Flyby Competition

In Prompts ・ By Limi, oldmanbecca
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If prompted to answer, Andre would look his interviewer in the eye as he explained that no he didn’t think he was suited for competition. In the world of music and entertainment, rising against each other in rank and popularity wasn’t anything more than surface level rivalries. 

He didn’t see them as competition, he never saw them at all. Which might seem at times odd with his calm and mellowed personality, but Andre was a greedy bun by nature. He only saw the shine of success, not the steps it took to get there.

Maybe that’s why he felt awkward joining the pet training competition, here he could actually fail. He took a deep breath and gently pet his gargowl, Coffin. His imp always gave him comfort. “Always so collected,” he smiled as the gargowl looked up.

While Adelaide loved being at her shop and looking after her clients who were struggling with their projects, sometimes it was nice to get out and do things that did not involve her shop. Or her adoptive charges. Or her littermate even. Murmur only knows how much this Greed craved a change from her daily day-to-day life. There had been a buzz around Books & Fibre Arts Land regarding the competition that both Hutch and Quince were hosting. That had piqued her curiosity and hence she is in the area now.

Adelaide slid her braided hair over her shoulder as she scanned the area with her sweet Albino Avia by her side then her eyebrows went up once she caught sight of a familiar face. Someone she knew from her Syndicate days. Well then. Perhaps she should go greet him and see how Andre’s been since his departure?
….Then again he left before she did. This will be interesting. 

“It has been a long time since I’ve seen you. You appear to be doing better now” Adelaide commented as she approached the other Greed. 

Andre was absorbed into his own thoughts, before a voice called out to him and he looked up. “I’m doing-”

His voice cut off, eyes boring holes into the doll in front of him, before he turned pale. He wondered if he was just meant to live with horrible luck, that the past never stayed away.

“Why are you here… why are you talking to me, Two,” his voice tried to stay strong, but he sounded breathless. Andre wasn’t the type of doll to glare, but the look in his eyes was unsettlingly tense. 

Adelaide shook her head in amusement, not surprised at the hostile reaction as she lifted her hands in a pacifying gesture “It’s Adelaide. Or rather, Abby. I retired” Her voice would sound oddly warm to his ears, almost like a comforting tone. There would be none of that icy sharp edge that she had been known for.

Her Avia settled on her head and nested down comfortably causing Abby to roll her eyes at her imp. “Albite, what have I said about nesting in my hair? Honestly, my imps-!”

Adelaide’s gaze returned to the other tense Greed “I was not expecting to run into you-” she then took note of his Gargowl nearby “-Oh are you also here for the competition?”

The warmth was bittersweet, a lost comfort that didn’t settle well on his skin from his memories of her. This doll might be retired, but Andre wasn’t the kind of person to accept things at face value. His distrust wouldn’t be so easily rid.

He glanced up at her hair, his hands twitching as he looked back down to Coffin. The gargowl seemed to notice his discomfort, snapping his little head towards the other doll.

“Something like that, it’s good for… my image.” Suddenly Andre hoped he wasn’t recognized for his work, something ugly was crawling under his ribs.

Adelaide was not oblivious to the discomfort and distrust from other bun. She knew of his reputation, her customers never shut up after all and one of her employees loved their music.
She was not oblivious to the consequences that would result if she spoke her thoughts out loud so she chose not to comment on it; leaving Andre to his small comforts.

“Trying to pivot away from street life then?” Adelaide mused, ignoring the reaction of the Gargowl as she was quite used to the stony flighty imps. 

Just then, Albite flew off her hair and down toward the other imp with Abby sighing softly at her imp as Albite eyed the Gargowl.

“I thought getting my ass beat was proof of that,” Andre muttered, feeling a rush of bitterness, before he shook his head firmly. He needed to get a hold of himself, his fans were used to his easy smile and if he was recognized here, it better damn well be when he was happy.

He forced a grin on his face, “But really I’m just here for the competitions.”

Coffin stared at the little bird imp, his eyes sharp as he clicked his beak warningly. There was only one other imp he could stand and it wasn’t a stranger.

