
In Prompts ・ By manyface
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A gentle breeze floats fragrantly through the air, carrying birdsong and the scent of fresh flowers over the lush meadow. Today, there are tables and folding chairs in the grass for a gathering of twenty-or-so succubuns to revel in the sounds of springtime, good food, and pleasant conversation. Old friends reunite and new acquaintances captivate each other with stories, but most importantly outfits. To an uninitiated onlooker, this little turnout would look bizarre with the sheer amount of frills and lace and bows. That’s right - this is a lolita fashion tea party! 

Revoir is exquisitely in their element, showing off their new coord with a sparkling sense of pride. Their boyfriend Emerald, however, is not. Coerced into a jumper skirt dress too pristine and prim for their liking, Emerald has joined Revoir in their hobby for the first time - lured by the promise of interesting jewelry to look at and snacks to eat. A miniature teacup wobbles in their hand. They down the floral brew. 

Revoir feigns disappointment, and then laughs demurely. “Please don’t drink it like a shot, this is all about elegance!” For hours now, Revoir has been passively scolding Emerald for their inability to act the part of a proper lady. This sadism on Revoir’s part is probably revenge for how Emerald treats them in the bedroom, but Emerald is absolutely convinced that they do not deserve this. They reach for another pain au chocolat, but Revoir intercepts their hand and pulls them in for a selfie. 

“You look so cute, even when you’re angry! Especially in the clothes I picked out, hehe!” 

Truth be told, Emerald does not hate the outfit. It’s slightly gothic, and has elements of their favorite colors (green and gold). It’s the atmosphere that they despise - everyone is so remarkably polite, but also letting Revoir get away with treating them like some kind of dressed up pet. Those other frilly fucks are probably enjoying it too, behind their darling smiles, Emerald thinks. They have never been bullied in such a convoluted way before, and the more they acknowledge that their partner is teasing them, the easier it is for the teasing to occur. 

Unfortunately for Emerald, Revoir utterly relishes it, and wants nothing more than to prove to Emerald that they relish it too. So Revoir yawns, stretches, and gets up, declaring that they need to go to the bathroom. It’s a five minute walk to the nearest one, meaning that for ten minutes, Emerald would have to be alone with the many lolita fashion enthusiasts looking at them with a sense of strange pity.

As expected, Emerald takes the bait and begs not to be left alone with a pleading gaze. Revoir gleefully smiles - no matter how much of a menace they act, Emerald will always want them by their side. What a treat for Revoir’s ego! Suddenly, the charade is interrupted with a booming thunderclap. 

Within a minute and a half, rain is pouring down over the leftover cupcakes and beautiful tablecloths. And Emerald is laughing, because they’re the only one at this meetup with a regular umbrella - the rest either have nothing at all to protect them from the rain, or, like Revoir, are in possession of an ornate cloth parasol.

Emerald also refused to wear a wig, and watches with complete schadenfreude as half the succubuns including their partner fret about their wigs becoming unstyled and struggle to remove them. This is finally getting fun, they think. 

Usually, Emerald doesn’t even mind the rain, but Revoir made a show of them bringing an umbrella as an accessory - and after a minute of watching the havoc, they open it. Gradually, all the lolita buns notice, and wince in bitter jealousy. The lolita law of politeness states that if someone opens an umbrella, it would be rude to desperately flock underneath it, so they just stare at Emerald, who has the wildest urge to stick their tongue out at them. Still, Emerald feigns politeness, as they were taught by Revoir. 

Among the other wet succubuns, Revoir looks at Emerald with the most pathetic and sopping apology in their eyes. They want to be dry and warm next to their boyfriend, but deserve the punishment of being miserably soaked. Emerald just winks at them, watching their guilt multiply, before gesturing for them to join them. 

In a most undignified manner, Revoir runs towards Emerald and hugs them. 

“Careful, Revoir - that’s hardly elegant behavior.” 

Revoir just hugs Emerald tighter.

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In Prompts ・ By manyface

revoir and emerald are both absolute menaces and that's why they belong together :)

Submitted By manyface for April Showers
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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