In Prompts ・ By LEM0NBREAD
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Riley, a curious bun, gently moved through the lush greenhouse gardens of the Heavenly Embassy. His delicate fingers carefully held a small pouch filled with the precious seeds of flowers from the heavenly meadow. As he knelt down beside a fertile patch of soil, Riley gently cupped his hands, allowing the seeds to fall from his palms. Each seed carried a whisper of divine energy, promising the birth of vibrant blooms that would bring joy and serenity to all who beheld them, and provide ambrosia for the cherubuns he knew so little about.

With a tender touch, Riley softly pressed each seed into the earth, ensuring they were nestled securely in their new home, then covered them with soft soil. He was careful to not press or pack them too hard, cause if he did, he knew they wouldnt be able to bloom their way through the packed soil. He knew that these flowers were more than just botanical wonders; they were a key to brewing the ambrosia the cherubuns seemed to cherish so much.

“You’re doing wonderful!” A cherubun known as Dove said from the sidelines. She was there to supervise the succubun’s task and make sure he was doing everything correctly as well as treating the seeds with utmost care. She had snacks and juice with her for a break once Riley was ready for one as well, wanting to make sure the succubun was comfortable as well and well taken care of for his hard work.

With a soft, sheepish smile at the praise, he continued his sacred task, Riley's heart overflowed with a sense of purpose. He understood the importance of nurturing these seeds.

The greenhouse hummed with life as Riley moved from one patch of soil to the next. Soft sunlight filtered through the glass roof, casting a warm glow on Riley’s focused face. The air carried a heady scent of anticipation, as if even the plants themselves recognized the divine potential of these seeds. With each seed planted, Riley felt a deep connection to the heavenly meadow. It was as if he could hear the whispers of the flowers, urging him to tend to them with love and care. And so, he did, watering them with droplets of pure water and humming soft tunes to encourage their growth.

In time, the greenhouse would transform into a vibrant sanctuary, bursting with a kaleidoscope of colors and fragrances. Visitors to the Heavenly Embassy would find solace and inspiration amidst the blooming flowers, their souls uplifted by the touch of the divine.

As Riley worked, he couldn't help but wonder about the cherubuns. They were elusive beings. Their love for ambrosia, such a mystical nectar, was well-known, but the succubun had never had the chance to meet one personally until earlier today. He had heard tales of their ethereal beauty and gentle nature, and he oddly longed to witness it for himself despite being someone who was so introverted and kept to himself.

Dove, sensing Riley's curiosity about cherubuns, began to share stories about them. She told him about their delicate wings, which shimmered in hues of sunlight. She described their sweet voices, capable of soothing even the deepest of sorrows. And she spoke of their unwavering dedication to spreading love and joy throughout the heavenly realms. Listening to Dove's words, Riley's imagination soared. He envisioned the cherubuns flitting from flower to flower, collecting the nectar that would sustain them and bring them closer to their divine purpose. He wondered if they were the same as succubuns. Did they eat the same food? Care for the same imps? Make friends and have jobs that they have to do?

Lost in his thoughts, Riley almost didn't notice when Dove gently tapped on his shoulder, bringing him back to the present moment. "It's time for a break," she said, offering him a plate of freshly baked cookies and a glass of refreshing juice. Grateful for the small respite, Riley accepted the treat, savoring the sweetness on his tongue.

“You did great! I just know these seeds will be top notch.” Dove spoke with a smile. 

Riley chuckled a little to himself and nodded. “I hope so. I know I don’t know a whole lot about cherubuns, but I want to learn. And if this task helps me get to know you all better and help you make flowers for your ambrosia, then I’m more than happy to help.”

Dove smiled warmly at that and nodded, refilling Riley's cup with juice and  handing him a plate with a sandwich that she had prepared on it. “We really appreciate it. We cannot return to the Heavenly Meadow to obtain more flowers or seeds, so the ones we have are quite precious and must be tended to with the utmost care. The way you treated those seeds was perfect.” Dove reassured the brown bun, patting him on the back slightly. 

Riley smiled at that and happily bit into his sandwich. Now that he had done all this work, he was realizing that he was hungrier than he thought he had been.

Soon enough, it was time to get back to work and finish up planting the seeds. He quickly got back to the beds of soil and once again, delicately planted the seeds.

The sun soon started the set, painting the sky in hues of orange, reds and yellows. As Riley finished planting the last seed, he stood up, wiping his head with his arm, his heart brimming with gratitude for the opportunity to play a part in this celestial dance of creation. He knew that the flowers she had sown would blossom into a tapestry of beauty, serving as a reminder of the eternal connection between cherubuns and succubuns.

With a final glance at the garden, Riley nodded to himself and headed out. His work was done for now, but he knew that his caring for these seeds wasn’t over, ensuring that the seeds would bloom brightly and shimmer their faint glow soon enough.

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In Prompts ・ By LEM0NBREAD
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Submitted By LEM0NBREAD for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 1
Submitted: 1 month and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 month and 3 weeks ago

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[[PURSUIT OF DILIGENCE] Chapter 1 by LEM0NBREAD (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/34458)
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