Roses and Wolfsbane

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Between the crowds of brightly costumed dolls and the music that drifted aimlessly under the soft sounds of dancing bodies, Rosemond felt already exhausted by the ball. He could appreciate all the effort and expenses put into a lavish event like this, but his mentor kept introducing him to business partners.

It was by sheer luck that he was able to slip away and walk across the dance floor. He might even humor a dance if only to give himself more time to run off.

But with a dress of roses and his height, he wasn’t so foolish to think he wouldn’t be spotted. So instead he wanted to humor other guests.

“Excuse me?” His voice was soft, further dampened by his mask of roses, “Would you care to dance?”

Wolfsbane had been looking over the extravagant h’orderves table, contemplating what he might want to try, even if it was only to stave off a bit of boredom. He had heard the other doll approach, but was still a little caught off guard when he ralized they were addressing him. He looked up, into the eyes of a taller doll clothed nearly head to hoof in red roses. 

Wolf hadn’t been here very long; not even long enough to ensure that his platinum mask wasn’t reflecting his Hellfire in an offensive way in this lighting, as he’d originally put it on in the more dim lighting of his estate’s bathroom. It mustn’t be that bad; surely this doll would not come closer if they were being blinded… 

“Oh, hello. I would be honoured.” Turning fully away from the table, he held out his hand for the other doll to take. “My name is Wolfsbane. You can call me Wolf, or nothing at all if you prefer.” 


Rosemond felt a bit of relief when the other doll agreed to dance, he worried for a moment that his appearance would be too intimidating in comparison with his height. There was also the matter of his dress, both completely covering him while exposing him in the same breath: the cutout for his chest and his bare legs.

He easily took the other doll’s hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. “Don’t be so modest, my dear Wolfsbane, nothing at all doesn’t seem like something you deserve.”

The reflection of Wolf’s mask did feel a bit intense next to his fire, but Rosemond wasn’t deterred, he only seemed to be full of smiles.

Wolfsbane smiled at the flattery, pleased by the Gluttony doll’s easy charisma. He let himself be led to the dance floor, the taller doll’s beauty and mystery intriguing him. “And you, darling? Or do you prefer to remain anonymous tonight?” 


Rosemond couldn’t help laughing, the sound quiet as if he didn’t want to make too much noise. “I don’t think I wear being anonymous very well.” He tilted his head, “My name is Rosemond.”

“Rosemond, hmm?” Wolfsbane chuckled softly. “You’ve got a theme to stick to, I see.” His tone was playful, and he hoped it would come across as such, and not mocking. 

Wolf positioned himself with his free hand on Rosemond’s shoulder, clearly indicating he assumed the other bun was going to lead in the dance. 


“I suppose I do, though it was the demon who raised me that gave me that name. It was a happy coincidence that I love the flower.” Rosemond wolves, not at all offended.

He looked amused when Wolfsbane set his hand on his shoulder, “Oh shall I lead?” He teased.

"That almost sounds like too good of a coincidence to be true," Wolf mused. He blushed a little at Rosemond's reaction to his assumption; of course, with how pale his skin was, a 'little' blush could still turn Wolfsbane a deep red. "Oh, I, well. I've only ever danced with dolls taller than me, and they've always led. I can try to lead if you'd prefer...?" 


Rosemond laughed softly, “No don’t worry, I don’t mind leading.” He quickly situated his hands, encouraging the other doll closer to dance. “I will say, you should be mindful. Not every taller bun is the type to lead.” He found it charming that the other doll was blushing, it wasn’t easy finding someone that turns that red.

“I’ll be sure to learn how to lead before attending any more galas,” Wolfsbane promised, only half-joking. He stepped closer to Rosemond as the other doll got himself situated, wings twitching slightly as Rosemond’s hand landed on his waist. “I’m ready when you are, darling.”

As he got closer, Wolf was able to see Rosemond’s face a little bit better; what wasn’t completely hidden behind his mask of roses was very easy on the eyes, making Wolfsbane feel even more flattered that this doll had approached him for a dance.


Rosemond welcomed the other doll getting closer, his eyes bright through his mark, “Do let me know if you need a dance partner, I’m good at teaching others.” His laughter this time was softer, even teasing. “Oh? Then let’s begin.”

He had to admit he hadn’t meant to be drawn to Wolf, instead he had wanted to just find a dance partner and forget about tonight. But now, as they got closer and swayed into the music, he had to admit, this doll was an attractive find.

