The master plan of Rufus

In Prompts ・ By HoneyNo, Ziema
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There he stood, in front of an imp racing track, the youngest head of the royal family, with his most precious imp trembling in his arms and hissing at the ‘intruding’ imp that was jumping on her master's leg trying to reach her.

While this was playing out between the imps, a very annoyed Rufus stared at the owner of the imp making his precious little princess stressed.

“Jessie, my dear, get that…thing away from her.” he huffed as he lifted his imp higher before just placing her on top of his head, where she happily started to purr.
“Yes, sir.”
Jessie said with a smile as he snapped his fingers. In a moment, the small impup ran to his owners side and sat down with a serious face, even though his tail was wagging so fast you could mistake him for a dust cleaner.

Jessie assessed the race track. It wasn't anything difficult in design, it was a straight line of sand and loam, and as flat and smooth as a cutting board, approximately 50 meters long and wide enough to maybe fit 4 imps for a race. The track was clearly made for a sprint race.

Jessie looked down at Diggi, despite his serious face, even a near-blind bun could see how excited the little impup. While looking at his Diggi, he gave a, not so subtle, side eye  towards the phloof and its owner.

“...Rufus… I know that you said you wanted to come along with me to show off how great your phloof, but… Are you sure you want to RACE with Elizabeth? I'm pretty sure this race track wasn't designed with phloofs in mind, and I'm pretty sure that phloofs are known for their speed… Especially against an impup. Are you sure you want to dirty a royal white phloof?”

“She is not white,” Rufus spoke in an offended voice, his hand placed on his chest in an exaggerated manner, “she is an albino!” he announced like a proud father of his daughter,  while poor little Elizabeth was fighting to stay on his head with him moving so much. After a not so long while he calmed down from defending his princess honour, he sighed heavily.

“ I might be, just a tad, overprotective, and she needs some playmates… And as you can see, I am not dealing with it well.” He laughed sheepishly. Rufus scooped the albino phloof off his head and bent down on one knee, placing her down next to the impup and gently nudged her.

“Forgive me for being rude before, as I stated before, I am overprotective of her, y'know, especially with how I got her, hehe. “ He giggled shyly before standing straight up again. He turned back to face Jessie “Plus, who knows, maybe our imps will get along so well after this that, maybe, it will make us get closer too!” He chuckled.

Jessie turned his back to Rufus and took a deep breath, he could already feel the blood rush to his cheeks. He needed to stay calm, like Rufus said, this was a great opportunity to get closer! This is what he left his 10 year job for!! He needs to play it cool, Jessie turned his body again to face the other bun and said, “Yeah! It would be great if we- our pets got-GET together- no, KNOW each other…!”

… Jessie wanted to scream. No, maybe not. It's best he keeps his mouth shut, this mouth has already embarrassed him more than enough for today, maybe even a week, probably A MONTH.

Rufus watched as Jessie stammered through his words and laughed. He playfully smacked his behinds really , really hard. As he did he peeked to see the reaction Jessie would give him, this bun does always give him the most fun expressions and he relishes seeing every new reaction he can force him to make.

Seeing how he really can't capture that reaction he went to the impup and started to pet him. “Hi there, Diggi. What a cute name you have my dear~” He snickers as he pet the small little imp. “Aren't you just excited there little one, oh how obedient you are… just like my little toy there.” He smiled devilishly before giving a glance at Jessie before going back to the imp, “Oh oh Diggi, how about a little race with my precious little Eliza, hmmm?”

Diggis tail starts wagging even faster now. It seemed like he really liked the idea of racing on the track with Elizabeth, Jessie wondered if he would be just as excited if he knew how quick this race was going to be. Nevertheless, what Rufus wanted, Rufus got. So a race it was.

Both imps stood behind the starting line, both looking ready and confident. Jessie pulled out a small whistle and counted down, “Three… two… one…” and then blew it.

In the blink of an eye, Diggi was off, running so fast it was hard to keep track of him, Jessie was a little worried that he might just miss the finish line all together and just run until he got to the training camp's fence. Meanwhile… Elizabeth hadn't even moved an inch, in fact, it looked like she was fussy that some debris got on her white figure. She huffed and puffed in anger, so she waddled to her owner who was smiling in excitement in anticipation.

