Lunch with Rabebes
“These are all my collections,” Hanatarou says as he opens the door to his streaming room.
Various shelves lined the wall full of different figures, plushies, and other types of merchandise of his favorite video games and other types of media. Toji curiously looked over the room; he'd seen a small portion of it from what viewers saw while Hana streamed but the Envy Bun had yet to see the entire room. He often didn't get to watch his friend stream, which tended to frustrate Toji since Hana was a damn good streamer and he wanted to show his support.
Hanatarou gave a small tour of the room telling Toji about his set up and the many figures that decorated the shelves. As Hana was explaining a particular set of collector's edition figures from his favorite game, Toji spotted a bean bag chair nestled in one of the corners of the room surrounded by three giant rabebe plushies.
“So those are the infamous rabebe,” Toji grinned.
“Keishou told you about them huh.”
“Told me how you tried to have all three in the bed while y'all sleep at night,” the Envy Bun teased.
Hana rolled his eyes but picked up the standard rabebe plush.
Toji could see why Keishou didn't want them all in the bed; they were so big Hanatarou couldn't even fully wrap his arms around them.
“I'm missing one though,” came the deflated response as Hana partially buried his face in the toy.
“Desdemona got this one for more,” Hana began, moving to hold the plush upright in both hands. “It was one of the rare times I got him to leave his house.”
“That's your streamer friend right?” Toji questioned, hoping he was thinking of the same person; he struggled remembering names and faces of people he's yet to meet in person.
“Mmhm,” Hana nodded. “I managed to drag him to a convention and we'd been walking around for awhile when we saw a table selling these. I'd already spent all the carats I brought with me but I really wanted it. I guess Des noticed I was sad about not being able to get it so he got it for me.”
“Thus began the terror of rabebes on Keishou,” Toji cackled.
Hanatarou snorted but nodded with a laugh. The Pride Bun placed the stuffed standard rabebe back in its place then grabbed the albino variant.
“This one was from Keishou. He got it for me for our first anniversary,” Hana explained. “He spent two days trying to find one and when he did it was the last one and stock and someone else wanted to buy it too. Not his proudest moment but he for sure intimidated them to scare them out of the store.
“Oh, I'm gonna give him absolute shit over that later,” the Envy Bun laughed at the thought of a six foot four, built like a double door fridge ex-yakuza using intimidation tactics to buy an Imp plushie.
“It was such a good anniversary,” Hana spoke softly with a small smile.
Hanatrou placed the albino variant back and grabbed the plush festival variant rabebe next.
“This one was from Naoya.”
“Really?” Toji felt a pang of jealousy but pushed it away. “That's surprising, bastard's not the gift giving type.”
Hanatarou easily saw the jealousy on Toji's face but decided they could open that can of worms later.
“Yeah, he just gave it to me randomly a couple months ago. Keishou probably said something about it in passing then Naoya got it for me,” Hana explained. “Well, more like he dropped it at my feet then walked off.”
“God forbid the bastard show any emotion other than annoyance,” Toji huffed, rolling his eyes.
“He's gotten better at it,” Hanatarou reminded, as he placed the plush rabebe with the other's.
A knock came from the open door, the pair looking to see Keishou.
“Lunch will be ready in ten minutes,” Keishou informed before walking back to the kitchen.
“So no lunar?” Toji asked, continuing their conversation.
“No,” came the agitated response. “I found one online but some jackass beat me to it.”
The pout on Hana's face was adorable.
Toji hummed with a nod before walking to the doorway, grabbing the gift bag Keishou placed in the hallway, and holding it to Hanatarou.
“It's from some jackass,” Toji teased.
Hana stared for a moment before his eyes widened in realization. He snatched the gift bag and swiftly pulled the tissue out; Hana pulled out a stuffed lunar rabebe, just as big as the other ones.
“To complete your collection,” the Envy Bun grinned.
Hanatarou hugged the plush tightly then ran to Toji to wrap his arms around him in a tight hug.
“Safe to say you like it.”
“It's so cute, it's perfect!” Hanatarou gushed.
The Pride Bun moved to the other rabebe plushies to arrange the four of them neatly around the bean bag; he began taking pictures with his phone of them in various arrangements to get the perfect photo.
“Alright, alright, time to eat,” Toji said after a few minutes. “Don't give Keishou another reason to beef with your rabebes.”
Hana nodded as he grabbed the lunar rabebe plush and hugged it tightly. Toji grinned as he grabbed the other three in his arms.
“I think they should have lunch with us,” Toji said with a shit eating grin.
Hanatarou giggled as they made their way to the kitchen for lunch with Keishou and four giant rabebe plushies.
Hanatarou attracting yakuza like a magnet and having 3 of them gift him plushies is honestly such a flex, pop off king
Word Count: 919
Submitted By grimalchimia
for Collection Perfection
Submitted: 4 months and 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months and 2 weeks ago