Glutton Food Talk

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If anybun thought that Cider of all buns would just stick to just waitering, like he’d been hired to do, then they were sorely mistaken. 

Not that he didn’t do his job. That absolutely wasn’t the case. Running - or more like speed walking - around and serving others up this and that to eat or drink was second nature to the gluttony bun. He wasn’t going to let a little saltiness stop him from doing his job well.

He was, however, going to do his darndest to get at least a little bit of cooking in. You know, when the chefs weren’t looking. Or even when they were looking. He didn’t give a fuck. What was the worst they could do; kick him out? … He had, in fact, been pretty close to getting kicked out more than once, though that clearly wasn’t enough to deter the stubborn gluttony bun.

Clearly, since his latest trays carried a couple of snacks he’d quickly whipped up himself when no one was looking. Not everything; just the stuffed tomatoes, stuffed peppers and veggie skewers.

“Could I offer you some refreshments?” A common phrase he found himself uttering as he walked from bun to bun; giving them the chance to choose what most caught their attention. Though it might be a little strange doing so at the snack table, but, well… That was mostly the fault of his legs having carried him in that direction. Also, these were different snacks.


Ione so hated fancy events like this. They would far rather be at home doing anything but this. At least the food and drinks were free. Ione had done a dance or two with familiar faces before immediately retreating to the safe haven that was the bar where they could leisurely nurse their drink.

It kept them from getting more grumpy after all. With a heavy sigh, they scanned the floor for their littermate and her friend who had dragged them along. Seems they had found dancing partners. Good.

Ione sipped at their drink as a Gluttony passed by with refreshments and-

Huh. They weren’t the ones Ione had been snacking on all evening. Ione raised an eyebrow as they reached out to take a few from the tray.

“....The venue kitchen staff did not make those, did they?” Ione inquired as they took a bite out of the stuffed pepper.


Try as he might, which wasn’t very hard to begin with, Cider could not beat back the - some would say familiar - grin that spread across his lips at his latest customer’s question. Or, wait, no… Not customer. This wasn’t his restaurant. Ball guest. The latest ball guest. He did do his best to take on a less cocky grin, though.

“Oh? Y’ could tell?” He shot back; honestly a mix of amused and impressed. “Yeah… Made those m’self!” He confirmed, unconsciously puffing his chest out a little with pride as he spoke. Because look, he was proud of the things he made. Especially if… “D’ya like it?”

While he did his best to hide that also, there was a bit of eagerness evident in his tone as he waited for the other’s response.


Ione had to raise an eyebrow at the way this waiter had reacted to their question. It seemed…familiar. As if Ione had seen it on someone else before…


“I’ve been snacking on the food all evening, and I know food well” Ione commented as they took another bite to chew on with a low hum while taking in more of the body language. They clicked their tongue softly

“It is delicious. I presume you wanted to join the kitchen staff but ended up on the waiter staff? A shame” Ione observed as they sipped their drink.

“Judging by the hint of eagerness in your tone… You work with food a lot?” Ione could almost always tell when they had met someone who worked in the same industry as them.


Oh? … Oh! Hah!

“Damn right it is!” The words were out before he could stop himself. It was all fine and dandy being his usual boastful self while in his restaurant, but the gluttony bun did try to be a little more…thoughtful? While he was here. Not that he was going to apologize or take his words back or anything. We just kept moving on now. “...but yeah. Just missed the window. Waiter staff’s still better than being on cleaning duty, though.” Not good enough, but eh.

His grin was back full force when asked about his profession. Nodding before answering, “Yeah, I’ve got my own restaurant I run. If y’ like good food, y’ should definitely come ‘nd check it out. It’s a place called Bite Me! Maybe y’ve heard of it?” There was a bit of a hopeful tinge in the gluttony bun’s voice as he asked his question. As confident as he was in his cooking skills, he was… Still pretty new on the scene. So while it wouldn’t actually be all that surprising if this guest hadn’t heard of his place…

Granted, it probably didn’t help that it was quite the rowdy establishment. On purpose.

“What do you do?” A genuine question. If they knew food well, then surely…?


Ione reached for the stuffed tomato to munch on with some amusement at the excitement and boasting in the other gluttony's voice. It was quite familiar though….