“Oh noooooooo,” he said in a monotone voice before returning to his cheerful tone, “awh Eliza, you're so tired aren't you, that little impup is just so faaast! Don't you agree, Jewel?” he looked at Jessie with a glistening mischief in his eye.

Jessie blinked rapidly, his mind blank. He for a second thought that Rufus was going to pull a sneaky trick or loophole in the rules that would make his imp the unexpected winner. “Well, uhh, yes! I try to train him well to the best of my abilities!” As he said that he heard the barks of his little winner by his feet. It seems that Diggi had already gotten to the finish line and ran back, his tail still wagging in excitement. Jessie happily gave chin scratches as a reward.

He went closer to Jessie and bent down a little before kissing Jessie on the lips and petting him.
“y'know since she can't really race against such a little lightning fast imp, I have an idea to make it so she doesn't feel so sad!”, he smiled with such an innocent look before slowly walking to a very specific large tree.

Jessie's eyes lit up as bright as his face turned red. “YeAH!” Jessie coughed to hide his voice crack, “Yeah! I mean-, mean sure! Whatever you want! I- I mean, me and Diggi would be happy to please you- ELIZABETH, Elizabeth!” Diggi barked in approval.

He came back with a large object hidden by a cloth as he neared the dying Jessie “Haah? Whaddya say there? Didn't hear you from there.” he huffed before closing his eyes and with a big smile he, with all his royalty and grandiose,  pulled the cloth off the hidden object, a wagon. The wagon was decked out with all gems and jewels imaginable to the Burrowgatory , the shined and glistened, the design on the wagon was extraordinary, every small detail was planned out, just for the princess herself.

“You see, Diggi can pull her around in this! Don't worry the weight and design had the impup in mind so there should be no discomfort or pain for him! And Eliza can just sit right here!!” he smiled before scooping his princess up and placing her on her throne. He snuggled up to Jessie and placed his head on his shoulder “Right, Jessie? You wouldn't mind, would you?” he whispered into his ear with that sensual tone.

Despite Rufus’s best efforts, nothing could stop Jessie from giving the most disgusted and disappointed side eye to the yellow head leaning on his shoulder for this pure show of audacity. However, despite what his owner was feeling, Diggi looked extremely excited, running over to the wagon and running around, even putting both his front paws on the wagon to get a closer view of his friend sitting on top, but not jumping because the phloof was taking up all the space on top.

Diggi barked loudly at his owner for his attention, he had finally noticed the harness at the front of the wagon that was, conveniently, his size. Jessie looked at his impup, wondering if maybe his degrading tendencies had rubbed off on him for Diggi to WANT to carry his competition to the finish line.

Jessie sighed, “... Fine, as long as Diggi wants to, BUT if he halfway finishes and decides he doesn't want to anymore, we unstrap him, understood Rufus?”

Rufus picked him up bridal-style and spun him around “Thank you Jessie, oh thank you!” he giggled and laughed like a happy kid before looking at Jessie “I could just kiss you and eat you up from how happy I am from this!” he devilishly laughed before dropping him down on the ground with no care. “Maybe I'll do that right after our imps have their fun~” he winked.

Jessie yelped when he hit the ground, even letting out a moan when he finally picked himself off the ground and walked to his impup. He securely strapped him on to the wagon, even lifting his impup and the wagon to the starting line, despite the amount of jewels and size of the wagon it was surprisingly light.

With a huff, Jessie backed away from the imps, before taking his small whistle out again and counted down, “Three… two… one…” and blew it once again.

In an instant, Diggi was off again, even with an entire wagon strapped to him he was extremely speedy. All the while Elizabeth was sitting happily on top of her little throne, taking in the cool breeze as Diggie passed the finish line.

The master plan of Rufus
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In Prompts ・ By HoneyNo, Ziema
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Submitted By Ziema for Spirit of Competition
Submitted: 1 month and 2 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 2 days ago

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[The master plan of Rufus by HoneyNo, Ziema (Literature)](
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