Adelaide chose to ignore that first statement as she nodded at his forced grin and comment before narrowing her eyes down at the two birds, knowing her Avia rather well. Then she made a swift move to bend down and slammed her hand around Albite in a firm grip just as the Albino Avia made a move to peck at the other imp. Bringing the little imp to her face, she clicked her tongue.

“Light and Flame really are a bad influence on you aren’t they? I should have brought along Vesa instead,” Albite puffed up its feathers in protest as Adelaide sighed. “Don’t bother other imps. That’s not why I brought you along and you know that.”

To Andre, Adelaide offered a quick apology regarding her imp bothering his imp before speaking, “How about we have a little friendly competition before splitting up? There is quite a lot here to do.”

Andre didn’t seem bothered by the avia trying to peck Coffin, he knew he could trust his pet not to react to the perceived aggression. “Don’t apologize for that, Coffin isn’t the kind of imp that loses his temper.”

He sighed softly, petting his gargowl on the head. “What competition?” Any that could get him out of here as quickly as possible.

Adelaide nodded as she scanned the area, frowning lightly when she did not see something that would suit both of their imps. Then her eyes landed on the race tracks with a lure attached. It seemed to be targeted specifically at flighted imps.

“That one might suit our imps best?” She gestured.

Andre wanted to agree, but something made him pause. “Your imp… won’t attack mine while they're racing will they? Seems very quick to peck.”

And he feared how Coffin would react to an imp smaller than him doing that. It wouldn’t end well.

Adelaide’s brown eyes bore into the Albino Avia in her hand in warning as the flighted imp deflated with a quiet coo. She narrowed her eyes and the Avia stopped wriggling around in her grip.

“.....Between my two Candyls, two Avias and one Egghel, this one is my most well behaved surprisingly enough. Besides I’ve got some treats with me that I can withdraw if Albite doesn’t behave. They’re freeze dried fruits, their favorite”
Albite indeed was pouting up at her warning, knowing it would have to behave if it wanted to get those sweet treats.

“Besides, Albite has made a mistake of trying to peck another Gargowl while flying once in the past. It was lucky that Gargowl’s owner stepped in swiftly and separated them”

Adelaide had remembered the rant she had been witness to.

Andre nodded, his shoulders slightly relaxing. He was still tense, but without any pressing danger, he couldn’t exactly keep up the unnerved routine. “Coffin is my only imp and while he isn’t aggressive by nature, he really doesn’t like other imps being close to him.”

He petted the gargowl slowly, “But he is very well behaved, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Adelaide had to keep her comments to herself, knowing that it was not the best idea to potentially provoke Andre especially when he was still so tense around her. She only nodded as she carried Albite with her toward the tracks so they could sign up and start their competitive race with their flighted imps.

Adelaide only hoped that Albite would not get distracted. It was rare but it did happen.

Andre was never particularly known for being violent when he was part of the syndicate, but it had been well known among them that even he had a breaking point. Even the kindest gesture was wearing on him, especially when he was distrustful.

Andre sighed as he carried Coffin towards the tracks. “Don’t cause trouble,” he whispered to his imp.

Once Adelaide had signed them both up for the race, she stepped aside to let the doll operating the area explain the rules.

“You two will keep restraint on your imps in your best methods until I have called for the start. We will do three laps. To win; you have to either catch the lure-” they gestured to the small appetizing lure on the track “-or cross the final line on the third lap. Is that understood?”

Adelaide nodded as Albite wriggled about in her grip, its feathers puffing up in anticipation as it zeroed in on the lure. Good.

Andre listened patiently, his shoulders rolling as he waited for the race to begin. He was a bit worried that Coffin won’t be able to help himself if he gets bothered by that smaller imp.

But Andre couldn’t focus on that, he needed to trust his pet. So he just held up his arm, waiting for the moment to let his gargowl fly.

Adelaide slowly opened her hand as she held it up for her imp to get ready to chase the lure. The doll handling the event did the count down and upon calling for START!; Albite took flight from Adelaide’s hand to chase the lure that had shot out.

