Museum Date

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Chester was lying over Oleander's lap and let out a sigh…for the fourth time now. Oleander looked down from his book at the bun on his lap and raised an eyebrow. “What is it my darling?” he asked.

“I am soooo Booored.” Chester whined and looked at Oleander with huge, sad eyes.

Oleander let out a little chuckle. “What does my bored little dear want to do then?” he asked with a smirk.

“I don’t know….” Chester said and looked away. He normally does not have this attitude, but today he didn’t feel well.

Oleander sensed that and ran his head through the smaller Buns hair. “How about we go to the Museum? You told me how much you want to see the new art exhibition last week~” he suggested.

“You remember that?” Chester asked with big eyes.

“Why of course my dear~” Oleander said and gently kissed Chester.

The smaller Bun smiled happily and nodded. “I’d really love to go there, yes.” he said and looked at Oleander as if he was awaiting permission to stand up.

Oleander laughed. “Then get dressed and we go there~” he said and Chester practically jumped up and charged into the bedroom while letting out a happy “Yay!”

Chester decided to wear a cute black crop hoodie with pink paw prints, pink shorts and black-pink striped stockings with hoof cutouts. He walked back to the living room and did a few cute poses. “How do I look~?” Chester asked with a cute smile.

“Adorable~” the head priest answered and hugged Chester tightly.

“Now let’s go to the Museum~” Oleander said after a few cuddles and took Chesters hand to leave the house. Chesters little Albino Avia flew in the way and chirped angrily.

“What is it, Dove?” Chester asked, a little concerned and the little bird-like imp flew on Chesters head and snuggled in his hair, building a little nest.

Oleander laughed. “Looks like they want to join our Museum Date~”

“I think you're right.” Chester said with a little chuckle. “Okay then~” he added and left his house together with Oleander and Dove in his hair. On their way, Chester gently took Oleander's hand, a little unsure if that is okay in public. Oleander smiled and held Chesters hand a little tighter. When they arrived at the museum, Chester was already vibrating with excitement. Oleander bought two entry tickets and Chester rushed into the building. The head priest followed with an amused chuckle.

“You’re so adorable when you’re excited~” he said.

“Hey that's not true, I am not cute!” Chester said with a pout.

“Says the Bun who decided to wear a cute crop hoodie and hot pants.” Oleander just said and walked into the exhibition. Chester followed with a playful pout but his attention was soon caught by the beautiful artworks.

It was an exhibition with abstract and surrealistic art, which Chester liked a lot. Oleander mostly just watched his lover enjoying the art rather than experiencing the artworks himself, but he really likes to see Chester so happy. Chester stopped in front of a huge painting with red, black and purple splats of color and a silhouette drawn onto those. After Chester was staring at it for about 10 minutes, Oleander decided to walk up to him.

“Is everything alright darling? You’ve been staring at this Painting for a while now~” he asked.

“Huh? Oh, I just really feel this one, somehow. It speaks to me, the vibe and everything.” Chester answered with a cute smile.

Oleander looked at the painting, it did not speak to him at all but it made Chester happy so he smiled. "That's nice~” the taller Bun said and petted Chester on the head, forgetting Dove in his hair who let out an angry chirp when Oleander patted on them.

“Oh I am sorry little one.” he said and laughed a little.

The evening was approaching and Chester walked up to Oleander, who sat down on a bench to read after a while inside the exhibition.

“I am ready to leave now, I#ve seen everything~” Chester purred.

“Are you sure~?” Oleander asked and Chester nodded.

When they were walking to the exit, Oleander swa something. “Oh there's the gift shop, do you want to go there before we leave?” he asked.

“Ohhh yes!” Chester said and walked faster towards it. Chester looked around the shop and they had the painting he liked so much as a print. “Oooh look!” he said with big sparkling eyes, which switched to big sad eyes when he saw the price. “Oh..nevermind…Let's go home.” he said, a little crushed.

“Okay~ would you wait for me outside? I saw someone I need to talk to about church stuff real quick.” Oleander said and gently kissed Chester. Chester nodded and went outside.

Oleander came out of the building after a few minutes too and had a rolled up print in his hands. “I got a little gift for you~” he said and opened the scroll, It was the print Chester wanted.

Chester Jumped on Oleander's arm and hugged him tightly. “Thank you so so much Oleander!” He cheered and kissed the taller Bun lovingly.

They went home and Chester hung the print over his bed, he purred happily. “Thank you so much again, this is perfect~” he said and looked at Oleander with a cute smile.

“I am just glad I could make you happy my dear~” The head priest answered and hugged Chester. This was a perfect Date.

Museum Date
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In Prompts ・ By IggythePsycho

Chester and Oleander(NPC) going on a Date in the Museum. Warning Cringe gayness.

Submitted By IggythePsycho for Museum Date
Submitted: 1 month and 23 hours agoLast Updated: 1 month and 23 hours ago

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