“A shame you missed the window” They clicked their tongue in disapproval “Cleaning duty sucks.”

“Oh? I have heard about it. Some of my customers talk about it. I haven’t had time to stop by unfortunately. My work keeps me very busy” Ione tutted. That restaurant had a reputation for being rowdy which wasn’t up their alley. That and one of their littermates seemed hell bent on avoiding it for some reason. That did puzzle Ione. 

“Sides, I’m not a big fan of rowdy scenes. It’s enough I have to keep my friends in line….” They sighed fondly. At the question directed their way, Ione paused and answered honestly

“I run a coffee cafe called ‘The Daily Grind’. I make all coffee blends in house as well as offer a selection of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner” It is their pride and joy. It had taken years of hard work but Ione was quite happy with the success. 

“...Ah yes pardon my manners, my name is Ione and you are?”


Cider could feel pride well up inside him upon hearing that the other had actually heard of his restaurant before. Sure it was through customers, but that did mean that word was successfully getting out there. There was also a bit of disappointment in hearing that they weren’t a fan of the rowdiness, which was understandable, but… Hmmm…

The rowdiness was part of its charm, though. That’s what Cider thought at least. Seeing them enjoy some of the snacks he’d prepared ‘in secret’ though… 

The chef did perk up a little upon hearing what the other did, though. The Daily Grind… A thoughtful look took over Cider’s face as he rummaged through his memory banks. He’d definitely heard of that place before, but hadn’t gotten around to visiting it yet. It was definitely on his long, long, long list of food establishments to visit, though. Maybe this little meeting of theirs would help speed that process along. He was definitely curious now about what kind of goods this bun had to offer. A bun with excellent taste, mind you. 

“Sounds impressive.” A genuine reply. “I’ll be sure t’ come check it out whenever there’s a gap in my schedule again.” Or, y’know; whenever he made a gap in his schedule. Was his restaurant important to him? Of course! But so was sampling any and all of the cuisines that Burrowgatory had to offer. How else would he hone his craft and become a true master chef? Which, speaking of–

“I’m master chef Cider!” He replied proudly after learning Ione’s name, followed by a pause, before shrugging. “Or just Cider.” There were definitely gears turning in this gluttony bun’s head. The fact that Ione - obviously - liked his food, but didn’t like rowdy places, the fact they had their own establishment that he was definitely going to check out in the near future… Sure, there was the chance that their coffee was trash, but he was hopeful. Hopeful, excited…

And maybe should get to work at some point again, honestly. He probably looked at least a little silly holding a conversation with somebun while holding up two trays with food and drinks like it was nothing.


Ione continued to munch on the small finger food as they watched various facial expressions cross the other Gluttony’s face.

He was fascinating and yet so familiar.. Perhaps it was that Glassy trait? Or that yellow colouring? Ione wasn’t sure but they knew it would click eventually.

“Do visit when you can. I always appreciate having fellow food business owners stop by as I find it enjoyable to talk food. Nice to meet you, Cider” Ione was amused at the way he corrected himself. His excitement was a little contagious.

“Why did you pick stuffed tomatoes, stuffed peppers and vegetable skewers to offer?” They were curious.


Someone else to talk food with, huh…? Yeah… yeah! That sounded pretty heckin’ sweet to Cider in all honesty. He couldn’t wait!

As for the question he’d been asked, well… “‘s the fastest ‘nd easiest things I could mess around with before kitchen staff’d catch on ‘nd tried to throw me out again.” …should he have admitted to the ‘again?’ … Eh. “Would’ve loved t’ do more or get more experimental in there, but…” He shrugged. It had been a mix of using some of what was already prepared and quickly preparing his own stuff while no one was really paying attention. Not exactly the easiest thing to do, but boy was he stubborn.

Hmm… Actually. “‘s there anything in particular y’ like? T’ eat.” Probably a loaded question to ask a gluttony bun, considering he’d been asked the same question he’d have to pull out a list, but… Hey, asking was free.


Ione had to laugh at the admission from Cider. Fastest and easiest things to mess around with…


“Again?? Explain more!” Ione was immediately curious and demanded details. Oh they were intrigued even more now. That daring attitude peaked that part of Ione that found Cider rather familiar. Hmmm.

