Spice’s Shell Collecting

In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca
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Lost in between the crowds of succubuns and a hand full of cherubuns. Spice hopped across the warm sand in hunt of treasure.

Or rather, the colorful shells that lined the beach. Each one more shiny and brilliant than the last, glimmering under the false light of the burrows. She may not have known, or even understood, how these trinkets ended up so far below, but she loved them all the same.

She knelt down, smiling to herself as she plunked a pink shell off the ground. “Do you think Sugar will like this one?”

She looked down at her tiny companion.

Milk, the mamoo, stomped his tiny hoof in approval, before pretending to sniff along the beach for other shells. If there was one thing he was good at, it was trying to help his owner or at least let her think he was helping.

Spice giggled softly, “You’re a good boy, Milk, I’ll make sure to buy you your favorite dango after this.” The Mitarashi Dangos, from Dan’s shop, were a little more pricey than other flavors, but she would never miss the chance to spoil her pets.

Milk paused, before he began to jump around in excitement.

“You always seem to know what I mean, don’t you?” Spice scratched under his chin. “But don’t celebrate too early! I want to collect shells for all of our friends.”

Milk seemed content as he was scratched, letting out a curious sound as Spice spoke.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d never miss a chance to give Sugar a special gift. That’s what my BFF deserves, but this is summer! Everyone deserves a pretty shell that shows off who they are. They could even make something pretty with them!” Spice clapped her hands suddenly, “Oh! That’s it, I’ll collect a bunch of shells and make them jewelry. Sugar can’t even complain about that since summer is the perfect time to wear shells for our customers to see.”

Milk didn’t really understand his owner when she spoke all fast like that, but as long as she kept scratching him, he didn’t really care.

Which kind of soured things when Spice immediately stood back up. “Okay! We have a lot of ground to cover and not much time. I practically had to beg Sugar for two days off this week.”

Milk slumped slightly, his hooves digging into the ground as he realized the chance to do nothing as he was petted was over.

Spice smiled softly, “Oh come on, you little grump! It won’t take us that long, definitely before Dan’s closes.”

At the mention of his future treat, Milk popped back up and turned towards another stretch of sand. He had to help with this collecting or he’d never see his delicious dangos.

“That’s the spirit! Come on, let’s grab a few more for Sugar. Maybe some extra? Hmm he might like to decorate a cake with real shells. Kind of weird if you asked me, I mean who would want a cake covered with real seashells you can’t eat?” She’d much prefer a bunch of sugar shells, with a good crunch.

Milk was already done the beach by the time she stopped talking, encouraging Spice to quickly follow after him.

The mamoo was continuously picking up shells and setting them into piles by size and shape. He was fast, his little hooves tapping quickly over the sand as he worked.

It was enough to make Spice stop, her expression surprised as she watched. “Oh Milk, you’re so smart, aren’t you? My little baby,” she cooed, already kneeling down once again to collect the shells in the basket she brought with her.

“You found so many so fast! It’s even enough for Sugar’s cakes… probably? That man sure does go through things fast, like the mushroom season! Do you remember all that collecting we did?” Spice shook her head fondly, reminiscing about the errands she was always sent off on.

That was the nice part about summer, the freedom she had to run around outside and even better that it wasn’t just for errands. She got to enjoy her life however she wished to. Summer really was her favorite season, her season of shells.

Spice’s Shell Collecting
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca

Words:  702

Submitted By oldmanbecca for She Sells SeashellsView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 2 months and 4 days ago

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