Meeting a New Friend

In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1
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    Xander shakily makes their way to the Imporium, trying to make sure they don’t stumble along the path. “Easy… Don’t want to scuff up the marionette parts… Last thing I wanna be fixing right now. Have more important things to be doing than that.” They had big plans today. They were planning on adopting a little imp to keep them company at home and give them something else to work hard at. Plus, they really did get lonely in their small apartment… Hearing another being there and to also snuggle with, if they can, would make them really happy. “Hopefully it won’t be a difficult process to go through with adopting…” 

    As they got closer to the Imporium, they felt their excitement begin to increase as they couldn’t wait to see what little imps Hutch might’ve had today. Maybe they could get lucky and adopt one of the more unique ones… That’d be interesting to them! As they approached the front door to open it however, it slammed open and knocked Xander flat onto their butt, making them let out a shriek. Their tail scraped against the sidewalk a bit as they fell and they whimpered at the pain that followed, though they didn’t get to acknowledge it for long as an impup jumped onto them. The little imp licked Xander’s face a few times before immediately hopping off and running off in a random direction, away from the Imporium. “Oh no, I’m so sorry!” They’ll look up and see Hutch walking out of the front door. “They get so excited when we’re about to head out to wrangle some wild imps. You aren’t hurt, are you?” He’ll walk over and hold a hoof out to the grey bun. They’ll gently take the hoof and let him pull them up to their bottom hooves. 

    “I think my tail might be a bit damaged… But I’m fine otherwise.” Hutch will frown at that but before he could say anything else, Xander continued. “I guess now's a bad time to be hoping to adopt?”

    “Oh! Um, yes, at the moment it would be. I got word of a few wild imps nearby and was gonna head out to wrangle them and bring them in.” As he spoke, a Chirop flew out of the Imporium and landed on his head. “I do apologize, but would it be possible for you to wait a little bit until I return?” The grey bun tilted their head, thinking for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking at Hutch. 

    “Um… Actually, if you’d like, I could help you out? Two sets of hooves are better than one and well… Not that I don’t think your impup isn’t great at helping, but…” 

    “Oh, they’re not mine.” Xander will blink, a bit caught off-guard. “They’re just one of the little ones that are up for adoption. They… mostly take this as a walk of sorts.” He’ll look off to the side and Xander will follow his gaze, seeing the earlier impup jumping around, their tail wagging the entire time as they look at Hutch. “I can’t complain, the wild imps sometimes feel more comfortable with them around and start playing with them. Makes it easier to get them to the Imporium. Though, Reginald here is mine.” Xander will look back at Hutch, seeing him point to the chirop on his head as they make a happy noise. The grey bun will let a small smile grace their features as they look at the small creature. 

    “Interesting… Well, nice to meet you, Reginald, and you as well, Hutch. My name is Xander.” Hutch will nod at that with a smile while Reginald makes another happy noise. “But yes, if you want, I could help you out? I know I don’t know much about imps, but it certainly is better than just sitting out here and waiting for you to get back…” He’ll tilt his head, thinking about that for a moment then nod his head again. 

    “You do have a point. And considering the call mentioned a furdin and an impup, an extra set of hooves would be nice. You should be able to handle an impup just fine as well, so I don’t see that much of an issue. I can teach you some things on the way, too.” The Grey bun's eyes widened at that and a bright smile made its way to their face as they nodded in agreement. “Excellent! Come on, before those two end up running off somewhere else Entirely.” The two buns headed off in the direction that Hutch was guided to, Reginald sitting peacefully on Hutch's head while the impup ran around them as they walked. 

    The two were finally getting close to the location the two wild imps were spotted and Xander learned a lot about impups in particular as they made their trek. They did manage to get some info on chirops while they were at it. They were most interested in them out of the starting pets… “Ah! There they… are…” Hutchs voice started out excited but slowly lost its enthusiasm as we came to a stop. Xander saw him looking towards a nearby tree and when they followed his gaze, they saw what Hutch had described to be a furdin but saw another imp that didn't look like an impup. It seemed to have more what looked like horns on its head, a skeleton-like marking on its face and a boney tail. Whatever this imp was, it was chasing the furdin around the base of the tree and the furdin did not look like it was having a good time.

    “Um… Hutch. What kind of imp is that?” 

    “That, Xander, is a bonezo.” They’ll tilt their head at that. “They… aren’t the smartest of imps and don’t have the best survival instincts, so to find one out in the wild is incredibly rare. Just as rare as finding a wild furdin, honestly. Wild furdins often make themselves get adopted by buns that happen to be living in a building already…” Hutch will be quiet for a moment. “...Alright, I have an idea. I’ll take care of the furdin and you try to get the bonezo to go into this cage, if you could?” As he finishes speaking, he hands the grey bun a small cage. 

    “I’ll… I’ll try?” 

    “Don’t worry, as I said, they aren’t the smartest, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get them into it.” Hutch gives them a confident smile then whistles for the impup and Reginald to get the furdin’s attention and separate the two wild imps, which they manage to do and Hutch randoms after them. Xander looked over to the bonezo, seeing it slump down into the ground and seeming sad. They quietly approached the small imp, though due to their shaky nature, their limbs made small noises that alerted the imp. It looks over to the bun and attempts to jump up but stumbles a bit in the process. Its own limbs get twisted about as it tries to get away and it flops onto its side, just seeming even sadder. Xander blinks, staring at the little imp then looks to the cage Hutch gave them. 

    “...I don’t think I’ll need this…” They carefully placed the cage on the ground and took a few more steps towards the bonezo, who looked terrified as it stared at the grey bun. “It’s okay… I’m not gonna hurt you. We’re actually… kind of the same, you and I.” The imp slowly tilts their head as it stares at them. “I’m pretty clumsy as well… And not the brightest either, at least in my opinion. So… Instead of that silly cage…” Xander will quietly sit on the ground in front of the imp and give it a smile. “Maybe we can just sit here and when Hutch gets back, we can bring you with us and find you a permanent home?” The bonezo stares at them for a minute or two before carefully getting up from the ground and walking over to them. They carefully place themselves between their legs and curl up, cuddling up to the grey bun. “Well, I’ll take that as an agreement.” They gently start petting the imp, causing it to make little happy noises in response. About 15 minutes pass before Hutch returns with his two companions and the furdin in the cage. 

    “Hey, I’m back, how did it… go…?” Xander will glance up at the brown bun, who looks extremely confused as he stares at the duo. 

    “I found the cage too unnecessary for them… And they seem like they’re gonna willingly come with me, so there really was no need for it.”

    “Huh… Well! As long as they’ll be coming back with us to the Imporium.” Hutch walks over to the empty cage and picks it up. “Shall we head back then? Maybe we can find you your first companion while we’re at it.” The grey bun’s eyes light up at that and they nod their head, proceeding to gently pick up the bonezo, with no struggles from it, and carry it all the way back to the Imporium. An interesting start to the day but… Just maybe Xander might’ve found another companion for the future.

Meeting a New Friend
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In Prompts ・ By devilkitty1

Xander's trip to get their first friend turns into a lot more than they were expecting it to be.

Written in bun form, word count: 1551 words.

Submitted By devilkitty1 for Prey and Praise
Submitted: 3 weeks and 5 days agoLast Updated: 3 weeks and 5 days ago

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