Wolf's blush faded as he fell into the familiar movement of the dance, effortlessly keeping step with the music as he and Rosemond joined the rest of the dancing buns and dolls. 

"I'd be honoured to have you as my teacher," Wolfsbane started, tone light-hearted but genuine. "However, forgive me for saying, but you seem like the type of bun that may not have a lot of spare time to travel to an estate on the outskirts of the city just to teach some private lessons."


Rosemond shook his head, falling easily into a playful tone of voice, “Dear that’s why I would call it a business trip for inspiration. You would be surprised how much I can get away with.” 

Given he wasn’t the head of the company yet, he had time to spend on his frivolous activities so long as it didn’t bother his mentor. It was when people started talking that he minded himself. 

“Really, my days are either completely empty or completely filled.”

“I see, a business trip.” Wolfsbane chuckled softly. He wasn’t going to ask directly what the other doll did for a living; that would simply open up the conversation into what he himself did for work, which was, of course, nothing. However, Wolf put his guess under ‘artist’ of some sort for Rosemond’s profession and moved on.

“My days tend to err on the side of ‘empty’, other than the nights of, and preparation for, the balls I occasionally host at my own estate. So it would seem we have compatible schedules.” 


“It’s not technically a lie, I always get inspiration from those I spend time with.” Rosemond admitted, taking a step forward and swayed with the soft music around them. 

“That’s a pity, dear, it’s never fun to have empty days. Although your own party sounds lovely.” He hummed softly, “We should meet again I think, if just to fill a bit of those empty times.”

“I’d like that,” Wolfsbane mused. He hadn’t meant to flirt at the gala tonight, and he still wasn’t sure if that’s what he was doing right now, but Rosemond’s quiet charisma was impossible not to fall into. “We’ll have to exchange contact information after this fine dance, hmm?” 

“Of course, you’ll have to interact quite a lot with my Fellantern if you find yourself at my home; do you like imps?” Wolf tipped his head slightly as he looked up at Rosemond, feet easily keeping step without much thought. 


“Of course,” Rosemond agreed quickly, guiding them through another change in their dance, “We need to make sure we can see each other again, leaving it to one party would be just depressing.”

He laughed again, a mellow sound, more genuine as he looked down at Wolf. “I do adore imps, I have an erose after all. My little Rosé is quite charming, I might have to bring my imp with me to play with yours.”

“An Erose? Staying on theme I see. Is it also red?” Wolf's tone was light, teasing. “Rosé is more than welcome, as are any other imps you’d like to bring. My estate is quite spacious.” 

He made a mental note to let his staff know that multiple little lives would be joining Rosemond whenever the other bun ended up visiting. 


“What can I say? I’ve always been a fan of roses, if you couldn’t tell so.” Rosemond muttered, leading them through their dance as he picked up the pace only slightly.

“That’s such a charming thought, to see my little one running around with others. I’m afraid when I get inspired, my darling tends to be lonely.”

"There's that word again, inspired." Wolfsbane mused. "What exactly do you mean when you say that? Do you lock yourself in a studio, working with materials too expensive to risk having an imp in the space?" 


“Exactly right, my dear Wolf,” Rosemond spun the other doll around as he grinned, “Fashion is a tricky business you know, with its in and outs,once I have a design in mind I won’t stop until it’s down on paper and with a few pieces sewn together..”

Wolfsbane embraced the spin, coming in close to Rosemond once it was done. Ah, perhaps a little closer than he meant to. He dipped his head in apology and moved back a half-step, leaving what he felt was the ‘appropriate’ amount of space between their bodies. 

Fashion, I see… So how exactly would dancing with a Greed like myself inspire you with your fashion design?” 


Rosemond didn’t mind the misstep, instead he found it a little funny how Wolfsbane apologized for getting too close. If Rosemond was bothered, he would have reacted with more than a teasing smile as they danced.

“Everyone is inspiring, you know, it just takes a certain kind to catch my eye. Greed for example, there is a passion there, obsession, something begging to be shown to the world.”

“Is that so?” Wolfsbane chuckled softly, trying not to think too hard about the things he desperately tried not to show to the world. “You could say something similar about Gluttony; how the hunger for more could inspire one to fight harder for the things they want...” 


