Collections and Bridges

In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1
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    “Kit, what are you on right now?” 

    “I’m not on anything, Yukio! What would make you ask such a thing?”

    “You’re recommending that I give one of my bullies a chance and to befriend them.” The pride horned bun crossed his arms as he gave his best friend a disapproving look causing her to just smile back at him.

    “Yes. I am. Doing so completely sane, by the way.” 

    “I truly worry about you, my dear friend…” At that, Kit will pout and cross her own arms, now matching her friend’s disapproving look.

    “It’s been so long though, Yuyu, and they seem to really want a second chance and to make things right. And you know very well how good I am at reading people.” That comment makes him wince a bit, knowing she’s right. “If I’m telling you this, then you know that it’s the truth and what they genuinely want.” Yukio will be silent for a few minutes, seemingly contemplating what to do with this information before eventually letting out a sigh and looking at Kit, a bit exhausted. 

    “...Is this the only reason you wanted me to stop by, Kit?” The lust horned bun’s eyes light up immediately at the question, the previous disapproving expression long gone. 

    “OH! No, it’s not!” She uncrossed her arms and started lightly hopping in place, seemingly excited. “Do you remember how I really liked plushies when we were little?” The blue furred bun slowly tilted his head. 

    “I do… What does this have to do with now?” A grin slowly made its way to the white n’ blackish bun’s face, making Yukio the tiniest bit unsettled. “Kit… What the fuck is going through your head?”

    “Nothing you need to worry about, my lovely friend~” 

    “I call complete and utter bull--AAHH” Before he could finish his sentence, the lust bun grabbed her friend's arm and practically ran through her home, dragging him the entire way. “KIT! WHAT THE FUCK??” She only lets out a loud burst of laughter as she continues to pull him to what seems to be one specific room. The moment they reach the door of said room, she flings it open and jumps into a huge pile of something that Yukio couldn’t immediately make out as he got pulled into it. Kit finally let go of her friend, allowing him the chance to pull him out of the surface of the pile he was pulled into. “KIT!! We really need… to…” As his eyes adjusted, Yukio quickly realized that he was in a pile of simple plushies then, as his eyes scanned the room, it was covered in different kinds of plushies, from floor to ceiling, and plush, pillow-like walls. “...I think you miiiigghhttt have taken that love of plushies a bit too far, Kit…” His friend’s head popped out of a nearby pile and stared at him with a bit of a pout. 

    “I have done no such thing!” 


    “Don’t “Kiiiitttt” me! This is like a comfort room to me! Especially since I can’t cuddle…” Her pout gets worse as she crosses her arms again. “...I need to cuddle with something until the stars align…” He’ll let out a soft sigh then pull himself out of the plushie pile he was in and wander over to his friend. He’ll gently pat the top of her head with hooves, giving her a small smile. 

    “I’m sorry… I know you’re going through a lot and not just with that thing. As insane as I think this room to be…” Kit lightly glares up at the blue bun. “...I shouldn’t be giving you shit for it. You’re my best friend and I should be supporting you, not knocking you down.” Kit stayed silent as her glare dissipated and she blankly stared at him for a minute or so. Eventually, a small smile appeared on her own face. 

    “...You’re a real ass sometimes, you know that?” Yukio let out a soft hearted chuckle at that. 

    “Haha, yeah… I do. One day I’ll get my vice under control. But, until that day, you’re stuck with me being an occasional asshole.” Kit’s smile got a bit brighter at her friend’s words. 

    “Just like you’ll have to keep dealing with me being a chaotic menace~” 

    “Yeah, but at least your chaos can be fun.” The lust horned bun giggled at that. “So, uh… Where did you even get most of these plushies?” 

    “Oh from many different places. Some were gotten from some old thrift stores, others from yard sales… Got a few of them from the Toy Fair, too!” 

    “Riiigghhttt, that’s going on right now. Haven’t really thought about going out there…” Kit let out a large gasp and popped up out of the plushie pile she was in, immediately getting into Yukio’s face. “WOAH! Okay, a little bit too close there, Kit!”

    “You should totally go to it and get something for Xander!” He’ll blink and blankly stare at her. 

    “...Excuse me?” 

    “YOU HEARD ME! You should not only give them a chance, but also get them a gift! I’m sure they’d appreciate anything from you, as long as it was a good sign that you’d be willing to start fresh!” Yukio opened his mouth to say something but Kit continued. “And don’t give me any of your bullshit excuses. The fact you didn’t continue arguing with me earlier about it is proof you’re genuinely considering it.” The blue furred bun’s mouth immediately closes back up at that. “Yukio, I think we both know well enough that if it was any of your genuine bullies, they would have approached you and started talking shit directly to your face. Xander hasn’t done that once and has been nervous to even talk with despite wanting to make amends. Doesn’t that show that they deserve a chance?” He stayed silent for a few minutes as he held a staring contest with his best friend. Once those few minutes passed, he let out a heavy sigh. 

    “...Fine…” Kit let out the loudest cheer he’s ever heard her release in all the time the two had known each other. 

    “PERFECT! I’ll go with you to the Toy Fair and help you pick something out for them!” 

    “Um… Alright… Oh, and Kit?” 


    “If, and only if, this goes well… Remind me to buy you another plush for your collection.”

    “HELL YEAH!”

Collections and Bridges
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In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1

Kit has a lot of plans in store for her dear best friend... And he doesn't even know the half of it.

Written in bun form, word count: 1,064 words

Submitted By devilkitty1 for Collection Perfection
Submitted: 3 weeks and 4 days agoLast Updated: 3 weeks and 4 days ago

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