Hopefully the albino Avia would behave. Adelaide was not in the mood to deal with shenanigans especially with Andre nearby.

Coffin took off the moment the event handler shouted START, the gargowl swiftly flying through the air. His keen eyes trained on the lure as he hastened forward.

Andre watched silently, his hands twitching. He had taught his imp a few things, but a real competition was entirely different.

Normally Adelaide would let her Avia fly and race with other flighted imps but ever since that incident with another Gargyowl, she had avoided doing so and thus her concern when she took note of Albite struggling to keep up with the imposing Gargyowl. Shit.

Albite’s wings were working overtime to keep up with Coffin but it was lagging behind considerably.

If a gargowl could be mockingly confident, then Coffin was practically smirking as his wings cut through the air. Unlike his owner, it seemed he felt the burn of competition, the desire to win.

Andre had to admit he has never really seen this side of his pet before, whether it really was being competitive or for a dislike of the avia, Coffin was determined.

Adelaide could see her little Avia getting infuriated by the mocking confidence the other imp was emitting and groaned inwardly as Albite worked even more to keep up, managing to catch up to barely on the Gargowl’s tail feathers. It was still not enough as the imp was barely keeping pace. 

She would have to soothe her imp’s ruffled feathers later with plenty of treats. The imps were on their second lap now.

Coffin didn’t seem bothered by the imp. barely catching up to him, instead he focused on going faster. It seemed instead of winning by the laps, his eyes were set on the lure. He was trying to catch it.

Andre wondered where this was coming from, unless… Minerva wasn’t being honest about not leaving her imp around his. 

Adelaide was going to have to socialize her imps with others more. Way more. At least her imp was behaving. It did look like this race was going to be decided by the lure capture.

Adelaide glanced toward Andre from the corner of her eyes, assessing his current state.

Andre felt excited to be able to see his imp working hard, Coffin didn’t usually do much beyond staying on his perch (or stealing his bf’s imp). He even forgot Adelaide was near him, he forgot to be nervous.

Coffin hastily quickened the beats of his wings, his beak opening as he snapped onto the lure. 

The moment the Gargowl’s beak closed around the lure and the doll running the event called for the race’s end; Adelaide immediately called for her Avia’s return and it did so with a grumble as it puffed up its feathers in her hand much to her exasperated amusement. 

“You did your best, Albite. Relax” she quietly chided as she pulled out some sweet frozen dried strawberries for the imp to peck at.

“Congratulations” that was directed at Andre and his imp.

Andre held his arm up for Coffin to land, smiling to himself when he saw his imp didn’t let go of the lure. “I wasn’t expecting that out of you, didn’t want to lose?”

Coffin simply stretched out his wings as he shrugged, he was pleased. Especially to defeat that pesky little bird.

Andre froze, realizing he was being spoken to, his walls already raising, “Thank you…. Your imp tried its best.”

Adelaide was secretly glad to see Andre a lot more relaxed compared to his time in the Syndicate. She didn’t fault him for being tense around her especially considering how she had been.

Adelaide scratched Albite under the beak as she nodded at him “Thank you. We’ll take our leave now. It was good to see you again” Adelaide then turned and walked off, knowing that there would be nothing she could do to lower Andre’s walls and she understood that. For now she would have to soothe Albite’s ruffled pride.

Andre didn’t know what to say to that and so hesitated, until all he could say was a quick, “Of course,” before he fell silent. He took a deep breath and looked down at Coffin again, petting his imp slowly.

He still didn’t know what to think after meeting Two again, or rather Adelaide, even retired, he never knew wanted to see others from the syndicate again. 

He shook his head and tried back towards the training camp. He was here for his imp, he needed to stop making things about himself and focus on Coffin. His bird was the only winner.

Flyby Competition
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In Prompts ・ By Limi, oldmanbecca

Words: 2502

Submitted By oldmanbecca for Spirit of Competition
Submitted: 1 month and 4 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 4 days ago

Limi: Half of rp - Abby
oldmanbecca: Half of rp
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