Rosemond raised an eyebrow, his voice dropping a slight octave, “And that’s entirely what I want the world to see for my own vice. That hunger, starving for more. There is something for every vice you know. The craving, the desire, it exists in everything.”

Wolfsbane was a little taken aback by Rosemond’s sudden intensity, but also intrigued. “I wouldn’t say I know much about fashion, other than knowing what I like,” Wolf gestured down at his usual shirt - vest - pants combo, which had been dressed up for the part by a flowing cape and plenty of silver embroidery. “But I’d be interested in knowing a little more about your designs and process, if that’s something you’re willing to share with near-strangers. For curiosity’s sake is all.” 


Rosemond took a deep breath, he had to remember to contain himself over matters about fashion. He tended to be overly intense when he spoke about his designs or what he thought about fashion. “Well it’s good to know what works for you, you look rather smart in that outfit.”

He tilted his head, thinking for a moment, “I suppose I have a rather unorganized design method. I just look for inspiration and then hole for hours once I’ve found a muse.”

Wolf’s tail curled happily at the compliment. “Thank you, it must be okay if an expert approves.” His tone was partly teasing, but still complimentary - at least, Wolfsbane hoped so. 

“Ah, one of those ‘crazed artist’ types.” Now he was mostly teasing. “Are your muses mostly other buns?” 


Rosemond’s expression softened, he did like to make others happy about the way they looked. “If you should ever want more advice, I’d be happy to help you. Even if your style isn’t always what I design myself.” His floral pieces were out there sometimes.

He laughed, “I suppose I am! But my muses aren’t so crazed I should think, it’s usually the people around me. Like my darling husband, his own fashion choices certainly make me bold.”

Wolfsbane chuckled. “One thing at a time now, hmm Rosemond? Let’s have you teach me how to dance before you go through my wardrobe.” 

“Your husband? It must be nice having similar interests.” 

Wolf thought about Casque at that moment; they wore fairly similar clothing and tended to draw eyes the rare times they went out in public together. 

“I would say your fashion is quite bold as well; I can’t imagine what your darling wears that upstages even you.” He gestured at Rosemond's dress of roses.


“Oh come now, I’m sure you can learn on the go. It’s honestly not hard to dance when you got the right feeling.”

Rosemond laughed mysteriously, swishing his dress slightly, “My dear you have not seen my husband, I’m sure you would find him very bold indeed. A right showstopper in a crowd.”

“I’d love to see it.” Wolfsbane said truthfully. “Your husband - and any imps he may want to bring, of course - is more than welcome to visit my estate whenever you two are available. I’ll have my staff prepare a nice meal and we could take dinner in my garden amongst my own roses. 

“I could also invite my…” Wolf hesitated mid-sentence, still not sure how to define his and Casque’s relationship. “I’ve got a friend that runs a winery, and a bottle of his red would be well worth the trip.” 


Rosemond seemed wistful, “I think that would be lovely, it’s not often we have the chance to be entertained by friends. My husband, bless him, is a bit of the protective type. Always worrying if he’s not right next to me.”

He paused, giving Wolfsbane a curious look, “Well, I’m sure any friend of yours would be delightful to meet.” He had a feeling friends wasn’t the right word for them.

“Well, in that case we may just have to wait until fate brings us back together. I’m sure I’ll be able to recognize you two from miles away, even without having ever met your husband. It would be hard to mistake a sentient rose bouquet, after all.” Wolf’s tail curled happily at the thought of potentially making a new connection; it wasn’t easy to make new friends when you didn’t often leave your manor without invitation.

Wolfsbane blinked as he realized the song was coming to an end; had they really been chatting for that long? He gestured towards the open bar with the end of his tail. “Care to join me for a drink?” 


Rosemond threw his head back with a laugh, “A sentient rose bouquet, oh I like that one.” He had to admit Wolfsbane also matched him fairly well with wit, or at least he thought he was funny.

He nodded, “A drink sounds lovely, it’s all this dancing.” With a gesture, the pair walked away to the bar. For a night at the masquerade, the two dolls were well met at the end.

Roses and Wolfsbane
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In Prompts ・ By FlytexofxFancy, oldmanbecca
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Submitted By FlytexofxFancy for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 2 days agoLast Updated: 1 month and 2 days ago

FlytexofxFancy: RP Partner (Wolfsbane)
oldmanbecca: RP Partner (Rosemond)
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[Roses and Wolfsbane by FlytexofxFancy, oldmanbecca (Literature)](
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