tone of her voice. She didn’t think before she spoke up. It was obvious the other bun loved museums and everything surrounding them. “Why don’t…we exchange numbers? Maybe we could go to some of these together and you can show me all your favourite things in each of them?”


The guide paused, blinking at Elvira’s bold question for a moment. That head tilt returned as she thought it over. Elvira could feel her hooves shake faintly with dread as she considered the fact that this woman could just deny her.

“That sounds lovely.”


Rang in her ears instead and Elvira smiled so wide it almost hurt. “Fantastic!” And with that, the girls swapped numbers and made plans to go out together over the next few days.

Unexpected Museum date?
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In Prompts ・ By Ayauran
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Submitted By Ayauran for Museum Date
Submitted: 2 weeks and 13 hours agoLast Updated: 1 week and 5 days ago

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