At his question, Ione shrugged “Chilli’s my favorite but I do like other dishes, especially savory ones. What about you? What’s your favorite dish?” 

Risky asking a fellow gluttony but hey. Everybun has their favorite, yeah? 


Cider was a little caught off guard by the other’s bun…outburst? Only a little, though. “Uhh, I mean…” It took a moment, but he quickly managed to recover his composure  “I know ’m just a waiter here, but ‘m also a chef, y’know? So I wanna cook. So I’m gonna cook… When I get the chance.” Or rather, when he decides to take a chance. There was a short pause before he spoke, or rather muttered, again. “Not that the kitchen staff seems t’ appreciate my expertise. Should be thankin’ me instead a’ tossin’ me out when ‘m tryin’ t’ make something good for everyone here.” 

Talking about it clearly made Cider kind of grumpy, but said grump was quickly replaced by a sparkle in his eyes at Ione’s answer of his question. Gears started turning in this gluttony’s mind, but for now? “Picking just one is hard, but… It might have t’ be burritos for me, with chili actually bein’ a real close second. ‘m sure ‘m real close to makin’ that a speciality of mine, too.” He could…absolutely go on, and he did seem to be on the verge of going on some kind of rambling spree.


“Well, the staff do work for Angora after all and she is rather particular regarding her staff and their stations. Your food is tasty after all” Ione seemed amused by his grumpy tone.

“Burritos are good, I don’t make them as often though. Do tell me more about your speciality. You’ve made the evening more bearable for me” Ione prompted, the gears in their head slowly turning quite a bit. 

They were beginning to connect the dots on why Cider was so familiar. 

Then it clicked. The split hair. The yellow, green, purple, the passion, the grumpiness, the energetic energy.

It reminded Ione of one of their littermates. Limon. She has had a kit with one of her sparring friends. A purple pride. The exact same shade of purple on Cider’s colouring. 

They clicked their tongue in amusement, now understanding why Cider’s place was so adamantly avoided. 

Blood relations. Limon’s kit. That explains it.

Ione decided to keep the little realization to themselves. It was better this way.

“Do you ever mix sweet and savory in one dish?”


Oh man, Cider had been all kinds of ready to go on about the amazing versatility of burritos, though he did personally really specialize in making one sort. His ‘Fight-for-your-right-to-eat-this-burrito’ burrito, which was part of the reason his restaurant got as rowdy as it did. As well as his own cooking philosophies and the likes, but just as he was about to answer any of Ione’s questions, the shorter gluttony bun felt a tap on his shoulder and noticed that- Oh.

He was out of snacks.

And, oh right; he was working. He couldn't really spend the entire evening just chatting with this taller gluttony bun, as much as he'd love to. Hmmm…

He grinned a somewhat familiar grin, “You hold that thought. I'mma go restock, make a couple a rounds ‘nd be right back again, aight?” He didn't even wait for an answer proper. After those words were out of his mouth the energetic chef-slash-waiter was off. Making his way towards the kitchen to stock up, probably sneakily whip up some snacks of his own again and, like he'd said, make a couple of rounds before circling back to Ione again.

After all, their conversation had been going so well.


Ione had to chuckle when Cider got his attention pulled away due to his empty platter. Guess the conversation had been so highly enlightening that he hadn’t noticed his platter quickly emptying.

….Not that it really helped that Ione had been stealing bites throughout their conversation. It couldn’t be helped, they were after all, a Glutton for food. Ione barely got out a nod before Cider was hurrying off. 

Shaking their head with a quiet laugh, they decided to make their rounds around the bar and check on a few of their acquaintances attending the event. Make sure their littermate and best friend was enjoying herself. May as well make most of it since Ione had gotten dragged out of their house, yeah?

Did Ione get dragged onto the dance floor? Unfortunately yes, several times. But hey as long as there weren’t anything causing issues Ione was content. If they got to spend most of their evening in an enlightening conversation about food?
Well then. Why the heck not?

Glutton Food Talk
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In Prompts ・ By ChibiCrashey, Limi
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Submitted By Limi for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 20 hours agoLast Updated: 1 month and 20 hours ago

ChibiCrashey: Cider
Limi: Ione
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