Fashionably Competitive

In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca, Eto
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Between the sound of shrill whistles and an eager audience of pet enthusiasts, Michel felt even more confident that he didn’t want to be here at all. He didn’t like the thought of getting dirty while competing, nor did he want to have his precious impup, Diamond, running through the dirt.

But his agent thought having him do something athletic, even indirectly through his imp, would help him with different photoshoots. The very gall and audacity of that, as if he wouldn’t do flawless in any photo shoot he was given.

Still, at least he only had to bring one of his impups, he dreaded the thought of any more of his babies going through competitions.

With a heavy heart, he pulled Diamond out of his purse and gently set him on the ground. “Oh this place is filthy.

Marshmallow yawned loudly and dramatically. Despite her sleepiness, both her and her albino rabebe were dressed for the occasion. Marshmallow spent all morning brushing out Ribbit’s fur, dousing her in perfume, and putting the cutest red and pink sweater and ribbons on her to bring out her eyes. 

Marshmallow was also dressed to match her cute rabebe. She wore a red dress and red heels today. Red is not usually her color, but today is meant for Ribbit to shine, not her. 

Marshmallow yawned again. Ribbit followed with a smaller yawn. She doesn’t usually wake up this early (before noon), but they were excited for the potential prizes and free merchandise. 

Marshmallow and Ribbit are going to do their absolute best to win all the food they can. 

Ribbit suddenly jumped onto Marshmallow’s hair. She got freaked out because a loose impup was running towards them followed closely behind by a frustrated looking owner. 

It wasn’t exactly a surprise for Diamond to run off by himself, the impup was incredibly slow and Michel didn’t have to walk too much faster to catch up to him. “There you go again, I’d rather we didn’t interact with other imps and their owners.”

Still this was the perfect chance to check his appearance with his compact mirror as he stepped behind his impup. “Oh no… stop… hmm why is my mascara so clumpy today, damn shitty brand…”

He didn’t notice the other bun until his imp walked right into hers.

Marshmallow leaned down to welcome the impup coming towards them. It had such shiny fur and big, adorable eyes. Marshmallow cheerfully exclaimed, “Aren’t you precious! I’m honored to be competing against you later!”

She was just about to give the impup a pumpkin treat when its owner quickly came over and snatched him away. 

Marshmallow blinked and stood up to see Michel fuming while his impup was still happily wagging its tail. Marshmallow noticed that the other bun had gotten dirt on his legs and shoes from all the running. Marshmallow was a bit annoyed, but she still cheerfully asked, “Your impup is precious. Can I give him a treat?”

Diamond stared up at the doll talking to him, his head tilting to the side as he tried to understand she said. The only things he really knew were commands and/or names for certain foods.

Before he knew it, his owner had picked him up into his arms.

Michel carefully dusted off his impup, he had to run a little bit at the end there to catch him. He looked at the doll in front of him and scoffed, “Why would I let someone I don’t know feed my impup?”

Marshmallow responded, “Because that’s probably the reason why your impup came up to me in the first place. Every imp loves my homemade treats. Also, your impup is too precious not to pamper.” 

Marshmallow had stayed up all night yesterday to concoct her new pumpkin imp treats. She usually only cooks food for buns, but she figured that imp treats would be a nice side hustle since she’s in the kitchen constantly anyway. 

Marshmallow adds, “Besides, they’re tasty enough for buns too.” She took a nibble of the treat to demonstrate. 

If he had been a kinder bun, maybe he would have understood where she was coming from, but Michel was not a kind succubun. 

“Don’t feed my baby,” he turned his nose up with a sneer, “As if I would accept just anyone’s homemade treats for my impup. Disgusting.”

As he was about to complain some more, the whistle sounded for the imp trick contest. Michel said nothing as he marched back to his spot, ready to have Diamond do tricks for the judges. He hoped he beat the other bun.

Marshmallow huffed. What a rude individual. Marshmallow headed to the main area to read off the order everyone is performing. What she saw made her crack a smile. Her performance is right before that nasty bun’s performance. He was the only bun who registered an impup this time, so it was easy to pick him out. His name is Michel huh?

Ribbit nibbled at her sleeve and indicated towards her bag of treats. Marshmallow patted her rabebe’s ear and said, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” They both giggled together. 

When their turn to perform finally came, Marshmallow knew that they only had one chance to pull this off. She could also see Michel waiting next in line. The crowd went quiet and they went on stage and started performing. 

Her Ribbit was the best performer out of all her pets. Ribbit was very intelligent and agile, making her imp perfect for complicated jumps and flips. Additionally, Rabebes were very adorable and beloved imps in general. Marshmallow was sure Ribbit would get lots of attention. 

Marshmallow had a small hoop in her hands that she progressively held higher and higher until it was above her head. Ribbit was agile enough to jump through it every time, which made the audience cheer louder and louder. Marshmallow then pulled out a ball, which Ribbit was able to balance on top of and spin in circles. The audience continued to applaud.

During this whole time, Marshmallow was secretly burying pumpkin treats into the ground. She would be in a LOT of trouble if caught, but what were the chances? The pumpkin treats made a trail to a whole bag of treats behind the stage. She was hoping that the cute impup would ignore its owner’s commands in favor of eating up the treats. Seeing how the impup reacted to the treats earlier, her plan was as good as gold. Additionally, the impup running off the stage would more than likely get the nasty bun disqualified. Marshmallow grinned with satisfaction as the last treat was buried. 

To end the performance, Ribbit did a series of front and back flips before climbing up on Marshmallow. They both bowed as the audience cheered for the last time. Marshmallow petted Ribbit on its head and handed it a pumpkin treat to eat as they both walked off of the stage. Marshmallow grinned at Ribbit, “You did great. You are amazing!”

Marshmallow caught a glimpse of Michel going up onto the stage. Both Ribbit and Marshmallow giggled in excitement for what was about to happen. 

Unknown to Marshmellow, Michel was already under the assumption his impup wouldn’t behave or really do the tricks he taught him. The pup had an attitude like his owner and just like that grumpy doll, he didn’t need to do more than look pretty most days.

When the bell chimed and Michel instructed Diamond to sit, he only rolled his eyes as his impup jumped off the stage. He waved his hand dismissively at the judges, “I’ll go get him.” He didn’t seem to care they were offended by his attitude.

He hopped neatly off the stage and approached Diamond. “Honestly, playing in the dirt? What would you even want with that pile of-”

Michel paused, his eyes hardening when he saw a misshapen treat. It had the faint scent of pumpkins, just like that annoying doll from earlier.

Before Diamond could eat it, Michel quickly crushed the treat under his shoe. “That little…” He didn’t care if he lost but to trick his sweet little impup who might have tried? He felt nothing but pure rage.

Marshmellow would feel a heavy set of eyes on her and when she turned with her rabebe to see that angry doll coming her way? She turned and booked it!

This wasn’t part of the plan! She didn’t know he’d chase her! How was he so fast?!

It was quite the spectacle in the training camp, a beautiful doll with an impup at his heels chasing down another clutching to a rabebe. Hutch was in a panic trying to stop them when he took notice, yelling about how the training camp wasn’t the time and place for fighting. But if you asked every bun and imp there, they would have said that made the camp a lot more memorable.

Hutch would have his pockets full of people wanting to join in next year!





Fashionably Competitive
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In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca, Eto

Words: 1506

Submitted By oldmanbecca for Spirit of Competition
Submitted: 1 month and 4 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 4 days ago

oldmanbecca: Half of rp
Eto: Half of rp
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