Wind Down, Wind Up

In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm
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Faye struts into the barcade like they belong there. They definitely stand out among the neon lights and bright music from the arcade machine, if any of the patrons care to take notice of them. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Faye doesn't really bother to care. If other succubuns can't wrap their heads around a model spending their free time in a barcade, that's on them.

Besides, Faye is here to unwind just like the rest of them. They can mind their business.

They make their way to the bar and sit right in front of the bartender on duty. They recognize her, a sloth bun with dark hair and a big jacket and no tail. She's served them before, but they never really bother with remembering names of unimportant people. But clearly she remembers them. They watch as she groans (actually groans!) when she sees them sit down.

“Good evening.” Faye doesn't smile at her. She doesn't smile at them.

“Every time you come in, Shiloh gets pissy and I have to deal with it.” Well. Maybe they smile a little bit. “Wipe that grin off your face, I don't care how small it is. What do you want?”

They bring up a sleeve to cover their expression. “Something sweet tonight. And the owner.”

The bartender groans again. “Do you two have to do this every time?” At least she starts making their drink, even while complaining about them. Faye nods.

“Of course. I always want to see my good friend when I stop in.” They’re not friends. Everyone who knows them knows that. Still, Faye will be calling Shiloh their friend no matter what. They’re not sure what else to call their relationship.

The bartender scoffs and sets down a pale pink drink in front of them. “At best, the two of you are fuck buddies. Not that I understand why.”

Faye gently pulls their sleeve back to free one delicate hand to hold the drink. They take a sip. It’s sweet, like requested, but not overtly so. Despite her attitude, this girl does know how to mix pleasant drinks. Maybe Faye ought to learn her name one of these days.

Not tonight, though. Tonight, they just want release with a familiar and comfortable face. And that means dragging Shiloh out of whatever room he’s hidden himself in.

“And Shiloh?” they ask, taking another sip. It's a good drink. Faye will need to be careful not to drink it too fast, lest it go to their head.

“I was hoping you'd forget about him…” She shakes her head and heaves a sigh. “Fiiiine, I'll go find him. No promises that he'll come.”

They just nod to her and she goes to look for the owner. Faye sits quietly, sipping on their drink. They consider pulling out their phone to at least look busy while they wait, but they know nothing interesting will be waiting for them. They rarely post to social media, and most (if not all) of their messages are work related. They're not looking to work on their night out. So instead they just rest their chin on their hand, idly sipping their drink. Their eyes slide lazily over to the pair of succubuns a few seats down at the bar. They're whispering and staring. Maybe they’ve recognized Faye by now. They don't really care, but the attention gets annoying. They've half a mind to say something to them.

Except Shiloh's hand slams down on the bar beside them, loud enough to make them jump. The look on his face is just what they'd expect, annoyed and angry and cute. Faye can feel the giddy anticipation of whatever he's about to say. Or maybe it's just the alcohol taking effect.

“How many times am I gonna have to tell you to stop coming here?” Faye covers their face with their sleeve again.

“Hello, Shiloh.” It’s a rather amicable greeting, even if there isn’t much of a tone to their voice. Someone might even call it nice.

Not Shiloh, though. His face is twisted into such a cute glare. His eyebrow almost touches his eyepatch with how furrowed it is. “I said leave.”

Faye takes another sip of their drink, looking innocently at him. “No. I’m still finishing my drink.” They wave it at him, as if he couldn’t see it already.

Shiloh spares the drink a single glance before he snatches it out of their hand. Faye almost protests, they liked that drink, but then Shiloh is holding the glass to his lips and knocking the drink back. They watch him down the rest of their drink, a little annoyed but also… Their wings flutter a bit. Shiloh is always so cute when he’s like this. He slams the glass on the table and returns to glaring at them.

“It’s done. Now get out of my bar.”

Faye could leave, could be good and listen to what Shiloh says. But where's the fun in that? They've never really been one to listen. Not when disobeying is so much more fun. So they look him in his eyes, face decidedly neutral, and tilt their head, their bangs falling just barely off of their eye.

“Make me.”

They delight in the way Shiloh stands there, his face beginning to color a pretty red. Faye isn't innocent enough to think they've flustered him. No, he's pissed. And, really, that's exactly what they were trying to achieve. Shiloh always plays so perfectly into their game. They wonder if he's also just playing. Surely he wouldn't fall for this every single time if he didn't like it, just a little bit.

But the annoyance and anger is real, at least in this moment. Shiloh grabs a fistful of their sleeve and tugs on it. He's stronger than he looks and manages to pull Faye out of their chair. Despite the difference in their size, Shiloh is more than capable of dragging them across the room of the barcade.

But, as per usual, he doesn't drag them to the front door. As they approach the door of Shiloh's back room, Faye turns to wave at the bartender. She doesn't even turn to look at them, just flips them off and takes their glass off the counter. That's fine, though. They'll learn her name another night.

For now, they're going to have some fun with their favorite friend.

Wind Down, Wind Up
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In Prompts ・ By tiramistorm

faye winds down from work by getting a certain barcade owner wound up

Submitted By tiramistorm for Night Life
Submitted: 2 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 2 months and 4 days ago

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[Wind Down, Wind Up by tiramistorm (Literature)](
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