[SOLO] Nkosazana and the Watering

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Nkosazana was not exactly a dirt and filth sort of rabbit, but never could anyone say she wouldn't get to work for others in need. When she had heard about the importance of the Hazelbloom harvest, and how much danger it was in this year due to stranger beings wandering around in the night, she felt morally obligated to at least be of some help. 
That being said, if she was going to pick a job, it would be the one that required the least amount of touching the dirt or the plants. With this in mind, it was no wonder she passed by the rabbits digging in the dirt or fighting back unruly plants with pruning sheers, and went right to where there were plants in need of watering. 
It was a simple enough task, get a watering can, fill it with water, and then sprinkle the water over the plants. With a gracious smile, she accepted a can from the bun handing them out, and walked gingerly over to a spigot where they could be refilled. Of course, there was an endless amount of spilled water all around the station, which had turned the ground beneath it slick with mud. She picked her way through it though, only slightly grimacing at the horrible squelching feeling of it between her hooves. 
Some of the buns around her snickered at her prissiness, but she paid them no mind. She was well above petty gossip. Placing the can beneath the spigot she turned it on and braced herself for any potential splashing that may cause her to become even more damp. Thankfully, there was only some minimal splash back from the cans; the spigot was well maintained and so were the watering cans, so there was little to worry about there. 
Once full, with surprising strength, Nkosazana meandered over to a dry patch of blooms and began to gently sprinkle them with water. She was just enjoying the visual effect of the flowers covered in watery dew when a timid voice spoke up from behind her, "Uhm... excuse me... I'm... sorry to bother but... uhm... you should... uhm... water closer to the soil.... the... the blooms don't like being very wet and... and uhm... well... the soil it what needs the water...." 
Nkosazana was patient and gracious enough to allow this stuttering mess of a bun to get out her instructions before sighing inwardly and putting on a gracious smile, "Oh, why thank you darling. I had no idea! I will try to adjust..." 
The golden bun lowered the watering can and tried to make sure more water made it to the soil. She thought she had just gotten the hang of it when the timid voice spoke up again, "I.. uhm... am so sorry but... you uhm... really should... y'know... water closer to the middle... you... I'm sorry but... you're just getting the edges..." 
The timid stranger was, of course, correct. Nkosazana was avoiding the muddy dirt like the plague. With a shudder she was unable to suppress, the golden lady sighed, "Oh... yes of course. Thank you darling." 
Nkosazana made a mental note to herself as she stepped into the muddy mulch to water closer to the middle of the plot-- she was never going to garden ever again. 
WC: 550
[SOLO] Nkosazana and the Watering
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In Prompts ・ By PirateQueenAlanna

WC: 550

Submitted By PirateQueenAlanna for Green Thumb - Watering
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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[[SOLO] Nkosazana and the Watering by PirateQueenAlanna (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/3634)
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