Pet play

In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Nixie awoke to a soft sound coming from near their bed. Still in a daze, they got up and starting looking around. Snuggler Supreme still lay in bed quietly, asleep. Unable to find the source of the noise, they went to leave the bedroom to go to the bathroom. As they reached the pink, decorated doorframe, they heard the noise again. Heading back to the bed, they thought to look under. With the glow of their cheeks, they could  barely make out a faint shape under the bed. It made its noise again and sprinted away, further under the bed. 


“An imp.” Nixie growled to themselves. They weren’t in the mood to deal with any pests today. They went out the shed and looked around for a net. They swore there was one in here from a previous time they had an imp issue. They searched high and low, but could not find the net. “Only one thing to do.” They said, as they shut the shed behind them. Next stop, the imporium. Hutch would know what to do. 


Heading out of the house, Nixie looked around. The day was brighter than usual, so his glowing cheeks and chest markings seemed duller than normal. He huffed and walked towards the imporium. It was a good little walk to get to Hutch’s store. Nixie passed many buns along the way. Most just ignored him, but some smiled and waved hello, or said hi. 


Finally reaching the imporium, they walked inside. Inside were a ton of imps of all kinds. Most were caged, but some walked free, or on a leash. “Hutch? You here?” Nixie asked, loudly. They couldn’t see Hutch anywhere. Just then, a meek voice came from behind a set of curtains. 


“I’ll be right out.” It said. Out walked the bun known as hutch, collar around his neck and all. Hutch was a prominent figure, although a little shy for a Pride bun. 


“There you are! Long time, no see Hutch!” Nixie put on his best friendly voice and went over to shake hands with Hutch. As Nixie went in for a handshake, Hutch mistook the signal and went in for a hug, to Nixie’s surprise.  Seeing the look on their face, Hutch backed up and starting apologizing. “No need to apologize, it was just a misunderstanding.” Nixie said, trying to clear the air of the awkwardness.


“Well, what can I help you with today?” Hutch asked. They picked up a sceil and started petting it. “Are you here for an imp?” They asked, their eyes lighting up. “We have all kinds available right now.” The excited Hutch said. 


“No, not today. Actually the opposite. We have an imp under the bed at our house, and I can’t reach it. I hoped you could come help. Or at least lend me a net to try and get rid of it myself.” Nixie told Hutch. Hutch smiled.


“Of course I can come help. Can it wait until closing time? I don’t have anyone else to watch the store.” Hutch said to Nixie. Nixie nodded yes and waved goodbye, heading home to the Imp. At this time of day, Snugs would already be gone. As expected, Nixie around home to an empty house. Checking under the bed, Sure enough, the imp still sat against the far side of the bed. The one against the wall. The large window did nothing to illuminate the shag carpeting under the bed. 


Later that day, Hutch arrived with a long handled imp catching net. Nixie escorted them inside and showed them to the bedroom. Hutch leaned down and easily caught the imp. It was a phloof. Cute and fuzzy, and quite small even for an imp. Hutch put it a cage that they had brought with them. They then stood up and smiled to Nixie.


“Good boy Hutch. I appreciate it.” Nixie said, not thinking anything of it. Hutch became noticeably flustered. This caught Nixie’s attention. They raised one eyebrow and turned back around to face Hutch. “Hmm. What would happen if I were to grab your leash, do you think?” Nixie said aloud. 


Hutch became even more flustered. They started to say something, but was stumbling over their words. Nixie reached forward and grabbed Hutch’s leash, giving it a solid yank, pulling Hutch face to face with Nixie. “I see you like that.” Nixie said. They smiled deviously and got within inches of Hutch’s face. “Sit boy.” He said, pulling down on the leash. None to his surprise, Hutch sat on his haunches. Nixie chuckled and released the leash. “I’m just messing with you.” Nixie said.


“Please don’t get the wrong idea. This isn’t why I wear the leash. I swear it’s just because I need an extra one in case I find a rogue imp around.” Hutch tried to explain to Nixie. 


“Sure that’s why. I believe you.” They said, smiling at Hutch. Hutch got flustered again and grabbed the net and cage, hurrying out of the house, back to the imporium. 

Pet play
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In Prompts ・ By Raine
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Submitted By Raine for Prey and Praise
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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