A Coincidence @ Bar

In Prompts ・ By Limi
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It was not often that Zero ventured outside his headquarters to explore the outside that did not involve his littermate or favored protégées but Adelaide had cancelled their plans to meet up for drinks; apologizing profusely with the reason being that something unexpected had come up that would take her evening. Zero had been disappointed yet he had understood. She kept her hours wide open so sometimes things came up. The same could be said of his hours and work.

Zero leaned back in his mahogany chair with a quiet sigh as he set down the pen he had been using to work on paperwork; his phone discarded to the side. Work at The Blood Watch Syndicate was never just simply complete. There was always something cropping up. Zero pushed his chair back from the elaborate mahogany desk as he rose to his feet with a much needed stretch that had his back aching from being stuck in seated posture all day long. Normally when plans got cancelled he would head straight home to relax. However, Due to the stress from the day with no thanks to sheer fucking incompetence from some of his members, Zero was in a urgent need of a good drink. Or two.

Zero headed toward the elevators to go down to the main floor. He raised an eyebrow at the way some of the low ranking members were gossiping nearby. Make that several drinks he would be having tonight. Honestly! Did they have nothing better to do? He scowled as he entered the intricately decorated elevator and pushed the button for the desired floor. When the elevator reached the main floor and the doors opened; Zero made his way out and toward the entrance where he spotted a certain scarred Perky Eared Greed and split Perky Eared Lust looking like they had just met up. A calm demeanor slid over his body and he slid his hands into pockets as he approached them.

"Venka. I presume you are about to depart for your assigned mission?" At the sound of his silky voice calling out, the Greed turned around and inclined her head

"Yes, sir." Zero's Evil Eyes slid to the side where one of his favored protégées was standing and raised an eyebrow "And you are taking Molotov?"

"Yes, sir. He is an appropriate fit for the mission." Venka confirmed and Zero's eyes slid back toward her then inclined his head in silent approval.

"I expect competency from both of you." With that, Zero effectively dismissed them with his departure. He knew that Venka and Molotov could be rather competent. Hell, they've proven themselves on multiple occasions already. Still. A stern warning was often necessary. Zero let his feet take him through the streets, bypassing the bars he knew his members often frequented; desiring something more quieter. If that was even the correct word knowing the general Burrowgatory population. He eventually entered a bar in a more well-off area and scanned the interior, noting that it was a lot less crowded than he had anticipated. Good. Zero made his way over and settled into a stool with his order being "Clawdka. Make it a double."

That got him an odd look from the bartender but his Evil Eyes narrowing had the bartender scrambling to fill his order. His claws tapped on the wooden counter in a quiet rhythm as he waited for his drink. Once it had been slid over, he dropped a few carats for the bartender to take as he sipped his Clawdka with a quiet sigh.

"Long day?" The bartender startled and stepped back from the glare Zero was shooting their way. They profusely apologized for attempting to make small talk and scrambled off to pay attention to other patrons. Zero really wasn't in the mood for small talk. He sipped at his Clawdka while glancing around his surroundings, being rather vigilant himself. Just as he drained his alcoholic drink, he spotted a familiar blue-grey Greed sitting at the bar. Huh now that was not expected.

Zero clicked his tongue as he rose to his feet and made his way over to settle into the available stool at the bar that was unfortunately on Six's blind side.

"Give me another Clawdka." Zero's silky voice placing an order to the bartender had Six whirling his head to the side to stare at him with surprise. Zero turned his head to side slightly to incline his head at Six who turned his head back toward his drink; a Mint Tulep which Zero noted seemed to be good for the Greed's Flora.

"Hello, Zero." Six said calmly, his flicking tail the only sign betraying his embarrassment. "I was lost in thought, didn't notice you."

Zero shook his head slightly "Quite all right. Long day I presume, Six?" He wasn't going to mention that he had taken the stool on Six's blind side. Not to mention that flickering tail? Zero knew that to be a sign of Six's embarrassment and refrained from commenting on it as his protégée was quite proud for a Greed bun.

"A little. Nothing bad; Zephyr's workplace was busy tonight so he asked me to help out... I'm killing time now until he's finished up with a few final things." Six responded as he sipped his Mint Tulep.

Zero chuckled into his drink "You have been spending time with him quite a bit" He shot Six a knowing glance "You are quite fond of him."

"He's just useful-" Six said, too quickly to be believable. He turned his head so the Flora growing from his eye blocks most of his expression from the other bun. That tail flicked a little more. "If it's a problem, Zero, say the word."

Zero huffed out a laugh that perhaps was a tad too loud. The sheer difference between his favored protégées was just too amusing. Molotov trailing after Venka like a puppy and Six being too proud to admit his feelings. Huh. Zero's elbow settled on the counter, hand resting on his cheek as he tilted his head at Six; his long luscious hair slipping over his shoulder a little as he chuckled again. They really did take after him didn't they? It was easy to tell by that last sentence that Six would be genuinely upset if Zero told him to stop spending time with Zephyr.

"It isn't. The competency of your charges has improved considerably since you started working with Zephyr." Not to mention the other changes I've seen in you went unsaid.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Six winced as his questioning came out more hostile than he'd meant it to. "I mean, do you have a job for me, or is this just a coincidental meeting?"

Zero raised an eyebrow at the Six’s wince as the other bun clearly realized that his questioning had come out a bit hostel  before downing his Clawdka. "No. Merely a coincidence. I simply wanted few post-work drinks first." He pushed himself off the stool and onto his feet "I will leave you to your drinking. Do say hello to Zephyr for me." The Envy nodded at the Greed as he moved away before pausing

"Do not forget we will have dinner with Molotov and Adelaide this weekend." He reminded Six then departed the bar.

Zero was hungry. Perhaps he could pick something up on his way home to munch on? Ongiris did sound good.

A Coincidence @ Bar
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In Prompts ・ By Limi
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Submitted By Limi for Night Life
Submitted: 2 months and 6 days agoLast Updated: 2 months and 6 days ago

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